What to do after a False Negative Pregnancy test? Repeat a test after a few days or get a blood test. You can get a false negative after a missed period date has crossed. Other reason could be you are testing too early. Breastfeeding and false negative pregnancy test could lead to an unwanted conception. With early digital PT kits, you can test earlier and lower the chances of a false negative.
False negative pregnancy test washes away all your hopes when they must still survive. When you are pregnant but get a negative pregnancy test, it is not only sad but dangerous.
You can continue with habits that you must not. Other possible case is when an unwanted pregnancy goes undetected. It is also harmful as the later stages are more critical for abortion.
A false negative pregnancy test can be because you took the test too early or used a very less sensitive pregnancy test.
In either case, you have got a false pregnancy test and are not aware of it. Therefore, relying on a single home pregnancy test is a mistake.
You need to take two tests with some time lag at least to confirm your results.
What to do after a false negative pregnancy test?
First of all, it is vital that you come to know that you’ve got a false negative pregnancy test.
Only after that, it will be possible that you take some step.
How to find a false negative pregnancy test?
You can find out that you’ve had a false negative pregnancy test when you repeat the test. When you see pregnancy signs, it will tell you that something is wrong.
After taking a pregnancy test and getting a negative result, the first thing you expect is period.
If your period doesn’t return, then you’ll know that the test was not right.

After getting a false negative pregnancy test during infertility treatment don’t immediately jump to conclusions.
The egg embedment can take time depending upon the stage when the zygote went inside your uterus.
Don’t take any extreme steps like reverting to smoking or drinking when you get a negative pregnancy test.
A simple mistake like taking the test at the wrong time or unknowingly using an expired pregnancy test can give a false negative pregnancy test.
The occurrence of false negative pregnancy test is widespread.
A false positive pregnancy test is less common and happens in two or more cases.
After IVF you get a false positive pregnancy test because of the fertility drugs.
Any cysts can also mimic hCG production and give a false positive pregnancy test.
Can you get a false negative pregnancy test after a missed period?
A pregnancy test can take as long as there weeks to show positive results. Home pregnancy tests have a lifespan, and they expire after that.
During their life, they can undergo accidental damage and give false results or have low sensitivity.
If your body takes longer to produce hCG and you had late implantation, then you will get a false negative pregnancy test after a missed period because it takes at least five days after implantation for reaching the level of hCG that matches the sensitivity of pregnancy test.
If implantation was near the period date, then there will not be enough time for hCG production.
A pregnancy test will not be able to detect pregnancy. The body doubles hCG after every 48-72 hours or two days.
Some women may take even longer than this.
There is nothing to worry about unless you have symptoms like intensifying cramps.
The burrowing of the blastocyst in the endometrial lining causes spotting called implantation bleeding.
Symptoms like cramping, implantation dip, dizziness, and breast changes happen before missed period during pregnancy.
If they don’t happen, then you may not be pregnant at all.
How common is a false negative pregnancy test during breastfeeding?
Unfortunately but false negative home pregnancy tests are prevalent. Some brands might be more efficient in being able to prevent such cases.
EPT, Clearblue, and First Response Pregnancy Test have a higher rate of accurate pregnancy detection.
Despite the high levels of prolactin, it is possible that you ovulate and have a period during breastfeeding. You can get pregnant during the breastfeeding stage.
A false negative pregnancy test is more common at this time because there are different hormones. But there is no evidence for them interfering with a pregnancy test.
Can you get a false negative pregnancy test on the day of the missed period?
The missed period day is too early to expect guaranteed accurate results.
False negative pregnancy test on the day of the missed period is nothing to even bother about.
A missed period is at most a week after implantation and can have low levels of hCG.
People wait for weeks for taking a pregnancy test or period to return.
False negative pregnancy test on the day of the missed period is most probable if you do not use early morning urine.
During early pregnancy, the urine has very little concentration of hCG. The blood hCG levels are higher than urine. A pregnancy blood test can give accurate results at an early stage.
When you don’t get up to go to the loo at night, then your urine concentration rises. Now hCG is more easily accessible for the pregnancy test strip.
But if you don’t use early morning urine or don’t follow the instructions, then you will not get a positive pregnancy test even if pregnant.
What are the causes of a false negative pregnancy test?
There are many causes of a false negative pregnancy test. It is not necessary that false negative pregnancy test only means that you took the test early.
It could be that your pregnancy is not normal.
Tubal pregnancy also gives false negative pregnancy because the hCG levels don’t rise.
When the implantation doesn’t occur in the uterus, the condition is Ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy. Here is a list of causes of false negative pregnancy test:
- Every pregnancy test has different and specific instructions. There are no general rules for taking a pregnancy test. Not following instructions for pregnancy test can give a false negative pregnancy test.
- Using dilute urine or having low levels of hCG gives a false negative pregnancy test. The pregnancy tests are qualitative and can detect a specific and above that concentration of hCG.
- Using an expired or defective pregnancy test puts you at a higher risk of getting wrong HPT results.
- Being on certain medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs can give false results.
- Taking the pregnancy test before implantation or too early reduces the chances of getting a positive pregnancy test.
- Certain conditions like Molar pregnancy where the embryo doesn’t form don’t produce enough hCG. They can give a false negative pregnancy test.