Implantation Bleeding or Period Quiz

Implantation bleeding or period quiz will confirm whether you had implantation spotting or not. The implantation bleeding quiz uses a unique way to analyze every characteristic of the post-ovulation bleeding.

Other parameters such as sexual habits and birth control methods are also included. This will help you get the most accurate prediction of implantation bleeding.

You can easily answer the questions by just choosing the most appropriate option to diagnose implantation bleeding. 

Implantation is the process of egg embedment in uterine lining after a week from conception. One cannot detect pregnancy before implantation.

During implantation, the burrowing embryo releases blood from the endometrial lining. This causes spotting, and there may be cramping along. You can detect pregnancy without taking any test by looking for implantation symptoms.

The symptoms of implantation are partly similar to a period for those who don’t know about it. So you may wonder if it’s implantation bleeding or period? The quiz will save you time and give you an insight into what to do.

An important thing about the Implantation bleeding or period quiz is that it only tells whether you had implantation bleeding or period. But only a few women have implantation bleeding during egg embedment. Rest only have implantation and no symptoms.

So it is possible that even after taking this test and getting a negative response, you could be pregnant. For detecting pregnancy, you need to take a pregnancy test.

Read: When should I take a pregnancy test? 

Implantation Bleeding or Period Quiz
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How Will I know It Is Implantation Bleeding And Not Period?

You just want your period dearly when you’re not ready to get pregnant. Other than that no woman ever wants to sit down wreathing in period cramps. And when you’re trying to increase your family period horror gets more real.

To your surprise, period-like bleeding before the due date is a good sign when trying to get pregnant. Implantation spotting occurs just a few days before the due date. It is an early pregnancy sign often skipped by most women.

So, what is implantation bleeding exactly? IB is the spotting due to disruption of uterine lining by the embryo cells. Don’t feel overwhelmed, we’ll answer all implantation FAQs to get you ready for the IB quiz. Make sure you also check out the Top 25 Implantation Facts Every Woman Must Know.

What Is Implantation Bleeding? [How Does It Look? When Does It Occur?]

Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes and the baby development occurs in the uterus. After ovulation, the egg and sperm must meet within 24 hours. Unless conception occurs within a day after ovulation, the egg loses viability.

After one week from ovulation, the embryo travels to the womb for implantation. For creating a connection link, the embryo punctures the uterus wall. Rupturing the blood vessels, placental development kickstarts.

The result of implantation? Blood trickles down the thick womb wall and out from your vagina.

A week after ovulation implantation causes bleeding. Comparing this against the period cycle events, implantation occurs just when you PMS. But if you’ve conceived then you won’t have the intense cramps.

A mild twitching or flutter and that’s all you’ll feel during implantation. Eat the period pampering chocolates anyway! ?

Is It Implantation Bleeding Or Implantation Spotting?

You can imagine, a tiny amount of blood, a little bunch of cells ooze out. Spotting from the implantation process lasts for a few hours at most. You shouldn’t call that bleeding but commonly the terms are used interchangeably.

Implantation bleeding ignites the confusion with the period. Women chid their period to be implantation bleeding. But there are major differences between the two. There can only be implantation bleeding or period.

If one has heavy, bright red or bleeding with clots, even if later she does find out she’s pregnant, the bleeding wasn’t IB.

How Implantation Spotting Looks Different From Period?

In every manner, timing, texture, color, flow, duration and accompanying symptoms, period and implantation have no common point.

A period is the sloughing off the entire uterine lining. The heavy flow occurs because literally a layer of your uterus is being removed through your vagina. Implantation is just a few drops of blood released from the puncturing of the uterine lining.

Your baby just needs to build a connection before the yolk sac nutrients finish. By the time implantation blood reaches outside, oxidation makes it brown.

A period is a continuous flow for the first two days. It’s red because it’s fresh blood. To summarize, implantation causes brown spotting for a few hours.

When Does Implantation bleeding Occur?

Implantation bleeding occurs before a period. The early pregnancy stages before implantation take 9-12 days. And just after egg embedding is complete you experience implantation bleeding. Women with longer menstrual cycles of 40 days can expect to see IB by the 30th day.

Shorter menstrual cycles can have early implantation after 6-7 days from ovulation. Spotting just after sex or ovulation can’t be implantation. That’s because the egg needs 3-4 days to complete the initial divisions.

