Unique baby girl names are a rage nowadays. That’s why we have brought a never-seen-before list of unique baby girl names and meanings for expecting parents.
Your baby’s name is something that will be totally your choice and will stay for the rest of your life with her. Studies have shown that a name’s meaning influences the character build-up of the child.
There are so many things to keep in mind while thinking of the best name for your baby girl. Some names have become associated with certain movie characters or cartoons and can be a reason for bullying.
You can study a lot about particular gems, traits, and other things that come along with the name you chose. Love portmanteau which is a combination of names of parents is a trend too. However, rarely do they make sense and have any meaning.
Find unique baby girl names and meanings from our exhaustive list here! ?
1) Abigail (Hebrew) Meaning: Father’s rejoiced
2) Ada (English) Meaning: Decency, generosity, nobility
3) Adara (Hebrew) Meaning: Beautiful pure noble
4) Adina (Hebrew) Meaning: Breathtakingly beautiful
5) Aida (Latin) Meaning: Helpful, wealthy
6) Alaina (Irish) Meaning: Beautiful, attractive
7) Alanis (German) Meaning: Handsome, Cheerful, precious
8) Alfrida (English) Meaning: Wise counselor
9) Alicia (English) Meaning: Truthful, noble one
10) Alwine (German) Meaning: Little elf friend
11) Alyse (English) Meaning: Truthful, noble kind
12) Amanda (English) Meaning: Love deserving, lovable, worthy to be loved
13) Amara (Latin) Meaning: Stylish and attractive
14) Amari (Latin) Meaning: Immortal, strength
15) Amia (French) Meaning: Dear one, beloved
16) Amity (Latin) Meaning: Friendly, friendship
17) Anabella (Irish) Meaning: Gracious beautiful
18) Aoife (Irish) Meaning: Beauty, radiance
19) Arabella (Latin) Bella Meaning: understatedly pretty
20) Ariel (Spanish) Meaning: Lion of god
More Unique Girl Baby Names Around The world
21) Astrid (Old Norse) Meaning: Goddess of beauty
22) Aubree (French) Meaning: Supernatural, power
23) Aurelia (Latin) Meaning: Golden one, precious
24) Ava (Latin) Meaning: Birds, living one
25) Bai (Chinese) Meaning: White, pure,
26) Bambi (Italian) Meaning: Little child, a young girl
27) Bella (Latin) Meaning: Beautiful, pretty
28) Bonita (Spanish) Meaning: Pretty little one
29) Bonnie (Scottish) Meaning: Attractive
30) Breena (Irish) Meaning: Fairytale related
31) Brielle (French) Meaning: God is my strength
32) Cailin (Irish) Meaning: Lass
33) Cairi (Japanese) Meaning: True hearted, loyal
34) Calista (Greek) Meaning: Most gorgeous, The one who is the most beautiful
35) Candace (Greek) Meaning: Purest of the pure, shining
36) Carla (English) Meaning: Peasant, little, womanly
37) Carrie (Latin) Meaning: Loved
38) Caryl (English) Meaning: Joyous melody, song of joy
39) Cassidy (Irish) Meaning: Clever
40) Cathi (Latin) Meaning: Pure, saintly
Girl Baby Names: Latin, Greek & English
41) Charlotte (English) Meaning: Strong
42) Chole (Greek) Meaning: Blooming, Young green Shoot
43) Claire (Latin) Meaning: Bright, feminine
44) Claribel (English) Meaning: Bright and pretty
45) Clementine (Latin) Meaning: Merciful
46) Colette (Latin) Meaning: Victorious, Victory of the people
47) Cyndi (Greek) Meaning: Moon, goddess
48) Daanya (Arabic) Meaning: Beautiful girl, Vibrant, Gift of God
49) Dafina (Kenya) Meaning: Worthy
50) Daisy (English) Meaning: A kind of flower
51) Dakota (Siouan) Meaning: Friend
52) Daniela (Hebrew) Meaning: God is my judge
53) Dawn (English) Meaning: Daybreak or sunrise
54) Delaney (Irish) Meaning: Dark challenger
55) Delight (English) Meaning: Happiness, one who gives pleasure
