Implantation bleeding – early and late period is something most women fret about. In this article, we will help you differentiate between the two.
Early and late period by a day or two is not considered a problem by most women.
Very rarely do women get their period exactly for the same time on the same date every month throughout the year.
But after unprotected sex, everything seems abnormal if you don’t want a pregnancy.
Even if you’re trying to get pregnant, you seem to lose your judgment about spotting before period.
The New England Journal of Medicine1 talks of the importance of implantation events and how failure causes pregnancy loss.
Implantation bleeding or early period
Usually, Implantation occurs 7 DPO (Days Past Ovulation) and period takes double the time to start.
But sometimes the aunt’s flow surprises you by coming a week early.
First trimester bleeding happens in case of every 1 our of 4 women, and half of them have a miscarriage 2. So is it implantation bleeding or early period?
Implantation bleeding and period differ in more than one thing.
The timing of the spotting is just one of the criteria to distinguish implantation or period.
If the flow of blood is heavy, then it is most probably early period. The color of menses is bright red. Implantation spotting can be light or dark brown. Only a few drops of blood come out of the vagina as implantation bleeding.
How to distinguish implantation bleeding and early period?
You can distinguish Implantation bleeding and early period by looking for implantation symptoms.
The other signs of implantation such as cramps also distinguish it from an early period.
During implantation, the cramping is mild and doesn’t hurt much.
Menstrual cramps are immensely painful, and they continue for a longer time.
Implantation symptoms include changes in cervical mucus.
After implantation which is only 24-48 hours long, the cervical mucus glands discharge watery fluid.
Whereas after the period the vagina is not as wet as after pregnancy.
The mucus plug is essential for protecting the growing embryo. It seals the cervix end to prevent entry and exit from that point.
The rest is covered by the placenta that starts forming after implantation.
Pregnancy tests after implantation are positive and cannot be positive after the period.
The egg flows out along with the endometrial lining during a period, so pregnancy is not possible.
Early period or implantation bleeding is a common question by women who have a light period.
The first day of the period is more about cramps and breaking of the uterine lining and less about heavy blood flow.
The next day the flow gets heavier and the cramping subsides gradually.
In the case of implantation, the cramping totally vanishes after the first day.
For establishing conditions necessary for implantation your body could be using sex chemicals to regulate genes for implantation.
The American Society of Clinical Investigation published research regarding the effect of sexsteroids during implantation events 3.
What it really means for you, is the importance of any chemical that you take during the sensitive period.
Period three days early or implantation bleeding?
Implantation can happen anytime between 7-12 days after ovulation. So it is only 3 days before period if it late implantation.
In some cases, implantation can be so late that you miss a period during next cycle. If you don’t take a pregnancy test, you will not even come to know that you are pregnant for a month.
This is because the baby bump hasn’t grown much and you can dismiss the pregnancy signs unaware of the cause.
It will be dangerous for your baby and you if you keep taking painkillers or other drugs.
Period 3 days early is possible but implantation bleeding looking like a period is not.
A period will always be heavier and will last longer. Implantation bleeding will be light and get over within two days at most.
You need to consider all points of differences between implantation bleeding and period.
Short early period or implantation bleeding
Now a woman who doesn’t want to get pregnant or who is anxious about early pregnancy loss will not accept reality.
Short early period or implantation bleeding disregards two points of difference.
One, the duration of period considering it as a short early period and second, the timing by considering that it is early period.
Still, you are left with other ways to figure out implantation bleeding or early menses. You can record your basal body temperature, and if you find a dip, then it is implantation.
Following this, there will be a rise in BBT back to normal. The triphasic BBT confirms that you are pregnant.
Why implantation happens only a week after conception?
Implantation occurs after the zygote reaches a 64 celled stage called blastocyst. The first division after fertilization takes 30 hours, more than a day.
The next division takes another 10 hours after it.
The fourth division completes after 3 days from fertilization.
Over the time a mulberry like a bunch of cells structures caller Morula forms.
Later on, the morula goes on dividing to give rise to blastocyst. The human fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes.
During cleavage or division of the fertilized egg, the embryo travels down the tubes to reach the uterus for implantation, opposite to the way a sperm traveled for fertilization.
On the seventh day after fertilization, the embryo reaches the site of implantation. Now it attaches to the lining of the uterus using the trophoblast fibers.
The secretions from the uterus lining help it sink inside.
Then it extends projections for obtaining nutrition. After 48 hours from start, implantation completes.
On adding the time of postfertilization events, you get about a week. So implantation happens only a week after conception.
How to distinguish between implantation bleeding or irregular period?
Implantation bleeding or irregular period can be similar if you have only spotting. But the color of implantation bleeding will still be different from the irregular period.
An irregular or regular period is fresh blood coming out of the vagina. Implantation spotting is old blood that comes out of the vagina after staying there for some time.
The reason for this is the quantity of blood is so less during implantation that it takes time to flow through. While in case of the period it is a continuous flow.
For distinguishing implantation bleeding and irregular period, you can check out your ovulation date using an online ovulation calculator.
If the spotting is about a week after ovulation and has a brown color, then it is because of implantation.
Obviously, it requires that you have had sex before you expect implantation. If you did not have sex for a long time near ovulation, then it can be irregular period.
Along with that, you need to look for symptoms like cramping and pain. Even during an irregular period, the pain is excruciating.
So if you are in pain then you may be having irregular menstrual flow.
Scientists are working to understand the molecular interactions inside your body at time of implantation. Near future has it when affordable diagnostic tests will be able to detect implantation.
Studies published in Endocrine Reviews4 back in 2004 talked of it.
Late implantation bleeding
Yes, late implantation bleeding is when it almost takes place during menses. You will not miss your period. All women are unique and so different things can happen.
Late implantation bleeding is because of various reasons like the slow division of egg. This prevents the following events and in turn delays implantation.
After fertilization, early pregnancy factor releases and many other chemicals are essential for growth. Any defects during this stage can cause late implantation bleeding.
During implantation its extremely important for the endometrial lining to avoid egg embedding from a different species. To avoid the implantation of a alien egg implantation receptivity is short term.
Even during the period of embryo attachment the uterus is briefly welcoming 5. Early pregnancy loss, near implantation time, is common because of brief cross talk.
Pregnancy bleeding is not restricted to period or implantation bleeding. Heavy bleeding can be because of extra tissue growth, gestational trophoblastic disease, and embryo death.
- Implantation and the Survival of Early Pregnancy
- PubMed. (2009). First Trimester Bleeding Retrieved September 5, 2018
- J Clin Invest. 1998;101(7):1379-1384.
- S. K. Dey, H. Lim, Sanjoy K. Das, Jeff Reese, B. C. Paria, Takiko Daikoku, Haibin Wang; Molecular Cues to Implantation, Endocrine Reviews, Volume 25, Issue 3, 1 June 2004, Pages 341–373,
- Deciphering Cross Talk Of Implantation: Advances and Challenges
Consider repeating a test after you miss period for 2 weeks. Implantation bleeding can be late due to late embedment or miscalculation. A test after 4 days of missing period is too early.
My last cycle started on May 15th next cycle was due June 12th, started June 13th that night light pink spotting! Next 2 days normal bleeding then just stopped nothing ! Took HPT the morning of June 13th bfn however once what I think was my cycle stopped, I have a lot of ‘wetness’ in my vag and I don’t know what to think about this can you please give me some insight !?
Take a pregnancy test after two weeks from missed period date. Don’t consider the irregularities. Stick to your length of cycle and calculate to get the date
I had light pink spotting only when I wiped on the 28the of last mth exactly a week from af. I was nauseated that night next day frequent urination and a really bad headache along with mild cramping. Friday and Saturday bad headache and felt like I had a cold. Sunday and Monday sore chest and today mild cramping and still sore boobs. I felt a little nauseated all those days as well. What does this mean?
You have mentioned you had spotting last month. Probably that means you did not get your period. Symptoms that you’ve mentioned are early pregnancy symptoms. But it can happen due to other reasons like a flu or missing pills or yeast infection. Consider taking a pregnancy test or meeting your doc.
If you think that the pregnancy test was false positive and negative then consult a doctor. Period with mucus and brown discharge for four days is not implantation bleeding normally.
My period was late for three days then on the fourth day day it started with brown discharge and then continued with light red blood for four days (4th march to 7th march) but not as my regular flow.. should i call it a light leriod or implantation bleeding? I took a test on the day of my missed period but it was negative. I really confused!
Taking test on day of missed period can be really early sometimes. Wait for two weeks and take another test if you are seeing pregnancy symptoms. Otherwise light period is not abnormal in a sexually active woman.
My period was late for three days then on the fourth day it started with brown discharge and then continued with light red blood for four days (4th march to 7th march) but not as my regular flow.. on and off bleeding. Should i call it a light period or implantation bleeding? I took a test on the day of my missed period but it was negative. I am really confused! I am ttc for four months.
ive had brown spotting on my regular period date and no periods, this spotting lasted for 4 days , i took a test during these days it was negative. still havent gotten my period . what do i do ?
You can miss a period if you were sick or are taking contraceptives. Wait for sometime and consider taking another test. Look for pregnancy symptoms more carefully.
I felt cramping on 3/17 which I noticed because I never really cramp prior to my period especially not a whole week before. Then had some dark brown spotting a day or two later and have had nausea every day, fatigue, sore and swollen breasts, have been moody and VERY emotional, like break out into tears for no reason emotional, food aversions, head ache, felt like I had a low grade fever, felt sick with one beer, literally every early pregnancy symptom in the book! I am now two days late but had two negative tests, any insight? I’m going crazy googling anything and everything! Any insight you can provide would be soooo appreciated! Thanks so much!
All the symptoms that you’ve mentioned are not as decisive as a pregnancy test. If you are on contraceptives then situation is more complex. Two days late period negative pregnancy test is not a big issue. Women take as long as three weeks due to get a positive pregnancy test.
my gf’s mens is late by 7 days and yester day is the seventh day.she had brown discharge then after an hour or 2 she said theres a spot of bright red blood.then a few hours later again theres still brown discharge its much less than earlier and this one has clots.then a few hours later again theres pinkish blood that soaked through her pad theres many of it and another few hours later like 11:30 pm march 28 she said theres dark red blood in her pad like dark red no clots…is this implantation bleeding? note that shes 7 days late thanks in advance
oh and shes having lowerabdominal cramping and back pain she said it hurts and its like menstrual cramping though she didnt have the back pain before
Her confusion between menstrual and early pregnancy cramps is true. It is difficult to distinguish between the two. Positive pregnancy test, blood test, morning sickness, and missed period are more decisive indicators of pregnancy.
What’s the update of your gf? Is she fine? Is she pregnant?
The frequency of spotting is slightly higher than what is normally expected for implantation. Wait for two days and if spotting continues then consult a doctor. You can take a pregnancy test next week to detect pregnancy.
I am now a week late on my predicted period and my chest been sore around the outer parts and I’ve been bloated. On the 7th day of missing, I started my “period” and it was a vibrant red but is very light and stopped after an hour or so. Am I pregnant???
If you’re sure that it was “period” then the symptoms were just because it was a late period. Vibrant red spotting for an hour ideally shouldn’t be implantation bleeding. Brown spotting is implantation bleeding.
I’m on my second day now and it’s quite light compared to my periods before and I been having fever like symptoms plus cramping what can this be?
Cramps occur during period and you may even feel feverish. If you are on your second day then it is most probably period. We can’t diagnose anything. Consider taking a pregnancy test or get a doctor’s appointment if symptoms are causing unusual pain or discomfort.
Hi I’m back, because I still have no answer! My last normal period was still feb 3rd! I never missed a period besides when I was pregnant 2 times 4 and 5 years ago. My periods are usually a heavy flow! So that’s why what is happening to me is completely abnormal! I spotting a few days my period was due in much! Very light spotting! But this month on April 1st I been spotting everyday and still is! The bleeding is not heavy and it only appears on the tissue when I wipe myself! It is pink, sometimes , brown, sometimes orangish color and now it’s just light pink! So far in a couple of hours this would be the 10th day of spotting every day since April 1st! Pregnancy are negative! But what could cause this light spotting for over 9 days straight ??? I know it’s not my period plus it’s too long!
We welcome you as many times you need. If you only get it on your tissue then it could be any infection. The changing color of blood and the tinge mentioned are signs of infection. If your partner had an infection such as yeast then you could have contracted it. Spotting for a week is a reason to worry indeed. But spotting for a week is because of hormonal imbalance. And it happens to many. So, don’t worry and consult a doctor, hormonal therapies (pills) will cure it.
My period was 4 days late took a HPT on the fourth day negative. Had minor cramps. The Fifth day woke up too yellow clear mucus with brown spots when I wiped. Still had mild cramping but only lasting that morning. The next morning it was bright red spotting that evening the spotting went to a dark brown no cramping could that be implantmentation or a period? Should I take another HPT?
Wait for a week before you take another pregnancy test – HPT. Yellow mucus with brown spots and then spotting, most probably your period is about to start. If you had sex near ovulation then it favors the notion of implantation spotting.
