Thinking of naming your baby something historically exceptional but don’t want a boring old name. Greek mythology is one of the most intriguing and naming your baby inspired by it couldn’t get better. Check out the beautiful Greek names for babies inspired by Greek mythology that are trending in 2019.
1) Adonai: (Boy) Lord Like, Beautiful Man
2) Adonis: (Boy) Handsome, Lord
3) Adrian: (Boy) Rich, Wealthy
4) Aella: (Girl) Whirlwind
5) Agalia: (Girl) Beauty, Brightness, Joy
6) Agapios: (Boy) Love
7) Agathe: (Girl) Good, Kind
8) Agaue: (Girl) Good, Nice
9) Aglaia: (Girl) Shining, Brilliant, Splendor, Beauty
10) Aiolos: (Girl) Quick Moving, Nimble Change
11) Aksu: (Boy) Defender Of Man
12) Alessandro: (Boy) Protector Of Mankind, To Defend, Defender
13) Alithea: (Girl) Truthful, Mythological Goddesses Of Truth
14) Althea: (Girl) Pure, Wholesome, Healer
15) Alyssa: (Girl) Rational
16) Amalthea: (Girl) Tender Goddesses, To Soothe, To Soften
17) Angela: (Girl) Heavenly Messenger
18) Anthea: (Girl) Flower, Lady Of Flower, Blossom
19) Aoide: (Girl) To Sing, Song
20) Ariana: (Girl) Very Holy One
21) Artemisia: (Girl) Perfect, Perfection
22) Athena: (Girl) Goddesses Of Wisdom, Skill, Warfare
23) Basil: (Boy) Royal, Kingly
24) Berdine: (Girl) Intelligent Maid
25) Caesar: (Boy) One Who Has Long Hair, From Julius Caesar
26) Calantha: (Girl) Lovely Blossom, Lovely Flower
27) Calix: (Boy) Very Handsome
28) Calla: (Girl) Beautiful, Most Beautiful
29) Callia: (Girl) Beautiful Voice, Very Beautiful
30) Cass: (Boy) Man’s Defender
31) Charis: (Girl) Goddesses Of Charm, Beauty, Grace
32) Chryses: (Boy) Golden, Something Dear Or Precious
33) Claus: (Boy) People’s Victory
34) Clio: (Girl) Glory, Fame
35) Cole: (Boy) People’s Victory
36) Corban: (Boy) Gifted To God
37) Costa: (Boy) Steady, Steadfast
38) Cyma: (Girl) Flourish, Blossoming
39) Damaris: (Girl) Gentle
40) Darius: (Boy) Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, Kingly
41) Deacon: (Boy) Servant, Messenger
42) Deo: (Boy) Godlike
43) Dike: (Boy/Girl) One Who Is Just, True Ruler, Justice
44) Diona: (Girl) From The Sacred Spring, Divine
45) Dione: (Girl) Goddesses Of The Bright Sky
46) Dora: (Girl) God’s Gift, Gift
47) Dorthea: (Girl) Gift Of God
48) Dru: (Boy /Girl) Strong
49) Egan: (Boy) Little Fire
50) Electra: (Girl) Bright, Shining, Incandescent
51) Elena: (Girl) Shining Light, Bright One
52) Elena: (Girl) Bright, Shining Light
53) Elpida: (Girl) Hope
54) Eos: (Girl) Dawn
55) Erato: (Girl) Desired, Lovable, Lovely
56) Erianthe: (Girl) Lover of Flowers, Sweet Flower
57) Eros: (Boy) Love, Lovable
58) Estevan: (Boy) Garland, Crown
59) Eugene: (Boy) Well Born, Noble, Born Lucky
60) Evan: (Boy) Young Warrior
61) Evander: (Boy) Good Man, Strong Man
62) Evanthe: (Girl) Good Flower, Fair Flower
63) Faustus: (Boy) Lucky, Auspicious