56) Diana (Indo European) Meaning: Divine, Goddess of Moon
57) Donatella (Latin) Meaning: Beautiful present
58) Eleta (Latin) Meaning: Unique, Chosen one
59) Ellen (Greek) Meaning: Beautiful lady
60) Elspeth (Scottish) Meaning: God is my oath
Baby Girl Names With Beautiful Meanings
61) Emma (German) Meaning: Qhole, Universal
62) Esperanza (Spanish) Meaning: Hope
63) Evelyn (English) Meaning: Related to Eve the first woman
64) Evie (Hebrew) Meaning: Life
65) Fable (English) Meaning: Enchanted tale-telling, Story
66) Florence (Latin) Meaning: Blossoming, flourishing, prosperous
67) Gardenia (English) Meaning: The flower, floworet, blossom
68) Gemma (Italian) Meaning: Gem, Jewel, precious stone
69) Genevieve (French) Meaning: White color wave
70) Grace (Latin) Meaning: God’s grace, goodness, and generosity
71) Graciela (Latin) Meaning: Grace of God
72) Guleen (Arabic) Meaning: One with a beautiful smile
73) Hadleigh (English) Meaning: Field of heathers
74) Hana (Hebrew), Meaning: (Japanese) Flower or blossom, hope, happiness
75) Harmony (English) Meaning: Concord
76) Harper (English) Meaning: Who plays harp
77) Hazel (English) Meaning: Name of a tree, commander
78) Heather (English) Meaning: Evergreen flowering plant
79) Heidi (American) Meaning: Nobility
80) Helen (Greek) Meaning: Most beautiful woman
81) Hilary (Latin) Meaning: Cheerful, merry, happy
82) Honey (English) Meaning: Sweet, sweetness
83) Ife (Egyptian) Meaning: Love, qide love, lovable
84) Ivanna (Russian) Meaning: Gift from God
85) Ivy (English) Meaning: Fidelity, an evergreen shrub
86) Izzy (Spanish) Meaning: Related to Elizabeth
87) Jade (Spanish) Meaning: Gem, Jewel
88) Jaina (Hebrew) Meaning: Gift of God, victory
89) Jane (English) Meaning: God is gracious
90) Janie (English) Meaning: Wellborn, God is gracious, noble
Baby Girl Names From Different Origins
91) Janine (Hebrew) Meaning: God’s gift
92) Jaylah (Sanskrit) Meaning: Victory
93) Jemma (Italian) Meaning: Gem
94) Jeneen (English) Meaning: Full of high inspirations, benevolent, white wave
95) Jessa (English) Meaning: God enlightens, God makes, beholding God and wealthy
96) Jillian (English) Meaning: Child of God
97) Jolie (French) Meaning: Pretty
98) Josephine (English) (French) Meaning: Give increase
99) Joyce (English) Meaning: Sparkling, cheerful, merry
100) Jurnee (English) Meaning: Adventure loving, leader
101) Kaipo (Hawaii) Meaning: Loved one, sweetheart
102) Kara (Italian) Meaning: Dearest friend, beloved one
103) Kayla (Greek) Meaning: Keeper of the keys, Pure of heart, honest
104) Kylie (English) Meaning: Beautiful spirit in Hawaiian
105) Lace (Latin) Meaning: Cheerful
106) Lagina (Latin) Meaning: Queen, sovereign
107) Lara (Russian) Meaning: Cheerful
108) Lara (English) Meaning: Famous, Cheerful, happy
109) Leila (Persian) Meaning: Dark beauty
110) Lily (Greek) Meaning: Innocence, delicate flower, purity, shyness
111) Linda (Spanish) Meaning: Pretty
112) Liz (Hebrew) Meaning: Talented, smart
113) London (British) Meaning: Wild or Bold
114) Lucinda (Spanish) Meaning: Light
115) Luna (Latin) Meaning: Moon goddess
116) Luna (Italian) Meaning: Moon
117) Mabel (English) (Latin) Meaning: Lovable
118) Mable (Latin) Meaning: Beautiful, Loving, lovable
119) Mackenzie (Scottish) Meaning: Born of fire, good looking, fair
120) Maeve (Latin), (Irish) Meaning: Cause of great joy, goddess, she who intoxicates
Unique Girl Baby Names With Beautiful Meanings
121) Maeve (Irish) Meaning: She who intoxicates
122) Maire (Irish) Meaning: Version of Mary
123) Matilda (English) Meaning: Mighty
124) Meara (Irish) Meaning: Sea
125) Mia (Latin) Meaning: Mine
126) Micah (Hebrew) Meaning: Who is like God
