Pregnancy test brands are always striving to develop the most sensitive pregnancy test.
That’s why the winner of the most sensitive home pregnancy test keeps changing now and then.
The most sensitive pregnancy test right now is the Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test. It has a weeks calculator that can tell you at home how far your pregnancy reached.
It is crucial that you follow all the steps for taking pregnancy test otherwise it will be useless.
A sensitive pregnancy test can detect traces of hCG and gives you accurate results.
Most pregnancy tests have a sensitivity of hCG levels around 25 mIU/mL. It is the hCG level in the body of a woman who is pregnant for two weeks.
How does pregnancy test sensitivity work?
A pregnancy test has hCG antibodies. Antibodies and antigens are opposite ends of a magnet. As soon as they come in the vicinity, they bind to each other.
Antibodies of hCG can detect urine hCG and thus give a color. They have a pregnancy test dye that shows up only when the pregnancy test detects hCG.
There is a gradation of color in a sensitive pregnancy test. If the test shows faint positive pregnancy test, it means the hCG level is low.
When the hCG levels are high a big fat positive will be displayed. The most sensitive pregnancy test will show very faint positive even when hCG levels are only one mIU/mL extra than the basal level.
A woman with hCG levels around 25 mIU/mL is pregnant for sure. The viability of pregnancy depends on how rapidly these hCG levels pick up.
It is important that you understand that a pregnancy test that detects 6 mIU/mL is more sensitive than the one that detects 25 mIU/mL.
The Superdrug pregnancy test can detect such low levels of hCG.

How does most sensitive pregnancy test work?
Whether be the most sensitive pregnancy test or least they all have the same principle of working. It is simply an antigen-antibody reaction that gives a colored result.
In the case of digital pregnancy test, this result will appear as a phrase or symbol.
When a woman gets pregnant, the fertilized egg travels down the tubes and implants in the uterus. The placenta formation starts after that, and eventually hCG levels rise. It starts from a basal concentration that goes on doubling after every 48-72 hours.
Once the concentration of hCG is enough for sensitive pregnancy test then it can detect it in urine.
What are the criteria for the most sensitive pregnancy test?
The most sensitive pregnancy test is the one that can detect lowest levels of hCG. A pregnancy test for early pregnancy detection is the most sensitive pregnancy test.
The most sensitive pregnancy test can detect traces of hCG present in urine. Unlike a sensitive pregnancy test, others require the hCG levels to rise high for detection by them.
Which is the most sensitive pregnancy test?
According to our experts, the most sensitive pregnancy test is the First Response Gold digital pregnancy test. Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test is another most sensitive pregnancy test. They are so close in hCG sensitivities that it is hard to decide which one is better.
Here is the list of the most sensitive pregnancy tests:
- First Response Pregnancy Test
- Clearblue Pregnancy Test
- New Choice Pregnancy Test
- EPT pregnancy test
- Wondfo pregnancy test
Most sensitive pregnancy tests reviews
1) First Response Pregnancy Test
The most sensitive digital pregnancy test is the Gold digital pregnancy test of First Response.
It can detect pregnancy test six days earlier than the missed period. This makes it the most sensitive pregnancy test.
The digital First Response Pregnancy Test displays the results digitally instead of lines. The sensitivity of the test is around 6.5 mIU/mL.
First Response Pregnancy Test allows the user the comfort of midstream testing. You need to expose the hCG strip of the pregnancy test in urine stream. After about a minute or more you can see the results appear.
First Response Early Pregnancy Test is the most sensitive pregnancy test. It has a cap along to cover the hCG strip during developing of test results.
2) Clearblue pregnancy test
Clearblue pregnancy test is the most sensitive early pregnancy test. It can detect pregnancy as early as five days before missed period. This means that it a very sensitive for the slightest rise in hCG levels.
3) New choice pregnancy test
New choice pregnancy test can detect pregnancy early. They are cheap and sensitive pregnancy test. Which pregnancy test is most sensitive? The answer to this may not generally be New Choice Pregnancy Test. But when you consider duplicating pregnancy tests, they are more accurate. Repeating the pregnancy test makes it more accurate due to less error percentage.
4) EPT pregnancy test
If you want a sensitive pregnancy test that is cheap, then you can get an EPT pregnancy test. EPT pregnancy test is like a low priced version of expensive pregnancy tests.
5) Wondfo pregnancy test
Wondfo pregnancy test strips are one of the most sensitive pregnancy test strips. You can take the dip strip pregnancy test using the Wondfo pregnancy test.
A sensitive pregnancy test also depends upon how well you use it. The sensitivity of pregnancy test dramatically affects by contamination.
When does pregnancy hormone appear?
The pregnancy hormone generally takes a week after implantation to rise to detectable concentration. Before that, there is not enough hCG in blood for detection. Urine hCG levels are lower than those in the serum. In some cases, the woman’s body may take even longer for production of hCG.
After implantation, the protective placenta forms to cover the baby, and it releases hCG. The pregnancy hormone takes over the function for guiding other hormones. The pregnancy hormones take two weeks after conception to appear in bloodstream in enough concentration.
There are some factors that a fertilized egg releases immediately for a shorter span. They are not detectable by the most sensitive pregnancy test.
Only a professional medical examination can detect such low levels of hCG.