64) Felipe: (Boy) Friend Of Horses, Lover Of Horses
65) Galatea: (Girl) White As Milk, Goddesses Of Calm Seas
66) Gene: (Boy) Born Lucky
67) Genesis: (Girl) Birth, Be Born, Origin
68) Gregory: (Boy) Watchful, Alert
69) Harmonia: (Girl) Harmony, Agreement, Harmony
70) Hebe: (Girl) Goddesses Of Youth, Prime Of Life
71) Hector: (Boy) Check, Restrain, Holding Fast
72) Helena: (Girl) Light, Torch, Bright
73) Helios: (Boy) Sun
74) Hera: (Girl) Protector (female), Queen
75) Hercules: (Boy) Glorious Gift
76) Hesper: (Girl) Evening Star
77) Hestia: (Girl) Goddesses, Hearth, Fireside
78) Homer: (Boy) Security, Pledge, Promise
79) Ione: (Girl) Violet Flower
80) Ionea: (Girl) Violet Flower
81) Irene: (Girl) Goddesses, Peace, Peacemaking
82) Iris: (Girl) Goddesses, Rainbow
83) Isadora: (Girl) Gift Of The Moon
84) Isidore: (Boy) Strong Gift, Gift Of Isis
85) Ismene: (Girl) Knowledgeable
86) Izzy: (Girl / Boy) Gift
87) Jace: (Boy/Girl) Healer, To Heal
88) Jason: (Boy) Healer, Cure, Physician
89) Jerry: (Boy) Holy
90) Jorge: (Boy) Earth Worker, Farmer, Tiller Of The Soil
91) Julian: (Boy) Soft Haired, Youthful
92) Kal: (Boy/Girl) Beauty, Most Beautiful
93) Kalika: (Girl) Flower Bud
94) Kallisto: (Girl) Most Beautiful, Fairest
95) kaly: (Girl) Beautiful, Darling, Beloved
96) Kay: (Boy) Pure
97) Kleio: (Girl) Glory
98) Kore: (Girl) Maiden, Greek Goddesses
99) Kosmos: (Boy) Universe, Order
100) Kynthia: (Girl) Moon
101) Kyril: (Boy) Lordly, Lord Like
102) Lalage: (Girl) To Chatter, Talkative
103) Lander: (Boy) Lion Man
104) Layand: (Boy) Protector Of Mankind
105) Leda: (Girl) Mother Of Helen, Happy
106) Lena: (Girl) Alluring, Temptress, Light
107) Leni: (Girl) Light, Torch
108) Leo: (Boy/Girl) Lion
109) Leto: (Girl) Wife, Hidden, Forgotten, Mot3of Apollo
110) Lia: (Girl) Bringer Of Good News
111) Ligeia: (Girl) Clear Voice, Whistling ,Shrill
112) Magus: (Boy) Magician
113) Malantha: (Girl) Dark Flower
114) Mariah: (Girl) Beloved, Lovable, Adorable
115) Marion: (Girl) Beloved, Lovable
116) Mateo: (Boy) Devoted To God, Gift Of God
117) Maximus: (Boy) Greatest
118) Medea: (Girl) To Plan, Think, Cunning
119) Meghan: (Girl) A Pearl
120) Melody: (Girl) Song Like
121) Melpomene: (Girl) Melodious One, To Sing With And Dance
122) Mentor: (Boy) Wise Advisor, Mind, Strength, Force
123) Metis: (Girl) Wisdom, Skill, Cunning
124) Miles: (Boy) Soldier, Merciful
125) Minos: (Boy) King, Son Of Zeus
126) Moe: (Boy) Saved, Delivered
127) Mya: (Girl) Great One, Mother
128) Naia: (Girl) Flowing, Stream
129) Nani: (Girl) Beautiful, Charming, Graceful
130) Neo: (Boy) New, Gift
131) Nereus: (Boy) God Of The Sea, Water
132) Nestor: (Boy) Homecoming, One Who Returns From Travel, Voyager, Traveler
133) Nike: (Girl) Goddesses Of Victory
134) Nikolai: (Boy) Victorious People,
135) Nikoleta: (Girl) Victory Of The People
136) Nitsa: (Girl) Peace, Light