Brown spotting for 2 days nothing after our last conversation in April. Normal period is 4 -5 days with serve cramping. Negative pregnancy test at doctors office. Since breast have been sensitive, no cramping, bad headaches, nausea, back pain, acne, fatigue brown spotting again 6days before expected period with no cramping. Could this be implamentation bleeding or irregular period? Should i take a HPT again? Or just wait to go to the doctor end of the month.know that if i was pregnant i am only about 7wks need direction
Implantation bleeding doesn’t occur repeatedly. Negative pregnancy test from a lab is most reliable. It is possible that you spot during pregnancy and hCG levels take time to rise up. But eventually your doctor can make out whether you’re pregnant. If you’re 7 weeks pregnant as per your calculations you can get an ultrasound check to cross check pregnancy test results. Period irregularities have similar symptoms of acne, nausea, spotting. Hormonal imbalance is very common at some point in a woman’s reproductive stage of life.
Hello I had protected sex the day after ovulation supposedly. In 5 days I began to spot red blood it went on for about 7 days. On the 4th day of spotting I took a pregnancy test which was negative. On the 8th day which was 2 days before my regular period was supposed to start, it got heavy like a regular period I had to wear pads and change them out, that stopped after 3 days (I’m usually 4 days). I have no pregnancy symptoms other than mild cramps. Could i still be pregnant? I am not ttc.
Protected sex after ovulation is less likely to lead to pregnancy. The duration of spotting along with heavy bleeding for three days indicates that you are not pregnant. A negative pregnancy test further validates the above conclusion. Take a pregnancy test after three weeks to reassure.
Hi. I had implantation bleeding a week before im suppose to have my period. The discharge was very light and intermittent until it stopped after five days. i took three pregancy test already for a span of two weeks from missing my period but results say its negative. I’m two weeks late for my period and then i’m having heavy blood flow and painful cramps. What is happening to me? Did i have a miscarriage? why did i have two periods or discharge within one month?
You can have spotting due to hormonal imbalance. It is not two period in a month. The symptoms you’ve mentioned suggest that it was a period and not implantation bleeding. Three negative pregnancy test also mean that you weren’t pregnant. It is not uncommon for a woman to have spotting and hormonal imbalance. If you’re taking contraceptive pills consult a doctor about them.
On February, I took a Plan B pill on 16th, and another one on the next day. after we done the unprotected sex and my predicted period was the last 2 weeks of the month, most recently. its just that my menstruation cycle is not always at the same date of the month (which gives me that I am irregular). After a month, on the 16th of March. something has changed; I keep on burping, yawning, get irritated on smallest thing and on people, dizziness happened, bloated, throwing up (not like throw up throw up, its in there but its not coming out but just a saliva), I keep on eating like always hungry and I gained pounds for just a week. I thought I should do a PT. So, I did. it turned out the result was negative. I was kind of relieved, but the symptoms was still there. After all that, I was still hoping for my period to come. and I thought it did. Because, on the 23rd of March at night, I went to the bathroom there was blood on my underwear, so I thought that was my period already. but, it only happened for 2 days? no cramps and I was just feeling tired. You know it wasn’t fresh blood. it was just spotting, discharged brown, and a light or pink color? . I’ve been searching and reading every pregnancy, ovulation, implantation bleeding, like everything that is connected on that matters.
A pregnancy test result supersedes all symptoms. Take another pregnancy test after 3 weeks. But if you’re having all early pregnancy symptoms then it is possible that you are getting false negative pregnancy test. You took contraceptive and had protected sex, pregnancy ideally must not occur. But contraceptives do fail. Some women do get period for first three months of pregnancy. If your confusion still persists then consult a doctor.
On the 20th (2 days ago) a really bad cramps happened up to now. Back pain and abdomen was really bad. This is unusual to me and the pain is so unbearable. I went to the bathroom on that morning ‘cos I felt wet and there was nothing on my underwear. but, I peed and there was a dark menstrual clots like a lot and the blood was light, every time I wiped. it lasted until yesterday afternoon. this the first time that happened to me. I am so confused of whats going on to and I’m worried about my health. I don’t know what to think.
At times you miss your period or don’t have a heavy bleeding phase. Especially when a woman uses contraceptive and is sexually active. It is not necessary that you’re pregnant if you’re experiencing symptoms. But taking risk out of ignorance will worsen your health. Consult a doctor.
My periods are regular, last month (March) I started on the 23rd (lasted a week as usual.) I started taking birth control pills April 2nd & had sex on the 6th (used condoms.) I started bleeding a week after that, this light red that turned into a bright red but was watery with barely any tiny clots (no smell), for a few days when it stopped I got stressed with something & bleed more but it was never heavy. I usually have heavy thicker dark periods with alot of huge clots & just a few sharp cramps. I was very emotional, tired, body heat was warmer than usual, lower back sore, bit cramping mild kinda uncomfortable not sharp pains as usual, food idk if it’s a coincidence but nothing much appeals to me or not liking the smell of stuff I used love gives me headaches (don’t know if it’s a coincidence, emotionally was dealing with something stressfully embarrassing, I’m 18 & panicked since I don’t want to think I’m possibily pregnant.) I wasn’t suppose to start my period for 2 more weeks. Went back to Planned Parenthood on Monday 16th, was told it’s too early to test & it might be the pills I started. That my concerns were valid & to come back next Friday 27th (this week.) Desperate for anything I took a First Response test on Sunday 22nd, came out negative. I’m on my 3rd day (25th) of what was meant to be my period ( suppose start 23rd.) No bleeding, still tired, sore lower back (I try not to think about it since I don’t want to be pregnant.) I heard about implantation bleeding, I don’t know much but I bleed a week after sex and my mom told me it could be my period. But I wasn’t suppose to start for two more weeks & it’s usually on time. I had sex only that day for the first time in years so I’m worried cause like I said it’s usually on time & this other bleeding I never had before. I don’t know if other women have experienced this & actually turned out pregnant or idk I’m just worried.
You’re having erratic spotting and the symptoms you mention are early pregnancy signs. But, you are on contraceptive plus you used condom while having sex and had it after long period of abstaining. You got a negative pregnancy test but that was too early. Sore back can be because of many other reasons. First of all before anything else, calm down! You must have already given enough thought to whether of not his fluid went inside you. You had sex in the first week after period, when the fertility window is still far. Chances are less likely that you could be pregnant. The reason your period is late is because you already had early spotting this month. Eat raw pineapple, lots of it, it’ll speed up your period. Women on contraceptive do skip their period, or have spotting in place of it. Take a pregnancy test after two weeks from now.
I had sex, had implantation the next week for 2 days then from there I’ve had cramps and i came on my period 2 weeks late. It started off a light pink and then got bright red and looks watery. I’ve been dizzy and light headed, cramps, and nausea… what is wrong with me?
And i took two pregnancy tests and it failed but i keep having all these horrible symptoms
Failed? You got negative results? Yes, after implantation bleeding if you don’t miss your period, it is a sigh that it was random spotting before period.
Your period did come so now you can take a pregnancy test and check if you’re pregnant. The timing of implantation mentioned by you is correct.
I had a period on March 22…then ovulated on March 26_ 30…me and hubby had sex on March 27,28,and 30th….then April 5 -8 spotted Brown and light pink …for the first time ever….and now I’m cd23 and negative hpt…period due in about 3 days… was that implantation bleeding and am I testing too early
After period on March 22 you can’t have ovulation on 26-30. Spotting cause is not relatable to your description. You’re testing early certainly.
Hi ,
I had bright red bleeding on the 23 of this month. It lasted 2 days. I only wore panie liners. My period was due on the 28 and only last 3 days . Did I experience an early period or inplantaion bleeding? Me and my boyfriend has been super nauseous for about a week?
Being nauseous for a week can be because of change in environment. Your male partner won’t experience the symptom if you’re pregnant. That is another sign that nausea is because
of some other reason. Bright red bleeding is most likely early period and not implantation bleeding. Pen down whether you had unprotected sex near ovulation.
Yes we had unprotected sex the whole week of ovulation.
Chances are very high that you could be pregnant.
Implantation bleeding occurs before due period. But if you’re not on contraceptives and had pink spotting it could be late implantation bleeding. Considering the fact that your period is always on time and dark and heavy then this can be early pregnancy sign. Take a pregnancy test after a week.
Hi there!.. I started spotting very very faint pink on some toilet paper only when I wiped for a day, then the two days afterwards were just very light brown spotting, only when I wiped. This was about 6 days before I was supposed to start my period. My period ended up being 5 days late and it just came on today, but this time I have no cramping. On the first days I’m always cramping really badly to the point that I can’t even get out of bed. My symptoms since the spotting have been dizziness/light headedness, tender/ WAY heavier chest and abdominal aches, like I have just done 100 crunches lol…. could you still spot and have a period and be pregnant? It’s freaking me out and driving me CRAZY
Yes pregnancy spotting is normal. Some women do get period for first three months. Thus, absence of period or spotting are not totally reliable signs of early pregnancy. The spotting duration of 6 days is way beyond normal implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test if the latter mentioned symptoms continue.
Hi there!.. I started spotting very very faint pink on some toilet paper only when I wiped for a day, then the two days afterwards were just very light brown spotting, only when I wiped. This was about 6 days before I was supposed to start my period. (about 10 days after ovulating)! My period ended up being 5 days late and it just came on today, but this time I have no cramping. On the first days I’m always cramping really badly to the point that I can’t even get out of bed. My symptoms since the spotting have been dizziness/light headedness, tender/ WAY heavier chest and abdominal aches, like I have just done 100 crunches lol…. could you still spot and have a period and be pregnant? It’s freaking me out and driving me CRAZY
Hi, i had an early miscarriage on feb 01 this year.
Day 1 of my last period was 31st March. Ive had period like pains and cramps since sat 28th April…..but no sign of my period. When i wipe ive had a brown discharge but nothing too noticeable. Took a test yday and today….both negative….. should i just hold off for another week or so. As i type this i have period like pains….. thank you ?
You’re testing too early. Wait for another week if you feel that you may be pregnant. And 28th April is early to expect period as well. If 31st March was your first day then you might have had period during starting of April. You must wait for two weeks before repeating your pregnancy test.
So I was supposed to start my period on April 27th and started spotting on the 2nd and 3rd (which was a light pink color and only for an hour or two) I have taken 2 pregnancy test and both were negative. I did start working out again last month which I was reading could be the problem, but have never missed or been late with my period but by a day or two. I do have little back and stomach cramps but that’s about it. At this point, Google is not helping me. Not sure if I should just wait and see what happens.
Consider pregnancy a reason for spotting when you’re sexually active. Working out normally doesn’t delay period. It’s for athletic women or weightlifting. Spotting for some time after due period can be late implantation bleeding but when you’ve been sexually active. Recall and pen down your past month activities. Sometimes it’s just hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy symptoms count. PCOS causes spotting for many days. There are many possible reasons and an accurate diagnosis is best done by doctor.
My period was suppose to start on yesterday I woke up with lots of watery clear discharge and then today I am having bright pink spotting that has literally JUST started I don’t have any cramping just a headache and a little nausea. My period is literally ALWAYS on time My husband and i did have unprotected sex on April 22&23 my last menstraul was April 9 and I’m just really confused
Bright pink spotting could be implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test next week or use an early pregnancy test kit. The date of unprotected sex coincides with your ovulation if your period is extremely tuned as you said.
Hello! First lets start off with I am very sexually active with my boyfriend. We use condoms from time to time, but on the regular no birth control is used. He normally does come inside of me. The thing is I was suppose to get my period April 20th. I didn’t think anything of it till 11days where I see some bleeding. That meant I missed a period the whole month of April. May 1st though I had very light bleeding nothing I’m used to. It would stop and start back, change colors no clots, minimal cramps would usually go away. It only lasted 3 days, which ended May 3rd. It never filled up the pad and I only would notice when I went to the bathroom. I do eat a lot, use the bathroom a lot. My emotions are all over the place. I haven’t took a HPT yet I will tomorrow until then…..Pleaseeeee help lol.
Consider these, Do you use contraceptive pills? Is your period always light? Taking a pregnancy test would be the best option.
You could be pregnant. As you did have sex in every day in your fertility window period and your period is late then you could have conceived.
my period should start on 6 may as I always have on time period. I have symptoms as dizzy in the morning and breast sore about a week. Yesterday on 8 May I found out 2 spotting, 1st time with brown color and 2nd spotting is red (1 drop). I took pregnancy test on 6 but it found out as negative. Will I have good sign of pregnant?
Two drops of blood don’t count as period. So in that case you can still consider as your period is late. Take a test after a week. Look for changes such as frequent urination, watery discharge and changes in breasts. Frankly it will be very difficult to actually observe something satisfactorily assuring your pregnancy at this early stage.
Hi, my period should start on may 23, im always have on time period. I try to take HPT last may 31, but it was negative. But on june 2, nightime i experience lower back pain and cramping. Then next morning june 3, i see small brown spot. Then evening came when i urine, black blood came with small clots. I dont know whats happening,, me and my husband are trying to conceive since last 4 months.
Please any advise.
