Positive Ovulation Test: Everything A TTC Woman Must Know!
A positive ovulation test is a result your test strip gives when you're about to ovulate or just ovulated.There are many questions about ovulation that can't have a general answer. And that's why more...
Digital Ovulation Test
What is a digital ovulation test?We all know that females are most fertile on certain days only. Digital ovulation test helps us to identify the most fertile days by keeping track of our hormonal...
Top 15 Reasons For Late Periods
So you're worried that you might be pregnant since you have a late period? Hold your horses... There can be many reasons for late periods!Missing periods is good news for some, and it scares...
Missed Period Negative Pregnancy Test
When you have a missed period negative pregnancy test, you cannot decide what to do next.Neither can you be sure that you need to pop the birth control pill nor about a doctor's appointment.You feel...
Cramps But No Period: Am I Pregnant?
Cramps but no period what can it mean? There are many reasons for cramping such as food poisoning or even ovary pain. Appendicitis, tubal pregnancy, and cysts can lead to terrible cramping that brings...
Ovulation Calculator
Once you've decided to have a baby, it's time to get busy under the sheets. If you want to be precise about when to have sex to conceive, an ovulation calculator can make your...
How To Track Ovulation With Irregular Periods?
A woman with a regular period cycle knows about her ovulation date. She can easily see the changes in her cervical mucus and decide what stage she is at. But how to track ovulation...
First Trimester Screen
Precap First trimester screening is a relatively new two-part prenatal test, involving two steps. The optional prenatal test also known as nuchal translucency ultrasound assesses the risk of chromosomal defects.The chromosomes are gene carriers which transfer your...
Fertility Window: How To Calculate Your Fertile Days?
What is the fertility window? The fertility period comprises three days before ovulation and the day after it. Factually once 24 hours finish after ovulation, conception cannot happen. Fertility window calculator whether manual or...
Cramping In Early Pregnancy
Cramping in early pregnancy immediately trigger the fear of undergoing a miscarriage. Until you find out whether you are pregnant you might take them as premenstrual cramps.But once you are pregnant then cramps and...