Only after a bunch of more than 64 cells aggregate, the embryo begins traveling down. Else the pregnancy gets terminated and there is very early miscarriage before implantation. Most pregnancies terminate due to preimplantation failures.

How Does Implantation Bleeding Feel Different From Period?

Implantation bleeding looks different from the period. Even if the timing of implantation bleeding overlaps with your due date, you’ll notice the difference. In some cases, implantation can be late and cross the period date. Yet the look and texture of IB contrast with a period.

Brown spotting in very little volume incapable of filling up a pad is implantation spotting. You will never have a light period or early period that doesn’t fill even a pad! The texture of implantation bleeding is thin and uniform. There will be no clots or lumps like in periods.

Only a few drops of blood like that from a tiny cut will show in your underwear. If your cervical mucus is still coming from cervix then spotting blood will mix with it. What you will observe is a brown watery implantation discharge.

At times you may not see anything in your clothes and see some spotting while peeing. That’s implantation bleeding, Period can’t spare you the stains.

Does Every Woman Have Implantation Bleeding?

Every pregnant woman has implantation but not implantation bleeding. Only 1/3rd pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. That can be, failing to notice the bleeding or not having the bleeding.

Either way, implantation is indispensable. The embryo needs to attach to the womb for the placenta to develop. Perhaps in the case of the ones who don’t see IB, attachment leads to negligible bleeding.

Can I Be Pregnant Without Implantation Bleeding?

Even if you didn’t see implantation bleeding or get a positive result from the quiz, don’t lose hope. The quiz only aims to help you distinguish whether your spotting was period or IB. It doesn’t tell you whether you’re pregnant or not.

The 2/3rd women who don’t see implantation bleeding also have healthy pregnancies. Implantation bleeding is only a secondary sign, the pregnancy test is still the reliable source.

Is Implantation Bleeding a Normal Pregnancy Sign?

Implantation bleeding is not a primary pregnancy sign. All pregnancy symptoms are just based on what pregnant women in the past have felt like. Implantation is a normal and necessary event for conception. But implantation bleeding is not a mandatory occurrence.

Having some spotting and bleeding while trying to get pregnant is normal and common. No woman can avoid spotting 100% while TTC. Every female at some point in her journey to having a baby sees blood in her underwear.

Don’t panic even if the bleeding is slightly heavier. You may have not had implantation bleeding but can still be pregnant. Some women do have their period in pregnancy too.

How Accurate Is Implantation Bleeding Or Period Quiz?

We have included every single step in implantation and the related symptoms. Timing and the characteristics of bleeding are the two main criteria for finding out if it’s period or spotting. Mid-cycle spotting and emergency situation caution have also been included. Our readers find the quiz extremely useful and reliable for detecting IB vs Period.

Can You Have Spotting Other Than Implantation?

There are many reasons for spotting before period, other than implantation bleeding. You could be having mid-cycle spotting or hormonal imbalance. Certain infections or rashes in the sensitive erogenous zones can cause bleeding. Sexual intercourse, products, and hygiene flaws are potent causes of bleeding.

Medications or change in birth control pills prescription too can cause spotting. Old blood remaining from previous menstrual flow can also come off as spotting. As it is old blood, it will look brown albeit remnant of the period. Other pregnancy-related causes of spotting before period:

1. Impending miscarriage

Most pregnancies terminate even before the woman comes to know. What is presumed to be a heavy period is actually miscarriage bleeding. Threatened miscarriages begin as spotting.

Just before implantation or soon after initiation of egg embedding, bleeding begins. There is hardly any way to stop the bleeding or the miscarriage. Needless to mention, one must immediately consult a doctor in such a case. Wearing tampons or restricting the blood flow will pave way for more damage.

2. Chemical Pregnancy, Molar Pregnancy or Ectopic Pregnancy

At times you are not pregnant but the body shows symptoms of pregnancy. Implantation in the tubes leads to ectopic pregnancy. Such pregnancies are not sustainable. They soon end in a miscarriage.

Until that stage, you see signs of pregnancy. Bleeding, in this case, is heavier and the cramps are severe.

3. Cysts, Endometriosis or Infections

Endometriosis is when the lining of the uterus grows in other organs. It begins to bleed in random locations in the surroundings of the uterus. You will have heavier bleeding even more than periods.