137) Nysa: (Girl) A New Beginning
138) Nysa: (Girl) The Goal
139) Nyx: (Girl) Goddesses Of Night, Night
140) Odele: (Girl) Harmonious, Song
141) Orrin: (Boy) Mountain
142) Otis: (Boy) One Who Hears Well, Keen Listener
143) Owen: (Boy) Well Born, Noble
144) Pan: (Boy) Shepard, Protector
145) Pancras: (Boy) The One That Holds Everything, All Powerful
146) Pandora: (Girl) All Gift, Gifted
147) Parthenia: (Girl) Virgin
148) Pegasus: (Boy) Winged Horse
149) Penelope: (Girl) Weaver
150) Phaedra: (Girl) Bright, Attractive
151) Philander: (Boy) Friend Of Man, Friendly
152) Philander: (Boy) With Love For People, Loving Man
153) Philomela: (Girl) Lover Of Songs, Friend
154) Philothea: (Girl) Beloved, God Loving, Friendly
155) Phoenix: (Girl) A Mystical Bird
156) Pippa: (Girl) Lover Of Horses, Friend Of Horses
157) Pistis: (Girl) Trust, Faith
158) Pistis: (Boy) Trust, Faith, Reliability
159) Pluto: (Boy) Wealth, Rich
160) Proteus: (Boy) Changeable, A Sea God
161) Psyche: (Girl) To Breathe, Soul
162) Pyrrhus: (Boy) Flamed Colored, Red, Fire, Blaze
163) Rastus: (Boy) Beloved, Love
164) Rena: (Girl) Joyous Melody, Peace
165) Rhea: (Girl) To Flow, A Flowing Stream
166) Rhode: (Girl) Where The Roses Grow, Rose
167) Rida: (Girl) Pearl, Daisy
168) Ritsa: (Girl) Defender Of Mankind, Protector Of Man
169) Sacha: (Boy) Defender Of Mankind, Protector
170) Sander: (Boy) Defender Of Man, Helper
171) Santos: (Boy) Saint, Holy
172) Sasha: (Girl) Man’s Defender, Protector
173) Sebastian: (Boy) Venerable
174) Selena: (Girl) Moon, Goddess Of The Moon
175) Sibyl: (Girl) A Prophetess, A Fortuneteller
176) Sirius: (Boy) Dog star, Bright, Rising In The Sky
177) Sofronia: (Girl) Wise, Sensible, Prudent
178) Sonia: (Girl) Wise, Wisdom
179) Stavros: (Boy) Crowned
180) Steven: (Boy) A Crown, A Garland
181) Tadd: (Boy) Courageous
182) Tassos: (Boy) Reaper, Harvester
183) Tea: (Girl) Goddess
184) Ted: (Boy) Wealthy, Powerful, Fortunate
185) Thalia: (Girl) To Flourish, Blossom
186) Thea: (Girl) Goddess, Godly, God’s Gift
187) Thea: (Girl) Goddesses, Godly
188) Theia: (Girl) Wide Shining, Goddesses
189) Theo: (Boy/Girl) God’s Gift, God Given
190) Theophilia: (Girl) God’s Gift, Loved By God
191) Timon: (Boy) Worthy, To Honor, Esteem
192) Timothy: (Boy) In God’s Honor, Honoring God
193) Titan: (Boy) Powerful Big Man, Of The Giants
194) Tomaso: (Boy) Twin
195) Tyche: (Girl) Luck, Fortune, Chance
196) Tyrone: (Boy) King, Sovereign
197) Urania: (Girl) Heavenly
198) Varvara: (Girl) Foreign Woman, Stranger
199) Vassilious: (Boy) Kingdom, Royal, Kingly
200) Venessa: (Girl) Butterfly
201) Vitalis: (Boy) Life
202) Xenia: (Girl) Hospitable, Welcoming
203) Yuri: (Boy) God Is My Light
204) Zena: (Girl) Hospitable, Friendly
205) Zephyra: (Girl) Strong Wind
206) Zeus: (Boy) Shine, Sky
207) Zoe: (Girl) Life
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