Home Pregnancy Tests Home Pregnancy Tests

Home Pregnancy Tests

Home Pregnancy Tests 101 the section covers everything you ever need to know. Digital pregnancy tests, how to use a pregnancy test, working of pregnancy test, reasons for false results and different home-made PTs all at one place.

Sugar pregnancy test, Dandelion pregnancy test, Bleach PT and pine Sol pregnancy tests are some DIY tests. A pregnancy test requires a certain hCG level to give a positive result. Learn why the typical two-weeks wait is important.

How to read a pregnancy test?

How To Read A Pregnancy Test?

A home pregnancy test is a device that tests the presence of hCG in a urine sample and tells a woman if she is pregnant or not. So every woman curious about her pregnancy should know how...
What Is An Evaporation Line On A Pregnancy Test?

Evaporation Line On A Pregnancy Test

Most of you who have ever taken a pregnancy test and forgot to throw it away must have seen a colorless line in the result window. This line is called an Evaporation Line.An evaporation...
How much are pregnancy tests for?

How Much Is A Pregnancy Test?

PrecapHow much is a pregnancy test? You can get a pregnancy test for 1$ at Dollar Store. There are different options available ranging from 1-25$. Cheap pregnancy tests are equally good. Digital pregnancy tests...
20 Best Pregnancy Test Tips20 Best Pregnancy Test Tips

20 Best Pregnancy Test Tips

Got naughty and forgot to take the pill? Missed your periods? Vomiting? Seeing symptoms of early pregnancy in you? Whether this was intentional or not there are high chances that now you are pregnant....
Vinegar Pregnancy Test

Vinegar Pregnancy Test

Vinegar pregnancy test is one of the oldest homemade pregnancy tests trusted by women for years. Plain vinegar can be found in most homes and is super cheap. Read on to know how to...
Digital pregnancy tests

Digital Pregnancy Test

We live in the era where toothbrushes also run on batteries. Taking a stick pregnancy test might seem too outdated to some of us. So for early adaptors is the digital pregnancy test.The R&D of...
Pregnancy Test Lines

Pregnancy Test Lines

What Are Pregnancy Test Lines?A home pregnancy test is all about lines. Various alignments of lines display the results of a pregnancy test. There are different kinds of symbols used in a pregnancy test....
Expired pregnancy test

Expired Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy tests are not as simple as they show in advertisements. It's not simply a pink line appearing by magic and telling you that you are pregnant. Pregnancy tests are like small laboratory tests...
When to take a pregnancy test after implantation?

Pregnancy Test After Implantation

A pregnancy test has to be scheduled at the right time. Any early symptom of pregnancy is the first indicator for you to take the home pregnancy test. A home pregnancy test is very accessible,...
Pregnancy Test Accuracy

Pregnancy Test Accuracy

Home pregnancy tests do claim accuracy rates of 99%. But there is a catch. Pregnancy test accuracy rates are time dependent.It is only after the missed period day passes that these pregnancy tests can...