I had unprotected sex on the 30th and my period was suppose to come on the 8th. It was 2 days late and the next day i woke up with this brownish kind of blackish bleeding. What could this possibly mean?
Late period, because 30th isn’t the fertility period for a woman due on 8th.
I had unprotected intercourse on the 301th and was suppose to get my period on the 8th. My period was 2 days late and since then ive been having weird symptoms. The 3rd day i woke up with some brownish kind of blackish bleeding. What could this posibly mean?
Check your prescriptions or any changes in diet. Most likely it’s late period or ovulation irregularities.
I had light dark blood then a few hours later mucus and pink to barley any pink blood for hours then later I’m bleeding light bright red with small clots ??? This would be my third baby ??? Can anyone tell me what it means ??
As you’ve not mentioned the due dates it is difficult to comment. Perhaps other readers can share some views.
Normally my period is all out of wack but since the new year it has been on time so I thought that I was losing weight thats why it was coming on time me and my boyfriend are sexually active this week I had a two day brown periodwith mild cramps then the next day it was gone but then the day after that I had a red cycle the next morning but by the end of the day there was nothing there and I have had nausea and liwer abdominal pain can you give me some advice
Your due date information might help us comment. If the spotting was on period expected date and for three days maybe your irregular period is relapsing. Otherwise it can be implantation bleeding provided you had sex after 10-14th day of menstrual cycle, during fertility window without protection.
Just to add on what was asked by the previous lady. my partner and I are very active and we do not use protection. We have been trying for a baby for the past year. The last 4 months I consulted my DR and he prescribed some pills but we haven’t had any luck.
My periods were supposed to be on the 18 of May but instead, on the 21 May I had light brown spotting from morning till late afternoon. The next day, had the same colour spotting. Then on Wednesday 23 May I had red blood in the morning till 12pm in the afternoon. Today, 24 May I had pinkish spotting in the morning then when I wipe myself after taking a pee its brownish. I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet as I’m afraid of disappointments 🙁
I was 8 days late for my period and I am never late I normally start the 5th of each month and finish within 4 days. I had unprotected sex on May 6th ( a little after my missed period) my period tracker stated that I ovulated April 22nd-30th. After missing my period on the 8th day I had a lot of mucus and been having a lot of mucus, however on this day it was a brownish/pinkish color and very thick. Prior to this during my missed period I was having symptoms such as sensitivity to smell, nausea, back pain, and very bad mood swings. After the brown mucus occurred that same night I started to bleed, this blow flow has been very light. I took a pregnant test about 3 days ago and it stated it was negative. How long should I wait to take another? Thank you 🙂
It’s pretty less likely that having sex after missed period day would cause pregnancy. If you ovulate on April 30th the egg would have been there only until 1st May. Symptoms of brown discharge, spotting or erratic bleeding could be because of the late period. A pregnancy test on 20th May or later early morning just after getting up.
My last period was April 16 to April 22 2018. My period was start again on the 12th of may today its 3 days late .. I’ve experienced cramping and frequent need to pee in the past weeks.. Yet today I started bleeding..on the pad was brown and very little. When I wiped it was pink i have had sex with my husband from the 20th to the 26th the 28,29of april and the 7,8,and 12th of may..any knowledge or advice?
As your menstrual cycle seems short span. You have had sex near ovulation days. In case you were not using contraceptive then you must take a pregnancy test. The early pregnancy signs that you’re experiencing along with missed period hint pregnancy. Two week wait from 12th May would be the right choice.
I was supposed to get my period on the 9th of May. I spotted today, could I be pregnant?
Information is not enough to comment about your pregnancy. Period late by 6 days isn’t sufficient to detect pregnancy. Early pregnancy signs, symptoms and calculation of sexual activity period overlapping the fertility window will help predict.
hi. i am 27 years old and have been trying to conceive our second child for over a year. i had a ruptured ectopic in Feb 2018 and have been having issues with conceiving. i always get my period every month and my average cycle is 27 days. I am now 3 days late and today being the third day i started getting some reddish to pinkish spotting mixed with cervical mucus. this starts and stops through the day together with slight back cramps. the spotting is so minimal that that i have to wipe in order to see it. could i possibly be pregnant and if i am when should i take a test.
Take the test one week from now. Implantation bleeding is brown. But it occurs before due period. Late implantation is a possibility tho.
Hi There, i had tested On Sunday , Monday morning and yesterday with all negative results. I had a pinkish bleed on Monday and some bright red streaks yesterday but no period pain only some light back pain and twinges on both my sides. I am so confused.
how long does it take HCG to rise if i might have had late implantation bleeding?
By the third week after missed period your hCG levels must rise. But some women get negative test until week 8 too.
My period is usually irregular but for the last four months it has been regular. I am not on the pill. I was supposed to get my period on 5/4. Then 15 days later I started having dark brown bleeding. It is light not even enough to fill a pad in a day. I have also been nauseous for two weeks and have been eating a lot more. I’m usually have a heavy flow, berry strong menstrual cramps, lost of appetite before or during my period.
Take a pregnancy test if you think it’s because of pregnancy. Eat healthy and don’t binge junk.
I have ALWAYS had regular periods. Never been late besides pregnancy. This time I am 13 days late. Did a few home preg test and all negative. Nipples been soar about a week and the rest of breast were really tender yesterday and again today. Slightly nauseated off and on for about 3 days. Tonight I spotted a little. Obviously I will know if it is my period is starting if it gets heavy within a few days. However I had my tubes tied 17yrs ago so its prob my period finally coming right?
Are tubes still tied? In that case you must definitely consult your doctor.
I’m 4 days late my last period was the 19th April on the 4th day I started spotting small amount of pink discharge and mild cramps few hours later it’s gone have being testing getting bfn could I be still pregnant
If test is negative then you can’t say whether you’re still pregnant. Consider getting pregnancy blood test
Hi there. I just want to ask. I had a very light few spots of blood on 12 DPO and had on off cramps for 2 days now on 13 DPO due tomorrow but I also have very sore nipples could this light cramping be implantation and could it be so late? When should I test as I did one this morning 13 DPO and it was negative.
Thank you
Test after a week from missed period at least. Two weeks wait would get better results. Implantation bleeding can be late due to late ovulation, miscalculation or other reasons.
Thank you. My last period started 25th April. So I am due on today. But still no sign and some light cramping only. I’m crossing my fingers we will have a bundle of joy!
Take care of your health and stay calm trust the process.
hi please i need help. last month april 24, my period is done. Then after 10 days, May 4, i had brown spotting for 3 days. And now, my period is late for 6 days, what does this mean? im kinda stresses lately also.
Spotting can occur because of hormonal imbalance. Your period might be late because the same hormonal imbalance that caused spotting delayed ovulation and period. Take a pregnancy test now.
hi please i need help. My period ended on April 24. And after 10 days, May 4, i had brown mens for 3-4 days. My period is now late for 6 days. Am i pregnant? bc i cant be :–((
Late period doesn’t mean you’re pregnant. There are many reasons for late menses. Take a pregnancy test.
Hi. I just had a miscarriage 2 years ago and we’re TTC. I have regular cycle. I had my period March 24-27, then April 21-25. I have a period 28 day cycle. My partner and I are sexually active. We had sex May 2, 6, 7, 13 & 18. My period was due last May 19th, but then I had it on the 20th. I had bleeding May 20. Brown blood came out from my V then stained my pantyliner. Had to wear pads just in case it gets heavier. However bleeding didn’t get heavy. So there. I had bleeding last May 20 and 21 with slight cramping, back pain and nausea. May 22, it was just a spot of blood on my pads then today, no blood at all. Tried to use pregnancy test almost 10 times but I get, bfn. No more bleeding now. I was thinking maybe I had nausea because of my vision problem these past few days. Btw, the bleeding for almost 2-3 days, were brown and not fresh blood. Could I be pregnant?
Take a pregnancy test after 31 May,. You’re testing early. Can’t comment about your pregnancy.
Hi. I just had a miscarriage 2 years ago and we’re TTC. I have regular cycle. I had my period March 24-27, then April 21-25. I have a period 28 day cycle. My partner and I are sexually active. We had sex May 2, 6, 7, 13 & 18. My period was due last May 19th, but then I had it on the 20th. I had bleeding May 20. Brown blood came out from my V then stained my pantyliner. Had to wear pads just in case it gets heavier. However bleeding didn’t get heavy. So there. I had bleeding last May 20 and 21 with slight cramping, back pain and nausea. May 22, it was just a spot of blood on my pads then today, no blood at all. Tried to use pregnancy test almost 10 times but I get, bfn. No more bleeding now. I was thinking maybe I had nausea because of my vision problem these past few days. Btw, the bleeding for almost 2-3 days, were brown and not fresh blood. Could I be pregnant?? Please help.
Brown blood is implantation bleeding. You must get a doctor’s opinion as you’ve long been trying to conceive.
me and my bf had sex on May 11th and 12th I’m irregular i kinda have to go back a few months to explain because I keep track of my period so February I had no period March I did on the 11th then April it moved to the 28th so here’s May I had sex on the 11th and 12th unprotected of course lol on the 16th I had brown discharge and light pink blood just that day then the following day I had really bad cramps then stopped then nothing after then on the 22nd I had cramps again I’ve been having discharge as well the thick white milky stuff lol but I’ve taken the 6 day advance today but it was negative but my period is due on the 28th I’ve had some nausea and other little signs but I think my mind might be siking me out sometimes because I want this so bad. Any advice please help
You must wait for a week before taking the test. There is no other way to find out because your cycle is slightly irregular.
Hey, Admin.
My last menstrual was 4•12/13•2018 it lasted 7 days (ended 18th or 19th), I had unprotected sex 4•23•18 and again on 5•3•18. This month my I was exactly 7 days late, the following morning I went to the bathroom and noticed pink blood. The color gradually got darker (dark red/brown) and it lasted 4 days. Light cramping on my right side, frequent urinating and i am not sore (which usually happens a week before my period) but are extremely heavier than normal and I’m tired often.
I have taken urine test, ALL NEGATIVE. I went to a clinic and was tested, they said they were “unsure. At first it said negative but another line appeared once I let it sit but it was VERY faint. So we tested it twice and again the same thing.” I was then told I had very LOW levels of HCG in my blood and to test again in 48-72 hours.
48-72 hours later negative test again. Is it possible I ovulated later than I thought? I drink A LOT of water (GallonADay) leaving my urine light in color even in the mornings. Is it possible that the water is diluting my urine, which is effecting my HCG levels? I’ve heard some women didn’t get a BFP until almost 4-6 and sometimes 8 weeks pregnant. Could this possibly be my case?
Or is it possible that I had a chemical pregnancy? I did notice that it was less blood than usual but more uterine tissue than I’m used to seeing. There was a couple of blood clots, but they were very small but also not usual for me. Is it too early to test? I was told 2 weeks after implantation. Then I was told a week after missed peroid. Which one is it? THANKS.
Best time to take a pregnancy test is after three weeks from missed period if you’re getting faint test. Yes there are cases when women continue to get 55 days late period negative pregnancy test. Undoubtedly of the reasons for it is low hCG pick up. You must visit your doctor again. Try reducing the water your drinking for a day. And take the test next morning without going to the loo at night. Pregnancy blood test will reveal the results earlier and don’t depend on the amount of water you drink.
My period was 3 days late i finally got it normally its heavy and only last 4 to 5 days wich it do but came back after 12 hours I am now on day 7 and is very light pink I have been sexually active more than normal could this be why?
Not necessary that sexual activity is causing the issue. Consult your doctor. Sometimes bleeding may occur again after stopping during period. But it is best to check up with your doc if you feel something is not right.
I am three days late on my period the thrid day later on that night I went pee and had very light spotting with clear discharge. I been taking test but all negative I usually never miss my period it’s always on time so I’m confused?????
Don’t take test right now and wait for two weeks. Also sometimes your period may not be a flow and end up in spotting. Hormone fluctuations and other changes can cause such spotting.
Hi I had my cycle on the 10th of march and ended on the 13/14th. had unprotected sex on the 19th and started spotting on the 26th with lower back pains. The spotting/bleeding lasted for 2 days. I slept the entire day of the 27th I’ve been off of birth control for 9 months now.
5 days after period ovulation ideally is far off. Perhaps there must be miscalculation. Take a pregnancy test soon.
My period is 4 days late. I’m having a pinkish bloody looking mucas discharge. My chest really sore. I have had a headache for days (I cant remember when I didn’t). I’ve been really light headed lately and more hungry. I took a test the day of my missed period. It was negative. 5 days ago(sunday) i woke up in screaming pain with tears running down my face. The pain was in my lower abdomen. I am still cramping there. And some in my back.
With my daughter the test was positive 7 days before my missed period.
Such severe symptoms require medical attention, please don’t delay it.
My period is always constant, I had not missed one in my 20 years other than while on birthcontrol. I missed my period for a whole month, they usually come around the 27th, if not a few days before or after, but I started mine yesterday, slightly heavy but not as heavy as usual. I typically have severe cramps but I feel nothing this time around. I’ve been having the nausea and the fatigue, which I know isn’t a dead give away, but should I have hope? My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost a year.
