What to do after a positive pregnancy test? After a positive pregnancy test, you should get a blood pregnancy test to confirm whether the test results were correct. Meet your OB for discussing special tests, diet, and cautions. Plan your baby’s nursery, childcare plans, and insurance. Start a new workout routine such as Kegels or barre for pregnancy.
A positive pregnancy test is a result every woman wants to see when she is trying to get pregnant. A positive pregnancy test confirms that you are pregnant. But after that have you wondered, ‘What to do after a positive pregnancy test?’
Should you believe the result and start preparing for the baby or should you run to a doctor for further confirmation?
We will tell you exactly what to do after a positive pregnancy test so that you have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a cute baby! ????

What to do after a positive pregnancy test?
After getting a positive pregnancy test, you need to get a doctor’s appointment for a wide range of tests.
If you are above 35 years, then your doctor will test whether your baby is at risk of Downs Syndrome.
Gestational diabetes is another pregnancy complication that needs a glucose tolerance test. It is also called the oral glucose tolerance test.
A karyotype of the chromosome of baby’s cells will identify any genetic abnormalities.
The doctor will also make sure that you don’t have a tubal pregnancy. The embryo needs to attach to the wall of the uterus for deriving nutrition and protection. A tubal pregnancy is when the baby attaches inside the tubes instead.
Faint positive pregnancy test
No matter how faint a positive pregnancy test is, it means that you are pregnant. A faint positive pregnancy is only a sign that you took the test early.
You can repeat the pregnancy test after a day or two. It will confirm whether you are pregnant and if the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
A faint positive pregnancy test can be in the case of an expired pregnancy test. It is also a sign that the pregnancy test is less sensitive.
Do this when you get a positive pregnancy test
After getting a positive pregnancy test, you know that you are pregnant. You need to do some necessary things after getting a positive pregnancy test:
- Stop taking birth control pills: Birth control pills are ineffective after you are pregnant. They do not interfere with the pregnancy test. But they can affect your pregnancy. As soon as you get a positive pregnancy test, stop taking pills.
- Stop smoking: Ideally, you must stop smoking when you are trying to get pregnant. Smoking affects the fertility of women. Pregnant women who smoke have more chances of a baby with congenital disabilities.
- Cut down caffeine: Caffeine is not only present in coffee. Your soft drinks also have a lot of caffeine. You can take less than 200 milligrams caffeine a day when pregnant. It is best to start drinking Decaf coffee when you are pregnant. Read: Coffee during Pregnancy
- Do not take any painkillers: You experience a lot of pain during pregnancy. Leg cramps during pregnancy might persuade you to take analgesics. They are not safe during pregnancy. Acetaminophen is safe during pregnancy. But it is best to avoid taking any pain-relieving drugs during pregnancy. They can cause birth defects in the baby.
- Running and other activities need a check: Sudden jerk during pregnancy can cause ovary pain and cramps. It can also lead to miscarriage if the jolt is hard. You need to talk to your doctor about it. Running while pregnant is safe and healthy but needs a check.
- Depression while pregnant: Taking antidepressants while pregnant is something that only a doctor can decide whether it is safe. Both conditions have their consequences. Taking antidepressants might cause preterm labor and low birth weight. If you discontinue your ongoing prescription, then you can have a relapse of depression. This is equally damaging for you and your baby. Read: Depression during pregnancy
- Reduce or eliminate alcohol from diet: Alcohol and other entertainment drugs can cause abnormalities in the baby. This is why you need to stop taking alcohol or take only a glass once a week. It is best to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.
- Get a vaginal checkup: Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is common. You can get a vaginal examination for any infections. It will prevent them from spreading.
- Get loose clothing: After getting a positive pregnancy test, you need to stay relaxed. You might need a bigger bra and loose t-shirts. It is essential that you have all the comfort during pregnancy. Wearing compression socks can provide relief from cramps.
- Start taking vitamins and a healthy diet: No matter how much you hate healthy stuff you need to embrace it now. Taking vitamins and other nutrients will help your body nourish the baby. Plan a new diet chart. Start taking frequent small meals. Nutrition during pregnancy is a crucial factor. It will decide everything else.
A False positive pregnancy test is rare. But if you are taking medication for fertility, then you can get it. Similarly, a pregnancy test after a miscarriage can give a false positive pregnancy test.
Earliest positive pregnancy test
There are many sensitive pregnancy tests on the market. Even the earliest pregnancy test can detect pregnancy five to six days before the missed period. You can look for pregnancy signs to get the earliest positive pregnancy test.
There are many early pregnancy signs like:
- Nasal congestion
- Blue lines on abdomen and breasts
- Darkening of nipples
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Cravings and aversions
- Cramps and headache
- Insomnia or too much sleep
- White discharge
- Constipation
- Vomiting and queasy feeling