Home Pregnancy Early Pregnancy/Pre-Pregnancy

Early Pregnancy/Pre-Pregnancy

The early pregnancy stage is when every little change leaves you perplexed. Spotting or bleeding are most dreadful for a newly pregnant mom.

It’s natural for second-time mothers to forget their first experience or have new ones. Posts in the section try to cover every such thing that a new mother needs to know about.

A late period doesn’t always end up in pregnancy. Calculating the ovulation dates and fertility window also requires some guidance.

When Do You Know You Are Pregnant?

When Do You Know You Are Pregnant?

PrecapWhen do you know you are pregnant? A woman knows she's pregnant once she misses her period after sex. Seeing symptoms such as vaginal softness, aversion or cravings and nausea hints you've conceived. Unlike...
Track Ovulation with irregular periods

How To Track Ovulation With Irregular Periods?

A woman with a regular period cycle knows about her ovulation date. She can easily see the changes in her cervical mucus and decide what stage she is at. But how to track ovulation...
Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

If you're reading this article, then the chances are that either you're trying to conceive or had unprotected intercourse. Now, you're trying to find early signs of pregnancy before missed period so that you...
Ovulation Symptoms: Top 15 Fertility Signs

Ovulation Symptoms: Top 15 Fertility Signs

Knowing when does ovulation occur is the first step while trying to get pregnant. But unlike period the ovulation symptoms are puzzling.They are mild and go unnoticed until you actively make an effort to...
Thick White Discharge

Thick White Discharge

Since puberty, your vagina undergoes various changes. Every time you see a new kind of discharge you need to figure out what does it indicate. Thick white discharge from the vagina is the most...
Positive Ovulation Test

Positive Ovulation Test: Everything A TTC Woman Must Know!

A positive ovulation test is a result your test strip gives when you're about to ovulate or just ovulated.There are many questions about ovulation that can't have a general answer. And that's why more...
10 DPO Symptoms

10 DPO Symptoms

You must have heard of 10 DPO and 10 DPO symptoms but wondered what exactly these terms mean? The abbreviation DPO stands for Days Past Ovulation and sometimes referred to as days after ovulation....
How To Take Basal Body Temperature?

How To Take Basal Body Temperature?

PrecapHow to take basal body temperature? You should use a thermometer for taking basal body temperature. Be uniform with the manner and time of recording the BBT. Charting BBT can either be a manual...
25 Reasons Why you are spotting a week before period?

25 Reasons Why You Are Spotting A Week Before Period

When you experience spotting a week before period, it can be very frightening. If you are a woman who is trying to get pregnant and keeping a close check on the changes in her cervical...
Fertility Window: How To Calculate Your Fertile Days?

Fertility Window: How To Calculate Your Fertile Days?

What is the fertility window? The fertility period comprises three days before ovulation and the day after it. Factually once 24 hours finish after ovulation, conception cannot happen. Fertility window calculator whether manual or...