127) Millie (German) Meaning: Determination
128) Molly (Hebrew) Meaning: Rebel
129) Monserrat (Catalan) Meaning: Edgy mountain
130) Nadine (French) Meaning: Aspiration, hope, desire
131) Nancey (English) Meaning: Favor, full of grace, gracious
132) Nedra (English) Meaning: Below the earth, prosperous guardian
133) Nereida (Spanish) Meaning: Goddess, mermaid, deity
134) Nevaeh American Meaning: Heaven spelled backward
135) Nia (Swahili) Meaning: Purpose
136) Nicolette (Greek) Meaning: Victory of the people
137) Oaklynn (American) Meaning: Strengthful beauty
138) Odelia (French) Meaning: Rich, wealthy, prosperous
139) Olivia (Latin) Meaning: Related to the olive tree, elf army
140) Orva (French) Meaning: Worth gold, expensive
141) Paige (Latin) Meaning: Young helper
142) Paloma (Latin) Meaning: Holy spirit dove, a symbol of peace, beautiful, pretty
143) Pamela (English) Meaning: Honey, all sweet
144) Payton (Irish) Meaning: Noble
145) Peach (Latin) and Old (French) Meaning: Exceptionally attractive person
146) Phoebe (Greek) Meaning: Bright sunshine
147) Pipere (English) Meaning: Piper, whistler
148) Poppy (English) Meaning: Name of a flower
149) Presley (English) Meaning: Priest’s meadow
150) Quiana (French) Meaning: Living with grace, heavenly. Soft, silky, smooth flowing
More Baby Girl Names With Beautiful Meanings
151) Quinn (Irish) Meaning: Intelligence
152) Robin (English) Meaning: Shining, bright fame
153) Romina (Arabic) Meaning: Land of Christian’s
154) Rose (Latin) Meaning: Fragrant flower, most delicate, delightful flowers to ever grow in enchanted gardens
155) Ruby (Latin) Meaning: A jewel
156) Sally (English) Meaning: Princess, tycoon, executive
157) Samantha (Aramaic), (Greek) Meaning: Listener, flower
158) Sara (Hebrew) Meaning: Noble lady, princess
159) Savannah (Spanish) Meaning: Flatland
160) Scarlett (English) Meaning: Bright Red, vibrant
161) Shayna (Yiddish) Meaning: Beautiful
162) Shea (Irish) Meaning: Fortunate, fairy place
163) Shirley (English) Meaning: Bright wood, shining meadow
164) Simon (Hebrew) Meaning: The listener, who hears
165) Sophia (Greek) Meaning: Holy wisdom, skill
166) Spring (English) Meaning: Springtime, to burst forth
167) Sue (Latin) Meaning: Spiritually intense, Lily
168) Summer (English) Meaning: Summer season, bright and cheerful
169) Sunny (English) Meaning: Bright, Cheerful, sunny
170) Suzzy (Hebrew) Meaning: Graceful Lilly
171) Tait (English) Meaning: Cheerful, pleasant, bright
172) Talia (Hebrew) Meaning: Dew of God
173) Tatum (English) Meaning: Bringer of joy, light-hearted
174) Tia (Latin) Meaning: Goddess, godly, happiness
175) Trinity (Latin) Meaning: Three in one (holy)
176) Ursula (Latin) Meaning: Little female bear
177) Valencia (Latin) Meaning: Healthy, brave, strong
178) Venus (English) Meaning: Goddess of beauty and love
179) Vida (French) Meaning: Victory and life
180) Violet (Latin) Meaning: Purple (Vibrant flowers that bloom in late winters and early spring)
181) Violet (English) Meaning: A flower
182) Viveca (Latin) Meaning: Place of refuge, lively, full of life
183) Willow (English) Meaning: Graceful, free spirit, freedom
184) Xana Meaning: Astruian Divinity
185) Xenia (Greek) Meaning: Guest, welcoming, hospitality
186) Ximena Portuguese Meaning: Listener, female of Simon
187) Yarina (Greek) Meaning: Peace-loving
188) Yulia Russian Meaning: Young, youthful
189) Zaylee Australian Meaning: Heavenly woman
190) Zipporah (Hebrew), (French), (Greek) Meaning: The Beautiful wife of Moses
191) Zoe (Greek) Meaning: Eve
Unique Baby Girl Names And Meanings[table id=girl-names /]In case you are expecting a boy, then do check baby boy names and their meanings.