Home Pregnancy Tests

Home Pregnancy Tests 101 the section covers everything you ever need to know. Digital pregnancy tests, how to use a pregnancy test, working of pregnancy test, reasons for false results and different home-made PTs all at one place.

Sugar pregnancy test, Dandelion pregnancy test, Bleach PT and pine Sol pregnancy tests are some DIY tests. A pregnancy test requires a certain hCG level to give a positive result. Learn why the typical two-weeks wait is important.

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

Toothpaste Pregnancy test is one of the easiest homemade pregnancy tests. It is a reliable way of finding out whether you are expecting. Toothpaste PT doesn't require elaborate procedures.It works well with almost any...
Urine Pregnancy Test

Urine Pregnancy Test

Urine pregnancy test is the home pregnancy test you take for detecting pregnancy.There are two ways of detecting the hCG hormone.Hcg levels in serum (blood) are higher than in urine. Thus it is easier...
Dandelion Pregnancy Test

Dandelion Pregnancy Test

A homemade pregnancy test with Dandelion is the safest homemade pregnancy test. Unlike bleach pregnancy test or vinegar pregnancy test, it doesn't evolve any harmful fumes. It ensures that you can take the Dandelion...
Baking Soda Pregnancy Test

Baking Soda Pregnancy Test

There are many theories about the pregnancy gender tests. Old wives tales have that baking soda pregnancy test can predict the gender of the baby. There is no scientific basis for proving that this...