If you came here looking for nicknames for grandparents, it means that they are very special. Grandparents hold a special place in everyone’s life. They help in bringing up grandchildren in the best way. They adore children and cherish every second spent with them.
Grandparents instill wisdom, narrate tales and fill bellies with lots of sugars. They have an immense amount of love towards their grandchildren. Some grandparents may be the best cook while some may even be cooler than your mates. They are the ones who took us to parties, circus, and a trip to the theatre.
They do all of it to make kids feel special. Some of the most important people deserve your love one of the way of showing love is by giving nicknames.
Inventing new name is also a good idea. If you call your grandparents with unique self-invented names then share it in the comment section. However, it’s never a bad idea to leave the decision on your grandparents to choose what they would like to be called.
If you are a grandparent who is excited and restless to be called with uncommon and cute nicknames or if you are a curious grandchild to select a name that defines your love toward grandparents, here is the list of names from which you can choose the best name.
Traditional nicknames for grandma and grandpa
Traditional grandparents would appreciate these classic nicknames. These nicknames are all derived from the word – ‘grand’.
1) Grand Ma and Granddad
2) Granny and Grandpa
3) Nana or Nanna and Gramps
4) Nanny and Grampy
5) Grammy and pops
These are quite popular all over the world. They are not unique but exude old-world charm which never goes out of fashion.
Alternative Nicknames for Grandparents from other languages
Other languages also have a rich treasure of nicknames for grandfathers and grandmothers.
1) French – Grand-mere and Grand-pere
2) Italian – Nonna and Nonno
3) German – Oma and Opa
4) Spanish – Abuela and Abuelo
5) Polish – Busia and Dziadek
6) Greek – Giagia and pappous
7) Portuguese – Avo and Vovo
8) Irish – Mhamo and Seanathair
9) Hungarian – Nagymame and Nagypapa
10) Swahili – bibi and baba
11) Danish – Mormor and Bedstefar
12) Japanese – O baachan and O jiichan
13) Russian – Babushke and Dedushke
14) Hawaiian – Kuku wahine or tutu and Kuku Kane or tutu
15) Korean – Halmeoni and Hal-abeoji
16) India – Dadi and Dada, Nani and Nana
17) African – Ouma and Oupa
18) USA – meme and pepaw
19) Filipino – Lolo and Lola
20) Ukraine – Gigi and baba
Some of the unique grandparents’ nicknames from different origins are
1) Bubbe and Zayde: It is a Jewish translation of grandpa and grandma.
2) Yaya and Pappous: These names come from Greek origin.
3) Glam-ma: Glam-ma is a unique name for grandma which can be used instead of traditional pet names if your grandma is fashionable.
4) Babcia and Dziadziu: These names come from polish origin.
5) Grams and gramps: These classic names originate from grandma and grandpa.
Here are some cute nicknames for grandparents
We know that you want your grandparent’s name to be cute as well. So, we researched more and got these funny and sweet nicknames for your grandma and grandpa.
1) Nana and Papa
2) Mawmaw and pawpaw
3) Savta and Saba
4) Geema and geepa
5) Bomma and bonpa
6) Nonna and Nonno
7) Mormor and morfar
8) Amma and afi
9) Grammy and gramps
10) Nai Nai and ye ye
11) Banma and banpe
12) Lolly and pop
13) Memere and pepere
14) Gpa and gma
15) Goma and gompa
Trendy Grandparents Names
If you feel too young to be a grandparent or if you have a young grandparent or If you have modern or cool grandparents. Here are some of the coolest names to refer them
33 Cool & trendy nicknames for grandma
1) Coco
2) Mimi
3) Gaga
4) Nami
5) Granne
6) Nanoo
7) Glamme
8) Banma
9) Teeny
10) Poppy
11) Mega
12) Mawa
13) Mumzie
14) Oba-chan
15) Obaba
16) Nandy
17) Ammy
18) Babe
19) Popo
20) RooRoo
21) Sasha
22) Sobo
23) Yanya
24) Anya
25) Gaga
26) Zeidy
27) Jaja
28) Moma
29) Pilo
30) Granan
31) Grandi
32) Nanna
33) Papie
33 cool names for grandpa
1) Grandy
2) Pop-pop
3) Pappy
4) Grand pop
5) Poppa
6) Grandude
7) Grande
8) Drampe
9) Big bop
10) Big D
11) Biggie D
12) Bop
13) Coach
14) Dadsy
15) DeeDah
16) Dexdie
17) Doody
18) Grand
19) Grand D
20) Huggy
21) Napa
22) Papi
23) Baba
24) Dappy
25) Tee-pa
26) Umpa
27) Bud
28) Popsi
29) Dadoo
30) Fo-pa
31) Geez
32) Ace
33) Nemo
How to choose nicknames for grandparents
The best thing one can do is to leave it on parents and grandparents to choose nicknames with which they wish to be called. One can always suggest unique and cute names to choose from.
Things that should be considered before choosing a nickname for grandparents are listed below
1) Prefer parents choice
Some parents may have chosen grandparent’s nicknames or may have an attachment to a name with which they use to refer their grandparents in childhood. It is equally important to consider parents’ choice too.
2) Other grandparents nicknames
Paternal and maternal grandparents can be differentiated by giving different names. This makes things easier for children.
3) Personality
Considering grandparents’ personality is very important while choosing nicknames. Nicknames differ depending on whether they are traditional or fun-loving, outgoing and cool or they are serious and disciplined.
4) Family history
Some families prefer to keep names uniform in the family. Names that are used traditionally within your family should be given preference in such cases.
5) Ease of pronunciation
At an early age, some children may find it difficult to pronounce certain names. This would sometimes result in a new nickname. What they pronounce may sometimes end up sounding weird and rude but you will forget it once they hug and kiss you.
6) Other grandchildren
It is always good to stick with a single name with which all the grandchildren can refer you. This will avoid confusion among all children.
Small grandchildren are stubborn. We should never mess with them. We all know that in the end, they will win – whatever they say goes.
They also know how special you are to them in the family, so they will definitely give you the best name you deserve.