You must rely on pregnancy test. One should always have hopes and be positive! Xoxo
I had sex with my husband 4 days and 1 day before my ovulation. My period was 2 days late, on day 3 I have been having light pinkish blood period with no cramps. I took 2 HPT a day before and they were both negative. I also had tender and larger chest for about 5 days but the tenderness has stopped. Can i be having implantation bleeding?
Pink implantation bleeding occurs when there is fresh blood mixing with mucus. Implantation is early to take a pregnancy test. After implantation the placenta will develop which will form hCG. That hormone is detected by your kit. Wait until due date.
ME and my bf had sex on the 23 of May now I had spotting for 2 days only when I wiped starting on June 3 and then the 3rd day nothing ..on the 4 day I started bleeding with cramps my period isn’t due until Friday my period is never early I always get it every 28 days
Look for other early pregnancy symptoms and take a pregnancy test. Spotting before period can happen at any point in life.
My period was two weeks i took 2 test both came out negative on day 14 of my missed period I had sex with my boyfriend and I started to bleed light pink my period usually last 7 day and its pretty heavy this was light pink for about 3 day and stop what does this mean ? Should I test again ?
Get a blood pregnancy test. After three weeks from missed period you must get a positive pregnancy test with home kit too.
I had my period April 8th-12th, then bleed again without cramping , light with some clots the 25th-28th. I felt different and something told me to take a test a 2 days later I stopped bleeding the second time and got a very faint positive line, received another faint positive the next day so I waited a week later and got a negative . Then on the 28th had a positive . On the 1st of June I got it confirmed via blood draw that I was with a 888 hcg level . I’m still wondering if I should count my first bleeding as my LMP or the second to get a idea of how far along I am ?
Your last period perhaps the April date, whatever came according to the DUE DATE, is your pregnancy start point.
Nonetheless your dating scan by the 7 week ultrasound will estimate the nearly exact due date for delivery.
My last period was 4/26 (4 days) I have a normal 40 day cycle. My husband and I are TTC and we had sex every other day in May. On 5/27 I had EWCM and had intercourse. Two days later, my nipples and breasts became so sore to the touch and the pain has not subsided- to the point where the shower is painful). No cramping, but about 1 week after suspected ovulation I was extremely gassy and bloated (no diet change and I exercise daily). I have taken SEVERAL HPT and all negative. I am currently 4-5 days late now (june 8) and today I had EWCM with a brown spot!!! My doctor won’t see me until next week, but I was supposed to be tested on the first day of my period to check for healthy HPT levels. Thoughts?? This limbo is so frustrating!
Undoubtedly limbo is frustrating. But the two week wait is for your good. EWCM with brown spot can be implantation bleeding. Your symptoms too sign pregnancy. Look for more symptoms like nausea and frequent urge to pee (most common). The hCG levels need time to reach the 25 mIU/mL range. You can take longer. Try changing the brand of pregnancy test. Else you’ll have to wait, because confirmatory pregnancy test is a blood serum hCG test.
Thank you! I have not been nauseous (I was with my first child but not until later about 10 weeks) but have been needing to pee constantly. How long after ovulating can implantation happen? I thought I ovulated on 5/27… could it be this long after that implantation bleeding occurs
Yes, nausea morning sickness occurs slightly later. Implantation according to theory must happen after 9-12 days from ovulation. Yes it is possible that implantation occurs later. Spotting during pregnancy happens for many reasons. All you must rely on a is a pregnancy test, preferably blood pregnancy test m
I also had EWCM glob with brown drop of blood twice yesterday (12dpo) is this normal for implantation? If so how soon would a HPT test be reliable?
Yes implantation bleeding is erratic. You can take a pregnancy test a week from now and the results will be most likely accurate. By the time your body will have enough hCG if you’re pregnant. Please note we are not diagnosing implantation, doing that is beyond the scope of helping our readers.
I had my last cycle on the 17 of may then on the 3 of june I was spotting off and on for 3days . Then it stopped on the 7th it came on very dark red but light no clots and mild cramps and headaches. I usually have very heavy bleeding. Can this be
implantation bleeding
According to date of LMP 17 May, it is slightly earlier to expected implantation. By 3 June you’ll might be having ovulation and fertility period. But if you feel that it is implantation as you have other symptoms like cramps and headache, then take a pregnancy test after your missed period date.
My last period was from May 9th-May 13th. Average 33 day cycle. According to my Flo app I ovulated on May 28th and I’ve had unprotected sex around this week, day before and day after ovulation. On June 6th, which is 9 days after ovulation(which this is throwing me off) I started to bleed, heavy enough to wear a pad and seen some blood in the toilet bowl. went to bed and woke up with my pad being full to the point I leaked on June 7th, heavy bleeding for 2 days. Around 2 am, June 8th my bleeding has slowed down. I’m now using one pad per day. mild cramps only on my right side and lower back aches. I’m just wondering if you think this is implantation bleeding or an early period? My period is usually on point and never once has it ever come early. I was thinking of taking a pregnancy test but not until after the bleeding completely stops.
Absolutely right to take pregnancy test after bleeding stops. Such a heavy bleeding isn’t implantation spotting. During implantation few drops of blood comes from vagina. It is mostly brown and never would fill pads to the verge of leaking. Most probably it’s early period. But that doesn’t meant that you have to lose hope. Women get menses up to three months in pregnancy too. Take a test whence you can.
I ended up being pregnant 🙂
Hello again, I’m back with another question. Sorry if this posted twice. I’ve been “bleeding” for six going on seven days now. I had one small clot anx one big clot then nothing else. I’ve been spotting for two days, only when I urinate though. Its not exactly pink or red, it’s a slightly brownish color, should I be worried?
It is serious condition, please consult your doctor. Six days is long time to not take the problem to a doctor.
My period was to come may 22nd but did not arrive. Almost 3 weeks i had some cramping but then finally i started with spotting of light pink then blood with clots. Im curious bc i hv never skipped a period unless i was pregnant. I had symptoms of pregnancy as well. Do i just disregard pregnancy now! How do i know if this is a miscarriage or not? Confused
Take a pregnancy test after bleeding stops. If the bleeding gets heavy but you experience weird pregnancy symptoms consult your doctor.
Hello, I started my birth control pack 3 days late, which means I basically missed 3 of the first and most impo Pills when i was ovulating. I started the pack late but continued taking like i always used to. June second was my most fertile day (following my Flo app calendar) and i had unprotected sex the day before and after plus couple of times in between before and after this dates. After doing a lit of reading I started seeing that all articles lead to you wouldn’t be protected for 7 days if something like that happened! A week after my ovulation day I started spotting, it is brown and some very very dark red. Could this be the main sign of pregnancy? The date are very accura!
Implantation bleeding isn’t necessary but does hint pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test after missed period date.
Hello i am confused i am going on 7 days late missed period and today i checked i have some very light pink spotting barely there my period is always on time never irregular. I have been nausious with everything i eat, fatigued, super sleepy, very emotional and have mild cramping idk what to do i have also taken 3 pregnancy test all negative. I am so confused help please.
Consult your doctor before it’s late.
Hi there, I am so confused, my last first day of period was on May 7 it lasts up to May 12, I’m regular 28days cycle, I had unprotected intercourse last May 21, obviously, it was my unsafe days. I also take althea pills 16hrs after intercourse I take 1pill/day. I expected my next period on June 9, but to my surprise, it comes early, pink to red spotting only.
June 6 (Weds) Spotting white then it turns pink and red. So I decided to stop taking pills, on June 7 (Thurs) morning spotting, afternoon very light bleeding (I know that this is not normal, cause I always had a heavy menstruation with a cramp) but this time it was mild cramps only. So the next day I decided to take a pregnancy test, it was negative I still have light bleeding that day. Next day very light bleeding till afternoon, then I decided again to take a PT (June 10, 2018) negative again and I still have spots. June 11 – 13 it turns brown spotting. and today June 14, I have yellow and sticky discharge. I am so confused if this is implantation bleeding or what? Is anyone here think that I’m pregnant? I just wish it’s yes.
Going through all your details, it’s difficult to assure you an answer. It’s the job only a good pregnancy test will handle best!
I’ve had two periods in one on month for the first time ever. My regular cycles last four days and the next bleeding which happened 10-14 days later was only a couple of spots and dark blood. Should I expect a period next month? Next period due in 13 days… Am I pregnant? Implantation?
You’ll have to wait to find out. Implantation bleeding is exactly of the nature your second bleeding was. Just that the timing of implantation bleeding isn’t 10-14 days after LMP
I’m new to all of this, and I’m only 20, so I’m kinda scared and in shock. My period was late for 12 days and towards the end of the twelfth day I wiped and had some blood in my underwear! I haven’t taken a test yet because I am afraid of what the results might be. Can anyone help me and ease my mind please? Is there a chance that I might be pregnant?
My period has been late for 12 days, today being the twelth. I started bleeding towards the end of the day today. I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet because I’m afraid of the results. Can anyone help me out here and give me some knowledge on the situation. I’m only 20 and this is all new and shocking to me.
Only a pt can help you. If you’re bleeding it maybe your aunt’s flow.
My period was from 5/9-5/13, and are almost always normal, lasting 4-5 days.
My expected period was around June 7th. My partner and I do not have sex very often, maybe once a week, and he does not come in me. I am currently 8 days late for my period, and have taken 3 pregnancy tests within these 8 days and all have came up negative. This morning when i whiped, i notice a couple drops of light pink blood.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Until the male partner comes into the vagina, there is least chance of getting pregnant. You can get pregnant from precum but that does not have same probabilities. All tests being negative also point in the direction, but they are too early.
Hi! I was 8 days late on my period and i took a test it was negative but i went to wipe and i was bleeding. I’ve had the worst cramps I’ve ever had in my life and medium bleeding. It’s been a little clotted and dark red. Am i having a miscarriage?
Please consult a doctor, severe cramps could be anything. We won’t be able to comment regarding a serious health situation.
I have a fairly regular cycle and always have. My last period was May 21st, and I’ve been having my period regularly every 29 days this whole year. My hubby and I had unprotected sex June 5th, which after I recorded my data in an app it showed was more then likely my most fertile day of my window. On June 9 I started having some low back si joint type issues, then on June 11 I felt very mild cramping. On June 14 I had very light brown spotting that was only the one time I wiped. Then today I had more brownish spotting, after a few hours the spotting did get darker almost a maroon color. Is this possibly implantation bleeding or an early period? I’m not due to get it until June 19.
It’s difficult for another one to comment about implantation with surety. Taking a pregnancy test later is the way women finally know that yeah all that stuff my vag was throwing out was indeed implantation bleeding.
My period is due on the 13th I had it on may 13 it always last a week my tubes are tide and have been for 6 years my cycle came on June 3rd lasted 3 days large blood clots then stopped since then I have been very nauseous
Couldn’t understand the question. If tubes are tied pregnancy is big possible. It is permanent contraception method unless you get tubes untied.
Hi so I’m confused, my period is 2 weeks late and I’ve had all pregnancy symptoms but I took 2 test and they came out negative and then I did the bleach home pregnancy test not that long ago and came out “ positive “ well in how the videos looked and yesterday I noticed some light pink spotting which I’ve never experienced every time I start my period I go right to the heavy bleeding could this be implantation bleeding?
Hello I’m super confused and it really is stressing me out so my period has always been regular and on April I took a Plan B these past months my period has been so different idk when I’ll get it right now my period is 2 weeks late I took 2 test each week an both came out negative and a few days ago I did the bleach pregnancy test which how the videos look came out positive I’ve had all these pregnancy symptoms and just yesterday I started to have some very light pink spotting which is weird for me because when I’m on my period I go straight to the cloths and all that. Could this be implantation or period blood?
It can be implantation bleeding based on its color not on results of bleach pregnancy test. You’ve taken the home pregnancy kit test too early and so it can be false negative results. Take a test once the spotting or bleeding if it occurs, stops.
Hello, im in dilemma now if i should put my hopes high on getting pregnant or not. Please help.
i have an intercourse with my husband on the ovulation period and after 5 days, i got sore breast, fatigue, and cramps. ive been having these symptom for a week and 2 days before my expected menstrual cycle, im having a bleeding. it does look like a menstrual period. Is there any way that it could be implantation bleeding ? Please help me to clarify on this.
If it is light and stops within a few hours it could be implantation bleeding.
Im having it for few days already. I think its a menstrual period. But this time its shorter than usual. as norms i usually have my period for 4-5 days. (1-3 days heavy) but this time, first day will only be spotting. Second and third day medium. And fourth light and spotting..
If its normal period then you will not see any changes once its over. In the other situation you’d have pregnancy signs showing up clearly.
Hi there ! Ttc, period is 5 days late and have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms – very weepy, nausea, soreness and super soft cervix and achy lower back. Early this morning I wiped a big smear of clear/white mucus stained with dark brown and pink but have experienced nothing since. Negative test this morning. I do feel pregnant and am convinced I am. Is it possible this is just late implantation ? And if so does this mean there will be something wrong with the egg ? Thankyou x
Late implantation can be because of miscalculation and natural delays. Nothing is wrong with the egg in normal cases.
