Home Pregnancy Tests PT Results & Interpretations

PT Results & Interpretations

Each time you don’t get the pregnancy test result you wished for running to the doc isn’t possible. Blank pregnancy test, evap or indent lines, negative test late period and false negatives are the problematic ones.

Women have two months late period and negative results. After getting a positive test at home you get a negative pt at the doctor’s clinic.

Pregnancy kits are not confirmatory tests. Instead, they are just preliminary and can be wrong more than allowed times. Here are posts reviewed and updated regularly about such result and the conclusions.

In serious situations like bleeding after a positive test or negative results after IVF, you must seek medical advice.

12 days late negative pregnancy test?

12 Days Late Negative Pregnancy Test?

So you're trying to conceive. You're noticing early signs of pregnancy like cramps and no periods. You take a pregnancy test hoping for a positive result. But you get a negative pregnancy test after 12...
Faint Positive Pregnancy Test

Faint Positive Pregnancy Test: Are You Pregnant?

Did you see a faint line while taking a home pregnancy test? Does it seem to be positive but is very thin? It's a Faint Positive Pregnancy! 8-OA faint line pregnancy test confounds many women. Since we...
Positive Pregnancy Test

Positive Pregnancy Test

A positive pregnancy test result is something that most aspiring moms look forward to.I know... I was overjoyed when I saw the positive result for the first. Getting the test line took me through the first step...
Blank Pregnancy Test Result

Blank Pregnancy Test Result

A positive pregnancy test is very dear when a pregnancy is desirable. Nevertheless, it is a terrible nightmare when an unwanted pregnancy is bothering you. A blank pregnancy test result makes you go crazier...
Late Period But Negative Pregnancy Test

Late Period But Negative Pregnancy Test

Late Period But Negative Pregnancy Test? Missing their periods is something every woman dreads when it is not supposed to be that way.There could be many reasons for a late period. Stress can delay a...
What To Do After A False Negative Pregnancy Test?

What To Do After A False Negative Pregnancy Test?

PrecapWhat to do after a False Negative Pregnancy test? Repeat a test after a few days or get a blood test. You can get a false negative after a missed period date has crossed....
Week Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test?

Week Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test?

Delaying of the period by a week is not unusual but still causes panic. A week late period negative pregnancy test can give any woman anxious moments.This is because most pregnancy tests say that...
What To Do With A Faint Positive Pregnancy Test?

What To Do With A Faint Positive Pregnancy Test?

PrecapWhat to do with a faint positive pregnancy test? Treat a faint positive pregnancy test just like a positive test. That's what it means that you're pregnant. Faint line on the test will not...
Positive Pregnancy Test : Now What?

Positive Pregnancy Test: Now What?

After taking a pregnancy test if the test says that you are pregnant, then it is a positive pregnancy test. After the initial euphoria, a question pops up: "Now, that it's a positive pregnancy...
False Positive Pregnancy Test

False Positive Pregnancy Test

A false positive pregnancy test is one of the worst things for a woman trying to coneive. After the euphoria of the positive pregnancy test result, your hopes come crashing down when you realize...