The Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test is one of the better-known home pregnancy tests. It is one of the few pregnancy tests that have a week calculator.
It is accurate and has the most user-friendly instructions manual. The test can detect pregnancy five days before missed period.
Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test with weeks calculator can detect pregnancy up to three weeks. The positive result of this test mentions the week past conception.
Its reviews talk of how the pregnancy test is useful for early pregnancy detection.
When to take the Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test?
- After unprotected intercourse
- Thick white vaginal discharge
- Breasts become sore and hurt
- Frequent urge to pee
- Body ache and unexplained headaches
- Vomiting and nausea
- Abdominal cramps and spotting
- Missing your periods by a week
- Feeling queasy
- Mood swings getting worse than PMS

How to use the Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test?
- Take out the pregnancy test from foil
- Collect an early morning urine sample.
- Take the hCG strip for 5 seconds in the stream of urine.
- If you are doing the dip strip test, then dip it for 20 seconds.
- Wait for three minutes for results to develop.
- Don’t hold the pregnancy test upside down.
- After you soak the pregnancy test hCG strip place the test facing upwards on a clean counter
- A rotating hourglass must appear if you have not made any mistakes during the pregnancy test
- Read the results after three minutes.
Video instructions
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How does the week indicator of Clearblue digital Pregnancy Test work?
This test has the improvisation to estimate the amount of hCG present in urine.
If the results appear quickly it means that pregnancy has been for a long.
If results take time to develop it is due to low levels of hCG which means that not much time must have passed after conception.
Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test comes under both qualitative and quantitative pregnancy test categories.
How to read the pregnancy test?
Why is there a difference between what the Clearblue pregnancy test calculates and what the doctor says?
Doctors calculate your pregnancy not from the day of the missed period but from the time of conception. Conception is the time you got pregnant. The expected period is two weeks after conception (fertilization). Only after two weeks from conception, the levels of hCG are enough for a test. Clearblue advanced test times your pregnancy from the day of missed period.
How to read the results of the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with the week indicator? The Clearblue advanced pregnancy test is highly accurate.
- Not pregnant: negative results
- Pregnant 1-2 weeks: Your doctor will tell you that you are three to four weeks pregnant based on your menstrual cycle
- Pregnant 2-3 weeks: Your doctor will tell you that you are four to five weeks pregnant based on your menstrual cycle
- Pregnant 3+ weeks: Your doctor will tell you that you are more than five weeks pregnant based on your menstrual cycle
Clearblue Pregnancy Test results
This pregnancy test kit displays results that are very easy to read.
The digital pregnancy test has an easy way to show results. It uses the words ‘pregnant‘ and ‘not pregnant‘ to show the results of the pregnancy test. You don’t have to do any guesswork and can read your pregnancy test results after 3 minutes.
Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test results are accurate. If you follow all instructions, then there is a negligible chance of a false result.
The results key of the pregnancy test mentions everything about reading results. Before taking the test, go through the test instructions.
Is the Clearblue Advanced PT accurate?
Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test has an exceptionally high accuracy five days before period. While other tests only have an accuracy of 52%, the Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test has an accuracy of 65%.
It goes on increasing every day as your pregnancy progresses, the hCG levels double every 48 hours making it easier to detect pregnancy.
It also calculates the time from conception. Doctors calculate the gestational age by considering conception as day one. Most women find it difficult to figure out their due date. As layman we calculate pregnancy date taking missed period as day one.
The test shows the positive results as 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks, or 3+ weeks. Beyond that, it cannot pinpoint the pregnancy date.
If you get a negative pregnancy test result, then it could be that you tested too early. You need to wait for at least a week to expect 99% accuracy.
You can repeat the test after two days to check again. Duplicating pregnancy tests is a must.
After coming to know the stage of your pregnancy you can schedule your appointment with the doctor. The PT makes it easier to know the necessity of getting a medical checkup.
Clearblue PT reviews
Women can’t stop singing praises of the Clearblue Advanced pregnancy test. The Clearblue Advanced digital pregnancy test makes home pregnancy test lucid.
One doesn’t need to rethink evaporation lines and other things that interfere with the pregnancy test. It is an early pregnancy test.
The results are clear and easy to read. All you need to do is follow the instructions given in the manual.
It is a midstream pregnancy test so, you simply soak the hCG strip in the urine stream. It only takes few seconds, and you get your desired results.
The results of the test take few seconds to develop. There are rarely any reports of a false negative pregnancy test.
A false-positive result can only be because of fertility drugs as these drugs elevate the hCG levels in nonpregnant women.
I need help I took 2 clear blue tests and came out with 2 blue lines but my said them are not da pregnant test any answer
Maybe you’re using an ovulation test kit. If someone said that they’re not pregnancy test then it could be ovulation kits, they look similar. Send a picture so that we can help you out.