I had unprotected sex two days ago on the 22. I have an app to see when I’m ovulating and when I start my period. The app is usually accurate when it comes to me starting. I’ve been have cramps but, not as bad. I’m on the pill. Unfortunately, I did miss a day which would been the 21st , I double it on the 22nd. Now it’s the 24th, and my app says I should start today. I’ve been cramping here and there . Nothing to bad. I did notice, when I pee, spots of red residue. It’s not a whole lot of red stuff. It kinda looks fluffy. I wiped and notice a little bleeding but, it was light. I’m not sure if that makes sense. I’m thinking I’m going to start my period. But, I haven’t. When I have my period, it’s usually light. I haven’t started bleeding yet
Hello, so I don’t know what could be going on with me… if implantation ? Early ..early ..period ?
So on June 14th (last day of my period) I had unprotected sex. I took the after pill 2 days later. I started ovulating on June 19th and on June 21st I started spotting… and has been going on ever since.. it’s not light spotting and it’s not period heavy, somewhat in between.. i honestly don’t know what it could be. My periods are always on time very regular. So this really took me by surprise..
Any thoughts?
It’s a very long duration for which you have been experiencing it. You must consult the doctor. Implantation bleeding occurs a week before missed period and stays only for few hours.
My period is normally 29 days in length and always comes within 1 to 2 days ever month. This month however was different I was late for a total of 15 days. I took a total of 7 tests all negative. On 14th day late I started getting brown spotting, it was only enough to show when I wiped but nothing on a panty liner. With also some very mild cramping but nothing like period cramps. This occurred for day 14 and 15. Today is day 16 and I woke up with heavy bleeding a mix between brown and red blood. I’m trying to determine if this is an abnormal period or something I need to be concerned with. This is all really unusual for me. I usually always start on time.
Consult a doctor for real diagnosis. Your period can be late due to many reasons.
I had unprotected sex on the 12th, my period is irregular, I was suppose to start my period on the 20th but started spotting
on the 23th was fine all day and I ended up throwing up that night and getting moderate cramps, the next day I thought I began my period because it was light bleeding then has the day & days go over by it started to get really light, barley had anything on pad the last couple of days. I throw up again at night, I have headaches, lower back pain, nauseous somewhat throughout the day. I took a PT yesterday afternoon it was negative and this morning it was negative. I’m very confused on what’s happening because this period is very unusual and very very short than my normal heavy flow that I would of had.
You can have shorter and erratic period flow. There is nothing to worry about it. Hormonal fluctuations are common. At times during period you may feel nauseous and uneasy. Take a pregnancy test after two week wait. For now rely on the results but stay away from smoking, drinks and drugs to avoid mishaps.
My period was four days late and I had light punish bleeding for 3 days and the fourth days it was brown l. I took two test and they both were negative. I have been cramping even though the bleeding has stop, could I be pregnant still even though the test were negative?
You can be pregnant even if test is negative. False negative pregnancy test is common. Bleeding and brown discharge ain’t enough sign of pregnancy. Look for other symptoms. Take a pregnancy test after 3 weeks from missed period
My last period was in April I haven’t had a period in May and it’s June 27 in a starting spotting (light) bleeding this morning yesterday I had a yellow discharge that started with no smell and stop just as fast as it started. My stomach been bloated, use the restroom more now, lower back pain, stomach cramps, took 3 hpt went to the hospital for blood work in the beginning of the month all test was negative….. What Should I do??
Hospital pregnancy tests are reliable. Consult your OB.
My last period was 30th may so this time It should on 26th June but I have some brown spotting on today which is on 30th day. Am I pregnant? My regular cycle is about 28 days
Period delay for a week or coming early is common. If you’re sexually active, yes you could be pregnant. Then you must take a test, look for symptoms, consult about your birth control pills etc
My regular cycle is about 28 days. My last period was 30th may but this time it is on 26th June which is 2 days late. Am I pregnant?
Simply delaying of period isn’t enough to decide whether you could be pregnant. Sketch out the dates you had sex and your contraceptive use if any. Look for symptoms of early pregnancy.
I missed my period on June 16. I have been eating more emotional since 2 weeks ago. Today on june 28 I had one spot and light stomach cramps. And 2 negative pregnancy test
Junk binge, emotional binge is not necessarily because of pregnancy. Take a blood test if your kits keep showing negative. Taking a test early morning before going to pee increases chances of getting accurate results.
I’m a paranoid 21 year old college student and I need light to be shed on this matter. I had unprotected sex on probably the week of June 5th. I’ve been on the pill since. I already finished my pill pack and day 43 of the cy
Taking continuous birth control pills makes women go without period for 3 months too. You need to read the prescription you’ve got for those pills you’re taking. Ask your doc about the right thing to do.
Ok so the first date of my last period was June 6. I had unprotected sex on June 17,18,&19. On the 27th , after I wiped I noticed some light blood on the tissue. The next time I used the bathroom there wasn’t any. The next day I experienced no bleeding at all, but today when I wiped there was mucus and traces of light pink blood . I have been experiencing fatigue, lower back aches EXTREMELY sore breast, light increase in appetite , major mood swings , and it seems like every 25 minutes I have to pee . My period is due July 2nd, and my cycle pretty much sticks to 26 days. Is there a possibility I am pregnant ?
All your mentioned symptoms are early signs of pregnancy before missed period. Taking a pregnancy test will confirm them after two weeks from missed period date.
Hello, my last period was on May 26th 2018. I had unprotected on the 29th, 4th, 5th, 11th, and 25th of June. My period was late by 5 days. I tested on the 26th of June no period but the day after 27th I experienced dark brown and link pink spotting, then 28th heavy bleeding 29th back to light spotting. I have experienced lower back pains, abdominal pain left side only, very fatigue, light headed, sleeping alot, and countless trips to the bathroom omg… Could I be pregnant because of the unprotected sex days and should I wait another 2 weeks to a month to test? Could my period have been in route before implantation?
Yes some women have period while they are pregnant. You have had sex near ovulation dates. There is a chance you could be carrying, considering the symptoms you’ve stated. A pregnancy test gives positive result after two weeks from missed period
I was expecting my menses on the 26th of June my last menses was 23rd may, my cycle is 34
But it’s late for 8days now I have had light bleeding in the 5th day, it ws negative, am nauseous, lower back pain painful. Niples, I ve Metalic taste, am. Unable to swallow saliva….
Your mentioned signs are early pregnancy symptoms before missed period. Please get a blood test done.
I always get my period on the day my period tracker states besides last month it came 3 days early and didn’t last as long as it normally does then this month I have no signs of my period what should I do
Take a pregnancy test if you’re sexually active. If that is not the case then consult gynecologist for period problems.
I haven’t had a period since May. Had some spotting the week of June 7. Today I woke up with a bit of pinkish red when I wiped but I turned to brown and then pretty much nothing as the day progressed. Have have had back pain, sore breasts and nausea to the point I threw up today. When should I take a test? It has been negative so far
Go for a blood test right away. It’s pretty late to get a negative pregnancy test if you’re pregnant. And if you’re not on contraceptives or any other birth control, then you must check the reason for absence of menses.
I started my monthly on June 4th my cycle is pretty regular usually 32 day cycle . A week before I got sore and heavy . Had unprotected sex twice the week of the 13th not sure of exact dates . On the 20th my chest started feeling sore and heavy , frequent urge to urinate , and extremely tired all the time . On July the 3rd three days before my monthly was due to start I started spotting off and on . It ranged from barely visible to pink that lasted through the 5th . On the 6th the day I was supposed to start I started flowing red but still lighter than my normal flow . Confused at what may have caused this !!! Could it possibly be a pregnancy ?
You did have sex during fertility window period if the dates were between 13th – 18th June. Consider taking a pregnancy test to confirm. Spotting on and off could be because you have a longer cycle so implantation date is slightly later than usual.
2 days before my expected period I had mild cramps in lower abdominal and stomach with pink spotting off and on . The next day it was very light bright red blood off and on that continued for about 3 days what’s is going on ?
Take a test if you have pregnancy signs. If not, or when you get negative results, consult your gynecologist about the irregular period or spotting.
Hiiii used diana 35 for 4 months then doctor told me to stopped bcoz i lose 10 kgs bcoz i was havung ovarian cyst after my last diana tablet period like i got my period on June 20 and on July 1 i got spotting but i stopped my tablet it was just spotting for 4 5 days then it stopped what it is and i m trying to concieve it is good or bad ?
Really sorry, but for medical prescription side effects you have to ask a qualified doctor.
Hi had unprotected sex for the whole fertile window I got pinkish discharge 2 days before period then brown discharge for next two days.on the fourth day ( 3 days after period) started “ period”. Confused as I had symptoms such as lower back pain, feeling cold, body aches prior to day 3 post period! Confused what does this mean?
Pinkish brownish discharge can be implantation bleeding. Take a test to confirm.
I was 6 days late on my cycle but now I’m bleeding can anybody tell me what this is? My cycle is usually 26… 27… or 38 days. It’s 32 days now with the late cycle
Hi, I usually have a regular 28-30 day cycle… But in May month I was travelling so I took period delaying pills for 2 days. My periods before travelling was on 29th April n then I had my lmp on 3rd June for 3 days which was moderate flow…I had unprotected sex around 10-14 th june.. I have been experiencing all pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, bloating, running nose, gum soreness , frequent urination, headaches, shortness of breath n so on since like 18 June on n off…. My period was late by 3 days n came on 6th July evening but was very light… I had spotting on 6th n then light flow on 7th n almost ended by 8th afternoon… It was more dark coloured throughout… I m confused if it were my period or implantation bleeding as I still have all pregnancy symptoms continuing… I did my last pregnancy test on the day period came n it was n all earlier ones have been negative…
If tests are negative then perhaps your travelling nd change of routine is the reason for delay. Do repeat test if the symptoms continue.
2 or 3 weeks ago I had a pinching/pulling feeling in my lower mid abdomen thought nothing of it cause we didn’t try last month cause I hurt me knee really bad but we still had sex I wasn’t really worried about anything else but my period was supposed to start Friday and it last 3 days and I still haven’t gotten it today was supposed to be my last day instead I finally had a little bit of cervical mucus but it had a little bit of pink lasted about two hours (started around one lasted till about 2:30) now 6:00 and I’m completely dry again had a fait positive last week figured it was a faulty test
I f you got a false faint positive last week, then you should have gone for a new test.
Hi my period wasn’t do until July the 9 th which I am bleeding now .But on July the 4 th I seen light pink blood and it was just a little when I wiped but I was guessing my period was early and it stoped. Could that have been implantation bleeding or just the beginning of my period? Because I’m bleeding heavier today…
Heavy bleeding is not a thing that you can take lightly if expecting. You should talk with your doc.
I had my period last month on June 06-11. Then on June 20 I spotted for two days. Now my period should have been here on the fourth of July and ended today. I have these flutters by my right fallopian tube. Could I be pregnant. My four year old daughter also tells me she loves the baby in my stomach.
Adorable daughter xoxo. It is rare to experience the flutters your are talking about. It’s pretty late you can take a test.
My period is 9 days late. I had unprotected sex on June 30, I was due for my period the 2nd of July.. I started spotting on the 8th of July and has continued. Cramps are mild nothing like my usual period cramps. I have very heavy flows so this light and brownish discharge is very different for me. Should I wait to take a test or go ahead and take one now???
You can take a test after a week from missed period. Though, now is the time, waiting for spotting to stop will be best.
Took plan b after unprotected sex. Three weeks later, I started to bleed on a Wednesday. Small amount of brown blood so I put in a tampon as this was two days after my period was expected to start. I then bled until Monday morning. On Friday (day 3, July 5) and Saturday (day 4, July 6), I bled enough to fill large two tampons. The blood was mostly bright red with some brown mixed in. The other days, I did not fill tampons but did have some bright red bleeding. The bleeding was lighter then my normal period. I started birth control last month (after I had sex) and began taking my active again on Sunday, July 8. From Sunday until now, I have had a large amount of discharge at some points with a brownish/blood color tint. I took two pregnancy tests and recieved a strong negaitve on the first one, I also recieved a negative within the alotted time frame for the second. However, after keeping the test in my car for four hours, I looked once more and there was a faint line that had developed (strongly believe it was not there when looking during the testing window). Should I be worried about implantation bleeding? Why have I not experienced a dry period following the bleeding I had. Thank you
Test results after reading time frame are of no use. Take a new pregnancy test early morning. It is possible to have breakout bleeding during pregnancy.
My period was supposed to start last week but ended up this week,my nipples (sorry to be so open) but they kinda hurt,i feel nauseous sometimes,cramping is there and go but i took a text and it was negative this have never happened before when i missed some periods due to stress I’ll say… but i need help on understanding what’s going on.
It’s difficult to diagnose anything on our part. All we can say is to wait for the symptoms to show up clearly. Otherwise your period will resume normally.
I’ve gotten my last period June 8th 2018 and I was seven days late this month until today I started bleeding this morning. I don’t feel any discomfort, just nauseous and sleeping a lot but I took a PT yesterday and it said negative. Could I be pregnant or just a late period. I need help here.