Cyst torsion also causes unbearable cramps and heavy bleeding. All these heavy bleeding begin as spotting. If your spotting is getting heavier then you know that it’s not IB.

Menstrual Bleeding [PERIOD] Or Implantation Spotting – Differences

These points will help you figure out that it is not period instead of pregnancy. The quiz is based on these characteristics of implantation bleeding. Taking the quiz will help you find out the signs in you that show, it’s not just aunt’s flow!

1. Period Is Heavy, IB Is Light Blood Flow

The removal of uterine lining due to a drop in progesterone causes heavy bleeding. Implantation bleeding is just a few drops of blood due to leaking blood vessels. Soon the leak heals and bleeding stops. The period doesn’t stop until the lining comes out entirely. The beginning of the next menstrual cycle requires this removal.

2. Period Lasts For 4-6 Days, IB Is For Few Hours

On average, a period lasts for 4 days. That means every woman spends 4.9 years of her life bleeding! Leaving the trivia, coming back to IB. The spotting from implantation lasts for just a few hours. On average, any woman who has implantation spotting doesn’t experience it for more than a day.

3. IB Occurs After 9-12 DPO, Period Occurs 14 DPO*

The timing of implantation is after a week from ovulation or conception. Being two-stage event implantation takes some time. You can expect your implantation bleeding date to be 9 days after ovulation. That’s about 6-5 days before the period due date for a 28 days cycle. Depending on that if your cycle is longer add a few more days to the implantation time frame. *DPO – Days Post Ovulation

4. Period Is Red, IB Is Brown

Although brownish, pinkish, orangish and other shades of spotting also occur, typically it is brown. A menstrual period is red and of the color that any other wound would bleed. If you are anemic then your period will lighter red. Black period and other colors are because of blood contents. If you don’t change tampons or pads then the blood gets oxidized and darker.

5. Period Cramps Are Excruciating, IB Cramps Are Mild

The accompanying symptoms with the period are painful. Even before the period flow starts you know that tragedy is about to happen. Implantation cramps are mild and not like waves. Period cramps are pulsating. You feel that it’s coming and becoming stronger. Labor contractions are rhythmic, period cramps are pulsating.

You think they’re gone but they’re not. Suddenly a sharp pain and your entire lower body feels at war. Implantation is like butterflies or a mild sting on the sides just momentarily.

6. Period Has Clots, Implantation Bleeding Is Watery

The uterine wall comes off in pieces, tiny or bigger. Implantation bleeding doesn’t have any clots at all. That’s a very clear difference between the two. Implantation bleeding doesn’t increase in volume. Period bleeding becomes heavier and gets clots and then gradually reduces.

7. Implantation Bleeding Causes BBT Peak, Period Drops BBT

The triphasic pattern of BBT seen in implantation doesn’t occur during the menstrual period. After ovulation, if your BBT chart doesn’t show a drop, perhaps implantation is around the corner.

8. Period Dry Low Cervix, IB High Wet Cervix

Though the cervix position is not a good pregnancy indicator, you can still compare. After the period your cervix comes down and is hard. But when you’re pregnant and have IB the cervix doesn’t dry out. Your mucus plug formation is going to begin soon. Lowering of the cervix is not significant when you’re pregnant.

What To Do After Taking The Implantation Bleeding Or Period Quiz?

If you’re not satisfied with the results you can take the quiz again. The end result mentions the right symptoms as correct answers. While taking the quiz next time you will be able to understand it better. After getting a positive response, you can get a pregnancy test. Taking a test will confirm your pregnancy.

The quiz only tells you that it was implantation bleeding. For knowing whether you’re pregnant, a pregnancy test is a must. Upon knowing that it was period, take care of your health and menstrual hygiene. If you’re TTC, always remember that you have a new cycle just 4 days later. Don’t lose hope and keep stress away.

Implantation Bleeding Quiz Accuracy

Online implantation bleeding or period quiz has helped many of our viewers to predict whether they had implantation. Our readers later gave feedback saying that the quiz answer was exactly what happened. Some even confessed that their doctors also gave them a similar questionnaire to predict their condition. The implantation bleeding quiz considers all aspects and thus gives the most accurate result. 

After taking this quiz, you might want to know more about implantation bleeding characteristics


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The quiz is not for diagnostic purpose and cannot be used as medical proof.