Depends on your sexual activity pattern. If you’re pregnant then more symptoms will start showing up. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test? Early morning! So do try tomorrow, early morning take a pregnancy test.
I’m 8 days past ovulation. I’m spotting, brown discharge. Everytime I wipe after peeeing the brown only gets lighter adn lighter, My period isnt due for another 3 days. I dont have sore breasts nor feel nauseated. I have a warm sensation rightbelow my belly. I want to be pregnant but too scared to test cause of fear or a BFN. What do you think it could be?
If its implantation discharge which happens 9-12 days after conception or ovulation then you’ll see pregnancy signs soon.
My last period was 11th June but instead of normal 3 days it was on and off for 11 days I think I may have ovulated late this time cos period was due 6th July nothing happened I’ve had every early pregnancy symptom ever and today the 13th July cramping on right side of lower abdomen pink spotting and creamy pink cm pregnancy test negative what do u think?
Take a pregnancy test after one week. Pregnancy hormones take time to build up. You’re testing early. If you want to detect pregnancy earlier then get a quantitative blood pregnancy test at hospital.
My period is 9 days late (Suppose to start on July 4th). I went to the bathroom a few hours ago and when I wiped, I saw light pink on the toilet paper. When I wiped again, there was none. I took several HPTs during this week, and all were negative. I am not on any birth control, we are not using condoms, and we are trying to conceive.
What could this spotting mean?
Spotting During Pregnancy is common and can be old period blood. Get a pregnancy blood test done soon.
I missed my period for 10 days, then bleeding with cramping started but lasted for 2 days. What does this mean?
Can’t say precisely, it could be hormonal imbalance or change of prescription.
Ok so last month I had 3 days of light spotting this month I have missed my whole entire period all 7 days, now on day 8 I have light pink when I wipe not enough blood to really wear a pad or anything I’ve been extremely bloated and nauseous and fatigued I do “feel pregnant” we were starting to get excited about the possibility of being pregnant but I’ve taken several test all neg so I have no idea what’s going on. My periods are usually pretty normal other than my period I missed this month and last months spotting . HELP
If you’re having irregular period since last month and spotting and having pink discharge, it could be an infection. Your hormones might be off rhythm. Highly recommended to get a checkup done.
The early pregnancy signs are less of diagnostic hints. Only a blood test will give you the exact answer.
I got my nexplanon out on may 9th and imediatly started having unprotected sex many times the first 3 werks.then june 14 had a very bright red period for about 5 days and had sex like 8 – 10 times from the 21 to the end of the month and today it is very very light pink when i wipe and brownish discharge in my umderwear. The past week ive been nausea and had cramps like two weeks.ago but mild but nothing for any thing not even discharge during that time these head aches and so lazy. 2 negative clear blue test i i can see a faint faint blue line but im assuming its negative. I need to know though because i am on adhd meds and i have 1 pregnancy test left. My pee is really dRk.but i.dnt drink much water
Not possible to comment precisely as you’re on medication and have just come off nexplanon. You should take a pregnancy blood test or ultrasound. Pregnancy kits will not be reliable in your case.
Hi, i was 23 days late, On the 24th day I started off with a brown discharge and a very light pink spotting that lasted 3 days. I’ve taken HPT which came out negative.
I seen my doctor and she had me do a urine test and once again negative. So it’s been 40 days today since I missed my period.
I do feel different, headaches, nausea, fatigue and moody. Could I be pregnant?
Please go to your doctor and ask her or him for an ultrasound to get the most accurate information. You can get a blood hCG serum test done from any authorised diagnostic labs.
If you’re sexually active then you could be pregnant. Yeah being sick or taking heavy dose of antibiotics can delay or get period early.
I’ve always been on time other than 3yrs ago when I had my kid now I was supposed to start a week ago and few days I had like really lite pink spots and today it came red a.m.
Red bleeding is more likely to be menses.
Hi, I am 12 days late and wondering if I am pregnant or just thrown off. On my 3rd day late I had spotted brown blood very light then on my 10th day I spotted brown again very light and short. On the 11th day I spotted bright red blood but very light and short and now nothing. When I say short I mean not even enough for a tampon, I could just wipe it away when using the restroom. I do not have any pregnancy symptoms, but I was in a minor car accident a few weeks ago and I am wondering if maybe it has just offset my period due to stress. But would I spot twice and still no actual period if I was not pregnant? I took a pregnancy test on day 9 negative and on day 12 which is this morning and still negative. My period is always on time and my boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex. Thanks for your help.
P.S. On the 11th day of when I spotted again I had extreme mood swings. Thanks again
Sorry for multiple reply’s, I am reading your responses and dates seem good to provide. My period was on the 9-11 of June and ovulation days were on the 20-26 and the main day was the 24. According to the FLO app, we had sex on the 17, 19, 20, 22. I had my car accident on the 28th, my next period was due on the 9th, oops so that means 11 days late. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex using the “pull out method”.
Take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy
Thank you, I hope I didn’t sound like I had to be pregnant and you couldn’t tell me probably not lol. I’ve taken 3 so far and nothing. I had bright red spotting right after I sent the last post. But it’s now gone again. Could it possibly be something I should worry about health wise?
We can’t anything. Only a certified doctor can tell you that. Yes, it is slightly difficult for us to judge whether a woman is anxious about getting pregnant or doesn’t want it. On and off spotting could be because of hormonal upset. Taking some medication can sort it out or even naturally it may get normal.
Comment: I ‘ve miss my period for 5 days now. I had sex a day and 2 days to my ovulation, before missing my period I was sick. having head ache, sharp abdominal pains, sleepy, running nose, cough, hot body temperature, and after some days I became ok. then 2 days ago I was having a watery menstruation a day after missing my period and stop within one day. I was crazy to see a drop of blood from my vagina this evening when I wanted to urinate. what does it mean?
Comment: I ‘ve missed my period for 5 days now. Before this time I was sick having abdominal pains, head ache, running nose, weakness of the body, high body temperature, cough and the rest and all stop after some days. when I was supposed to have my messes, it was watery without blood and lasted for a day and stop. It amazed me when I saw blood dropping this evening when I wanted to urinate. what could this be?
Period can start at any time. Often the first spotting begins after bowel movements or peeing
Hi was ovulating 2nd july had unprotected sex the 1st july and the 2nd and again on the 6th up until the 9th on the 13th started having slight cramps en started spotting pinkish blood the cramps started getting intense but not too much blood got a little bit darker bt saw it when urinating few drops on panty liner the on the 15th it got brownish en later stopped… And on the 16th was supposed to get my periods but it never came… Feeling nauseous late at night, soreness, sore gums, severe headache, backache and a bit dry down there that’s what I’m experiencing right now have tested bt is a bfn
Is it normal to have my ovulation 20 days ago, I missed my period for a week ago and since yesterday I started seeing sporting blood and not as normal as my period used to come. I thought I was pregnant
Can’t say exactly when ovulation occurs. You’ll have to take a pregnancy test or blood test to get your answer
Hi was ovulating on the 2nd July had sex on the 1st and 2ñd july and again had sex 6th uo until the 9th… Started slight cramps on the the 13th 3days before my periods started slight cramps pinkish then turned reddish then brownish only lasted 3days and was mostly visible when urinating only few drops on panty liner… Sore chest and swollen.. Severe headaches.. Back pain.. Sore gums.. Always hungry.. Sometimes nauseous at night… Tested on the 16th bfn en the 20th sam bfn… What could be the problem
Make sure your test isn’t expired or defective. Try another brand. If you still get negative pregnancy test even though you’ve done it all right then maybe you’re not interpreting the symptoms right. It could be you’re not pregnant or you’re taking longer to produce hCG.
I had sex after ovulation and 4 days later light pink spotting in the morning, no blood since. And that day I had a sharp twinge in my right ovary and cramps. Nothing since. Expecting my period today and no sign yet. The spotting was 4days after sex and 5 days before period due. I’ve looked online and apparently it’s impossible for me to be pregnant. Could it be a cyst?
You’re right, the timing is outside fertility period. About it being a cyst or not, ultrasound scan is the way you’ll know. Some cysts lay dormant in ovaries and others cause pain even when very small in size. It not safe to comment whether it is or not a cyst.
I Am 8 Days Late On My Cycle And Around 2 Or 3 This Morning I Went To The Bathroom And Wiped It Was A Pinky Peach Color Discharge Then Hours Later It Was A Dark Red Brownish Color Then Hours Later It Was A Light Red Color I’m So Confused On What Might Be Going On Right Now Also I Have Been Feeling nauseous And vomiting with Mild stomach cramps and lower back cramps I also Been Using the Bathroom Quite Frequently
Take a test
My last period was on 4 june 2018 …
After 1 month on 6 july when i took test is was faint positive and after this when i took test all was negative . Today i feel light spotting but not periods i m confuse please help ne what to do
If maximum tests are negative then maybe the first one was a false positive.
hi! so my LMP was the 17th of June. according to my period tracker i ovulated July 5. i had sex everyday that week. on july 13th i saw a little pink only when i wiped. after that i didn’t spot again until the 17th. the next day i didn’t see anything, but on the 19th i woke up to messed up panties. after i took a bath and cleaned up i haven’t bled since. could i be pregnant ?
Yes you can be pregnant. Many conditions such as a threatened miscarriage or hormonal fluctuations can cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
I felt really nauseous over the past 5 days and threw up. Also have been feeling nauseous anytime of time quite often. My period was a couple days late and I am now getting a very light, faint bleeding. It is not a normal period.. I am also on the pill but sometimes do not take it at the same time everyday as I forget but don’t think I have missed one pill. Could I be pregnant?
You can get pregnant on the pill. Faint or heavy bleeding without a proper explanation is because of pill. Side effects include these conditions.
Hello i have a question i had a tubel baby in march and i have only had 2 real periods an missed 2 an this month i started bleeding 4 days ago im not supposed to start my period for another week started cramping a littel not much. And it started out as spotting then alot of dark red to brown blood for only 1 day then went back to spotting is this implantation or what ???
Implantation bleeding is for few hours and scanty spotting. Get a pregnancy test after a week from this spotting to confirm.
i missed my period for 2 months my last cycle is on 12 th of may , and than checked with doctor week before,report is normal,everything is normal negative pregnancy test. doctor said sometimes due to environmental imbalance or stress or exercise period will be irregular but nothing to worry about. but from yesterday i got some light brown spotted but doesn’t look like period.? what maybe the reason is there is any chance of getting pregnant?
Your doctor’s pregnancy test report is reliable. Even after being two months late your test was negative, chances are less likely of being pregnant.
My period came on like normal 06/11 my husband and i had unprotected sex 06/18 two days after it went off. My period was due on 07/11 it didnt come on to 07/17, 7 days late .. on day 6 late i got a faint positive test then on the 7th day a negative test and my period came on that afternoon. my period normally last 5 days but this one only lasted 3 very light for the first hour then full on for two fulls days on the 3rd day fated out to brownish then stopped. could i still be pregnant i woke up today 3 days after my period stopped and im nausea and tired and extra wet during sex all signs of pregnancy with my other two kids. what is happening could i still be pregnant?
It’s early to say anything. Take a test once in two three days until the symptoms go away or become evident.
Hi, I am now on day 10 of my late period. I took a HPT on day 4 or 5 and negative. I am now on day 7 of brown discharge. I was suppose to start on July 13, and started the discharge on the 16th. My fertility window was June 24-30th. My partner and I had sex June 13,14,16,19,21,23,26,29& July11,12,17,18. I haven’t had any cramping. My chest a little sore but not much, and my face is very broke out. Help!
One can use an early pregnancy test once you’re a week past missed period. Brown discharge for a week! Consult your doctor about it.
My last cycle started June 25th next cycle was due 22 July .started 20 july that’s evening watery discharge full night and morning light pink spotting and brown and 24 July my period start with cramping . I’m disturb what’s going on plz help …..
Watery discharge before period happens in some cases. Cramps will go away after two days. If they don’t then consult your doctor discussing all your history and habits.
So I got my period 9 days early. Or I’m not sure if it’s my period. I started cramping early morning and then I was spotting light brown mucus. My periods are pretty regular. I looked back and in May and it was 18th-24th and then 30 days later it was 24th-30th in June and then 23 days later I get spotting. I did have unprotected intercourse 12 days before on my ovulation day. I’m just confused.
Maybe it was implantation bleeding if it was brown, light and for a short duration. Take a test now or once you’re past the actual due date.
Firstly can I just say thank you for getting back to all of these women ?
So… my so and I have been ttc for 8 months now… my last period was on the 17th June. I was due to start my period on the 20th July and the Saturday before (15th) I had a string of pink jelly like discharge when I wiped.. I had nothing else again. On the 18th July, during the end of sexual intercourse, I began to bleed a dark brown colour. There was a bit on the sheets and then when I wiped. The flow then changed from brown to red within a few hours and then disappeared. For the next 2 days (19th and 20th) July I was wiping white mucus tinged with brown and then nothing… it is the 24th July now and since yesterday morning I’ve been feeling nauseous and my chest is so tender and sore.. I took a test yesterday because I never had breast tenderness a week after my ‘period’, if it even was that, as well as just not feeling quite right. I’m never one to assume that I am pregnant after a period cause they last 5 days usually and heavy for 2 of those 5… the test had the tiniest faint line that ended halfway up. So this morning (24th July) I took a frer and that was a bfn… I feel like a crazy woman ? what could be going on? Is it possible to have had implantation when my period was due but 2 days early? And if so when should I expect a bfp? Should I go to my doctor or will I be laughed at? So so confused… mom of 2 already btw
As you’re TTC and have been blessed with two children already you need not go to the doctor. Yes u can get a blood test done to get a clear answer now that you’re late enough. However, the spotting and discharge are confusing and perhaps could be period.
I had my last period on the 18th of June and it lasted 4 days, on the 3rd day I started taking the contraceptive pills but I stopped taking them after 14 days. I had unprotected sex during ovulation. A week before my period on the 8th of July I got brown spotting for 4 days on and off with light cramps. I was supposed to get my period around the 14th of July and it never came so I am 10 days late. I took a pregnancy test on the 17th of July and it was negative planing to take another one next week in case I don’t get my period. Could I be pregnant or it could be an hormonal unbalance since I stop the contraceptive?
Stopping contraceptives does cause irregular period, pain, acne breakout and all the symptoms that happen when you start it. Hormonal imbalance can be a reason so can be pregnancy. You’ve had sex during ovulation days and you could be pregnant. Get a blood test or do a urine test after 3 weeks.
My period was three days late . It was supposed to come on the 17th but ended up coming on the 20th . It started off by wiping and only seeing a brownish color , then it began to get heavy . I still have all the pregnancy symptoms. I’m confused .
Wait for bleeding to stop and see whether the symptoms last or vanish. Period and PMS is similar to early pregnancy signs.
okay so my last period was on june 13th, it usually lasts a week but the last 3 to 4 days are just brown barely there type of blood. I had unprotected sex on july 13th but my bf had came inside before he put his organ inside me unprotected. Then on july 19th I had protected sex but the condom was a little messy with fluid so I took an emergency contraceptive. Still no period so I took a test on the 21st but it was negative. Then today the 24th I got some spotting, darker, lighter but a very tiny bit of bright red when I wiped. Its a good amount but it has only been 2 hours since that started. The last two days before the 24th (which is today) I had light cramping and some yellow discharge, then before that I had some white thicker discharge. I have been doing so much reasearch freaking out if I am pregnant but I also know that I can get these same symtoms if I have taken plan B, which I did take.
Please I’m really confused o… My ovulation period is between 20 – 22days .. I have my last period between 7 – 11th July, my next period supposed to be 30 or 31 July. But I saw it earlier than that on 22 July which is still 12days… I had a heavy flow for the first 2 days like a normal period and on the third day it’s kind of slight as if it’s the 5th day of menstruating… Please I’m confused. Could it be that I’m pregnant
Getting periods early is because of hormonal imbalance. Usually happens when women are overweight, use contraceptives, unhealthy diet etc. Consult your doctor to get a natural period spacing therapy or medication
Had my last cycle on June 27th. Had unprotected sex during my ovulation days which was July 5th-9th. Had sex on the 7th day of my ovulation days. Cycle was suppose to start in July 21st. Started panicking after the 2nd day late. So I took a HPT. It tested negative,probably to soon to tell. So on the third day of my late cycle which was July 24th. I started cramping no bleeding but i was having the dark rust like discharging. Lasted 1 day. On this 2nd day now I’m having cramping and light red heavy bleeding. To where I have to wear a pad. Symptoms are nausea, cramping, light headaches and as of today still bleeding. Don’t know what the other days will bring. If or if not pregnant. Was just wanting to get advice on what’s going on.
Take a pregnancy test after bleeding stops. You took a test to early perhaps. Symptoms you’ve mentioned could be PMS. It is difficult to get to the exact problem just based on these details.
My period came 5 days early but only lasted a day . I had cramping 3 consecutive days before the “ period “ came .
Hi last month on June13 it came like orange and pink light and I don’t get my period intill the 17 I went to the erso they give me something to stop the bleeding but dint said nothing only everything was normal and just to go see my doctor on June 27 I was spotting for 2 days light pink and now on july I miss my period on july 25 i stared light pinkonly when I wipe and brown watery and it has increased but still light pink and brown and now is like high red blood but not dark and little blodd cloths but since last month I been sleepy feeling dizzy my chest been feeling weird like they feel with milk and got bigger and hurts I gaing weight I been throwing up neauses can’t stand some food I been cramping all the time pain in my lower back i don’t know what it is I feel really sick I woke today with a lot of nausea I been throwing up with some smells thank you hope I get a answer
Haven’t you take a test yet? What did your doctor suggest? Ask him or her regarding getting a blood test or ultrasound. Random spotting and symptoms of pregnancy call for a pregnancy test!
They said to go to my doctor sothey could do a ultrasound but that they don’t want to do more test in the emergency room that I neeneed to see my doctor asp but I been feeling weird finally a stop blessing but spotting on and off but it stop but Istill feel funny more emotional hungry and when I do zumba i get cramping in my lower abdomen and I have to stop when I had sex with my hubby last night it kind off hurt it like is so sensitive down there no I haven’t done a pregnancy test
So my expected calculated period was supposed to be 7/13 my 30 day cycle period from date of last month would have been 7/ period start. 7/18 spotting mauve pink when I wiped two days then stopped. No period no bleeding no cramps….no symptoms. Negative pregnancy test on 7/20 and 7/21.Unprotected sex with my husband 7/22. Now 7/24 brown discharge when I wipe pantyliner only. What does this mean?!? Should I be worried?
Brown discharge can happen without being pregnant or having any infections. At times just before ovulation, period onset or end of menstrual bleeding.
I had sex everyday this month but my period still came is there a such thing as getting pregnant during my peruod or having late implantation? Weve been trying for 2 months
Not discouraging you, but having sex everyday won’t get you pregnant dear. It is very important that you and your partner relax and enjoy sex. Plus your partners sperm count falls if you have sex everyday. Timing sex is key to getting pregnant. I’m sure you know it and it’s hard next to impossible to understand your situation, but that is a friendly advice, don’t mind us.
And yes you can get periods while pregnant. Getting pregnant on period is possible!
i was a week & two days late but then on the 9th day i see brown discharge so far and i’m not sure because i’ve never been that late and it comes out of nowhere like this. my breasts were heavy for a little while now as i’m thinking i’m getting ready for my period. so should i wait it out and see to find out if it’s an irregular period or i may be pregnant. i don’t know. any thoughts on this
Wait for a week after the real due date and take a test. Whenever you feel the symptoms aggravating take a next morning using early morning urine.
I’m 35 yrs old I had a misscarriage on April I was only 5 weeks. My last menstrual was June 19 . My cycle its a 27-28 day cycle always on time. My ovulation was July 02. Had sex with boyfriend june 29 and July first. Period was supposed to do July 17. On July 15 started spotting it lasted 4 days really light punkish/brownish. It went away for 2 days then it came back dark brown for another 3 days had sex with boyfriend and then started spotting again so far I’m still spotting . No menstrual started having mild back pain and upper abdominal pain right side. I did a pregnancy test on my missed period negative and a week after and still negative. What can it be?
Irregular spotting due to insufficient hormones is a reason for sporadic menses.
May 26 -28 i had a period june came no period but spotted light pink for a day but it was like a few drops of blood and am 31 days late for my period and i been feeling nauseated and hungry and wet and using the bathroom alot and feel bloated like i am full… And sharp pain in lower belly and headaches…
One month late period is enough to take a test and confirm pregnancy.
So my cycle only lasts 2-3 days, always clots and heavy and on time. Last month it was between the 23-26, I had unprotectovr sex, and this month I have had, light pink on tissue, clear egg like when wipping a couple times, it’s been on and off light pink and light red for three days, mild cramps, coming and going of tingling in my nipples. 6 days ago couldn’t get enough water, but would urinate in 10-15 minutes…. dizzy multiple times a day for the past week and a half, feel hot at times, lower back pain at times, mild cramps at times. This all over the past couple weeks has happened. It’s been two to three weeks since having sex. Not on any pill. Have thrombocytopenia: the spotting has been a couple times a day, twice bright red with mucus, and mucus that was yellow and clear. Feel tingling or pinching in my uterus for about a week, not sure what’s going on but my first pregnancy I had a light cycle like this but didn’t know I was pregnant for almost 9 wks. I’ve taken multiple tests, and all negative. My lower abdominal area does not feel normal before during or after a cycle, nothing burning or painful. Please help
Me figure this out.
The symptoms indeed are of early pregnancy. Test can be a false negative. Consult with your doctor about a blood test.
Hi. I might be asking for advice too early. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past three months. I have a 33 day cycle. During this past fertility window we had intercourse very regularly. 6 days after ovulation we had intercourse and I bled very very lightly after and only noticeable on tissue after wiping. I didn’t need to use a pad. But the next day I had very light spotting, very light in colour, this is day two of the very light spotting, needing pad but nothing like a period. No cramps or anything. What could I be experiencing? Thank you in advance.
Spotting happens at any time, teenage, TTC and even near menopause. During pregnancy too you can be spotting. The length of time you’ve been spotting is slightly more for being implantation bleeding.
I would like to add, that the “blood” is practically nothing on tissue now.
i took escapelle about a week ago, started having back aches yesterday and had some red bleeding this morning which turned into dark brown and some red which filled a panty liner, along with somewhat intense back aches and cramps. my ovulation day is supposed to be tomorrow, could this be because of hormone changes due to the emergency pill?
Emergency contraceptives have very high doses of prescribed drugs. They do alter a lot in menstrual cycle. How much? Depends on individual, timing and frequency of intake. So, yes it ‘could be’because of the pill.
Hello I have a normal period which last 2 to 3 days and is a 23 day cycle. My last period was on the 11th and 12 of July, and next one was due on the 6th of August. I do use a period tracker and had unprotected sex on the 23rd of July. On the 28th of July I woke up to blood in my panties and that was the worst of it. Spotting for the rest of the day and half the next day. Could this be implementation bleeding?
Apart from spotting nature, date, duration, don’t hint implantation bleeding. You must be aware when you ovulated as you use period tracker. The duration between having sex and spotting is less than for normal implantation bleeding.
My period started on the 24 last month and this month i got light pink bleeding for an hour and then it stopped and its been 6 days sonce then and still no period and ive been nauseated tired all the time and i keep having clear discharge what does this mean ??
Nausea and late period do mean you could be pregnant. Clear discharge or leukorrhea have less significance for pregnancy. Take a test.
My period has been 7 days late I’ve been feeling a bit sick and also very tender breasts but this evening I’ve noticed some blood not heavy as yet I didn’t do a test but we are trying to conceive, please any advice would be appreciated could I be pregnant or can you get your period after it being 7days late.
You can get period anytime. Even if you’re pregnant you still be may get it. In fact you can have periods for first three months of pregnancy. At times women even continue to ovulate during pregnancy and have risk of superfetation (getting pregnant while pregnant). Don’t panic that’s the only thing which will affect your pregnancy the worst at this early tender stage.
This is a long shot and seems really weird. Had a period on June 1 to the 5th. Had unprotected sex on June 23rd. My next so called period was on June 28th which was light and was orange. I’ve never had an orange period before. It lasted five days and orange all five days but was super light. July 14 to current had breast pains, eating more, using the bathroom more, exhausted, and sometimes nausea without getting sick. I was late by two days (which never happens) July 28 super light I’m only two days in. Usually my periods are heavy with bad cramping. I had none of that this time. Please help!
If you’ve a short cycle duration then the date of orange period was not too absurd. It happens that your period starts by the end of month if you’ve had the previous on the first day. Short cycles have the problem. Take a pregnancy test to confirm the symptoms. Your date of coitus isn’t in the fertility window, especially if you normally have a short cycle.
hi . my cycle was due on the 24th of July and my last month June started 25th . I have had no signs of period coming or anything. 6 days late . done a test and was negative. come off injection over a year ago and never had this before . I have had some like white milky discharge like i did my other kids but nothing else . normally get real bad cramps before it starts but haven’t even had a sign of them. any ideas . thanks !! just keep getting light belly ache
It’s too early to test. Perhaps a blood test too could give a false negative at this stage. Two weeks wait is the ideal practice.
Hi so June 1st my period started ended on the 8th then I had brown spotting for 5 days on the 21-25 ! Took a pregnancy test July 10th negative Missed my July period small blood clot on the 8th of July now light pink / brown discharge and a drop of blood in my clear discharge for 4 days and pinching pain for 2 out of them days please help am I pregnant
It’s been long enough that you get a blood hCG test. Kindly consult your doctor. The symptoms can be because of late period. Health conditions other than pregnancy also cause such symptoms. Get doctor’s appointment.
Also I was expecting my period to come around the 1st or second of July
my periods was 2days early only two day of lasted my periods.first day brownish discharge after 2day normal bleeding then suddenly stopped am confused
It’s normal for period duration to fluctuate. Your nutrition, health, routine, physical workout, sexual activity, prescription all influence period. Stress and depression also affect it
Hi. I had unprotected sex on July 10th. Period was suppose to come on the 22nd. On the 27th I started to get light pink when wipe then bright red and lasted 3 days without clots and it was lighter then my regular periods. So I took a HPT and it was negative, reason I took it cause I noticed my period was late for 5 days with alot of headaches and breast tenderness and back pain. I have an appt to get Mirena put in on August 1st but wanted to see if you can help me out plz.
Don’t worry before getting Mirena you must ideally go through an ultrasound scanning. And 5 days late period is nothing to worry about. If you had sex near ovulation even then the maximum chance for a healthy woman to get pregnant is only 35%
I was 10 days late for my period. During this time, my breasts grew and became very sore. I had a feeling I was pregnant but the tests came back negative. On the 11th day I had really bad cramps where I couldn’t move and I was sick. I woke up with a little bright red blood in my pants and now it’s a bit like a period but most of it’s brown and/pink with tiny red clots. My chest is still big but they don’t hurt anymore. I’m going doctors on Friday as I want a blood test and I want to discuss having the coil as I only use condoms at the moment. Could i have had a miscarriage or is too early to tell?
Blood test of falling hCG levels or ultrasound of uterus will give you the answer. For us it is not early but impossible to tell.
So heres my story …
July 2017 I stopped my pill, fell pregnant @ 2 months pregnant I had a miscarriage (31/10/17) . A d&c was done the hospital. Ever since then I had my period in February 2018, April 2018 and June 2018 due to doctor putting me on Provera. Also put my on Fertomid 100mg.
Latest period was 26/06/2018 to date I am 7 days late from my period. Yesterday I experienced brown discharge twice in the day but in between it I had one clear discharge with red strings. Today again either brown discharge or clear with red strings.
Over the past 2 – 3 weeks I’ve experienced the below:
Sore / tender nipples
Running tummy
Bloating around my left ovary
Frequent urination
Lower back and Tummy cramps
I did a test last week …when looking from the top its – but when you at it from an angle there was a really faint line (+)
Please advice me as to what could be going on with meme.
Thank you
As you’ve had a d&c,and have been on heavy medication that interferes with the hormones it is difficult to say. About the pregnancy test, seeing at an angle shows positive, right. So take another test because if it was faint and now more days have passed, you will get a darker blue line on pregnancy test.
Would it safe or a waste to do another test now while I still have a brown / reddish discharge?
I have this discharge when I wipe for about 3 days now. And it is not every time I wipe that its there.
Keeping in mind I am now 9 days late
Wait until bleeding or discharge stops.
Ok so now I’m even more confused. After your last reply … I got what I thought was a period – mild – but it only lasted for 2 days.
What do you think is happening and why could this be happening?
Apologies for that. Consult a doctor, it’s not possible to pinpoint.
Hello my period is always on time every month. On the 26 . This month I noticed on the 22 when I wiped there was some dark brown blood on the paper and also had mild cramps at the time. This went on for a day. Then on the 24 I started bleeding heavier and this was a redish color I only bleed for a day and stopped. Nothing since then. My regular cycle last any where from 3 to 4 days . I was wondering is there a chance I can be pregnant.? Ive been dizzy headed and sick to my stomach a lot lately also. Should I take a pregnancy test or wait?
Wait until bleeding stops completely. If the symptoms fade away after period ends then you know. Otherwise the pregnancy signs will become more evident.
Last cycle on the 27th of june. Ovulated between July 3rd-july 7th. Had unprotected sex on the 7th of July. My cycle was suppose to come on July 21st. Was late. On July 24th i started having bown rust like discharging. It lasted a day. On July 25th-july 26th I bleed lightly than my average cycle flow had some clots as well. On July 27th bleeding had stopped and I started having bad back pain. Took a PT on July 28th. Was negative. Took another one on the 30th still is negative. But I’m still having bad back problems and can’t lay on my stomach at bedtime because it hurts. My next cycle is not til August 17th. So should I wait til then to take another pregnancy test? Only symptoms I’m having are backache, sore abdomen, sleepy more and urinating more frequently.
If there is no problem with getting pregnant then you can wait. At times sexually active women may miss a period. It happens to many and is nothing to worry about. About laying on abdomen, it’s too early for it to be counted as a preggo problem. Your baby if there isn’t bigger than a grain. Laying on stomach shouldn’t be the “cause of pain”
I had a headache for three days and then I had very painful regular period cramps it started off very heavy and red and it came out constantly for a day then each day it slowed down and turned brown it is now the fourth day and it is back to its regular color and it is flowing and I’ve been feeling a little sick but it goes away after I burp
Periods can be weird at times. There should be no problem if they are back to the regular color and kind.
My period was 3 days late and for the last 48 hours I’ve been lightly spotting dark brownish almost black blood. Now when I wipe its a light pink almost mucus but only when I wipe. My normal period is 4-6 days long and super heavy with cramping. My average cycle being 27 days. We had sex on the 13th and 18th of this month during ovulation with him comein me but I’m on the patch. The patch does say it’s less effective if overweight which I am. Wondering if it’s implantation or just a really light period. When would be the best time to test?
You can take a test a week after missed period. You’re 3 days late and now have black spotting and mucus, which seems to be light period. Being on patch and overweight slightly won’t affect it enough. Because you don’t have cramps and pain a slight doubt persists. It’s going to be best for you to take a pregnancy test.
I had a period in July on the 13th it lasted four days and not the usual 7. I have two period tracking apps. One says I ovulated on the 24th and the other says the 26th. I’ve been experiencing fatigue, hot flashes, nausea, and on the second of August I had clear mucus with blood and blood when I wiped for a few hours that night. The bleeding was pink and very light. I am supposed to start my period on the 8th. So I’m not late yet and I know it’s too early to test. I don’t feel pregnant but I think I may be
Indeed it’s too early. At times it happens that our mind forces us to believe doubts. Distract yourself with some hobbies or something. Take a test if your period is late. The bleeding you mentioned could be period itself. Nonetheless wait for the due date.
So my last period was July 1….Aug came no period it’s 12days late I took 8 test & blood test all negative… on Aug 10 when I got off work my period was light…Today is the Aug 12 and is going away. Am I pregnant.. Should I test again???…
Even if light, period did come. Its possible that this time you don’t get a heavy flow. Take a test again after a few days, ideally a week.
My last period was July 16, on July 30 I had unprotected sex. The next day I had some mild cramping and brownish spotting for a couple of hours. I started having very light pink bleeding on the day of my next period which was Aug 10. Only lasted 3 days compared to my normal 6 day period. No period cramps, no heavy flow like normal. Been feeling nauseous, having sore chest. These are not something I normally have with my period. Took pt on Aug 8, it was negative. Any ideas?
The date mentioned can be in the fertility window provided you have a short menstrual cycle. Get a blood test done. By now you should get a positive home pregnancy test too.
So I had my last period on July 11th, I am usually 2-3 days early so missed period August 11th, I saw a very light pinkish brownish discharge on August 12th when I wiped and today is August 14th and same thing. My breasts have been really sore, I have no cramps at all, just very minor lower back pain here n there! Could this be implantation bleed?
Nobody can tell you for sure whether a discharge you had was implantation bleeding. You just can make a prediction. The real deal is the pregnancy test results.
Wondering what to do now really and whether I could be pregnant? My period is regular and was due on 4th August and I had cramps on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd but af didn’t arrive. Then on the 16th and 17th I had light bleeding, mostly brown with some red and small clots or sinew type material. Stopped within 2 days. No other symptoms until today got cramps but no period. Have taken a few hpt and all negative including one this morning. What should I do now? Could I be pregnant? We are ttc and had unprotected sex every other day during my fertile window and on the day of ovulation in July.
Thanks for any help or advice!
You can wait for a week or two. Give your body more time to build hCG. If you want to know it earlier then get a blood hCG test. Pregnancy tests can take time to give a positive result. Spotting in early days of pregnancy is normal unless you’ve pain and heavy bleeding.
My period was 12 days late, i’ve had a lot of the pregnancy symptoms but on the 12th day i started to bleed, i thought it was my period but it is lighter than my normal period with a little pain. what does this mean?
Light period can be because of low hormones. Either lack of nutrients or some medication is responsible for the less than normal period flow.
In my second week of bc pills I missed two of them, I had unprotected sex right before I missed the pills and then continued having unprotected sex three days in a row. After the first time I had unprotected sex I had sticky white discharge for a day and then the next three day I’m pretty sure I started ovulation the next day and lasted for about four days and continued to have unprotected sex. It’s been a week since the first time I had unprotected sex and now I have pink spotting and cramping for two days. I am on week 3 of my birth control pills…. could I be spotting?
Yes there’s a possibility that you’re spotting because of implantation. However being so regularly on pills will affect the success of implantation. Take a test after and if you miss period.
I’ve missed my cycle for 2 months last cycle was June 27th 2018. I was due for a cycle July 26th and August 24th did not get af. On August 30th I went to bathroom notice some mucus mixed with some light pink blood only when I wiped that one time after that nothing no spotting,no cramps though I did feel some type of pulling on my right side however I went to the doctor the whole week negative blood and urine …is it possible I am pregnant and tested to early judging from last period I should be 9 weeks and a few days
You can get a negative pregnancy test at 11 weeks too. Just take precautions and maybe try getting a second opinion. Don’t rush with tests as it will be wasting money.
My past 2 periods, i had light pink discharge about a day or 2 before my period. I am now 5 days late for this month’s period, and have taken a pregnancy test with negative testing. I have been having the normal period angriness that i get, and light cramping, but no bleeding. Although, after i had my son in Nov. 2017, ive had constant, almost non-stop yeast infections. I am unsure of what to do, and am very afraid that i could be pregnant. Please give me some insight, as i cant see a doctor because i am not covered and cant pay the expenses. Please Help!
You’re getting back your cycle? Were you breastfeeding? In that case the irritability of you and baby both is normal. For yeast infections, check the soap pH you’re using and get a free checkup at any charity or government hospital. Candidiasis treatment is big expensive at all. Try some natural remedies like apple cider vinegar.
Hi! My period is 10 days late now. I was expecting my period Aug. 25th and had light bleeding a for a few days before hand and then nothing the day of my expected period or since. I have taken 5 pregnancy test and all negative! The last one being this morning right after waking up. I don’t feel like I have any symptoms, have had some light cramping but that’s about it. Has anyone been in a similar situation before?
My period is irregular but always arrives pretty much within a day or to of online period tracker. This month I am 8 days late as of today and have had headaches been dizzy had frequent urination have been extremely fatigued have had light cramps different then normal period cramps with no bleeding at time and been starving this for at least a week. This morning on day 8 of being late I took pregnancy test and got neg result ? A little while later I noticed I started to bleed a little almost like a small gush, but now I have light pink egg white cm. It seems to be getting lighter? I was upset bc I thought it was period but now I dont think so bc getting lighter. Can anyone give me advice other than wait to see if bleeding continues to stop or turns to period. I really am praying for positive result!! Not sure when to test again or if should just call Dr. Please help any and all advice greatly appreciated!
You can test while bleeding. Take the test with the morning urine. Use a dip strip to avoid peeing blood clots on the strip.
I started having the typical early pregnancy symptoms 2 -2.5 weeks before expected period. With nausea, headaches, fatigue, light headedness, food diversion. 3 days before expected period I had sex with husband. About 2 hours later I was cramping and started bleeding. The bleeding continued for 2 days the third day even lighter and brown. Would this be implantation bleeding or early period?
Implantation Bleeding takes time after sex. You don’t get IB just after having sex. Maybe having sex just kicked off your period.
Hi I had a baby 9 months ago so my period been irregular so I have this app to track my periods in agust 2018 I got my period then nothing I’m september then October I had it for 4 days and then now November my app told me that I was suposs to have it on the 3rd but it didn’t show but the 9th I spotted it showed just when I wiped nothing else after that then the 17th I wiped and there was a little blood so I’m thinking it’s my period so I wear a pad I put it on and it wasn’t really heavy but now the next day the 18th really nothing there I wiped and there’s a little blood in my tissue and a little in the pad idk if it’s my period or implantion bleeding . As of now the 18th I’m 15 days late we’ll not if you count this blood but idk what it is I took pregnancy test befor I spotted and it was negative so i don’t know what it is please help my Obgyn says I’m over weight so for my weight my periods my not even come at all or I might have PCOS but those results don’t come in until 2 weeks any answers or stories like mine
Hi, so at the beginning of November I got my period for about 5 – 6 days of which wasn’t a heavy period. 2 weeks later I was in hospital, went into theatre under anaesthetic and had another 5 days of what was like a light period. Is this considered as a period?
If it is then ovulation would have taken place last week, is it normal to have wiped myself today and had like a light pink almost clear discharge?
Me and my girlfriend had oral sex and she had delayed period for 5 days , and when period come she had serve cramps and 10 days before period she had vomiting and constipation . Is she Pregnant ??