Pregnancy tests are not as simple as dip sticks that color by magic. Time, type and method influence the accuracy of pregnancy tests. Having a pregnancy test before a missed period is an advantageous thing if you get accurate results.
You can detect unwanted pregnancy earlier or start celebrating if you wanted to get pregnant. But is it even possible to take a pregnancy test before missed period?
There are early pregnancy tests available in the market that can detect pregnancy before missed period.
Are they accurate? Yes, they are accurate and more sensitive than standard pregnancy tests.
How long to wait before pregnancy test?
Home pregnancy tests are qualitative and can only detect the presence of hCG hormone in your urine. They cannot determine the source or the amount of hCG present in your blood.
After fertilization, the egg divides through a process called cleavage. When it reaches the stage of blastocyst then it implants in the lining of the uterus. The placenta formation begins after implantation which is the source of hCG.
The pregnancy hormone increases in blood and also in urine. When the concentration of hCG in urine reaches up to the sensitivity of pregnancy test the test line appears.
When to take a pregnancy test before missed period?
Implantation occurs after seven days from ovulation. It may occur between 7-12 days after conception. The egg takes thirty hours for first dividing and so it takes longer for the divisions.
After that, it travels down the tubes and reaches the endometrial lining. After this, the embryo from its trophoblast fibers attaches to the site of implantation.
Later on, it secretes factors that dissolve the layer of egg. The endometrial lining secretes substances that allow the blastocyst to move inside. Implantation takes 48 hours to complete. After implantation, the hCG levels double every 48 – 72 hours. Starting from a basal level they take about 5 days to reach a standard pregnancy test sensitivity range.
Pregnancy tests give accurate result after this. But if you calculate then a week post ovulation plus five days after that brings you two days before period. So you can take a pregnancy test two days before the period to expect accurate results.
The menstrual cycle has 4 phases – menses, proliferative phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the time when the cyst releases progesterone that maintains the lining of the uterus. After two weeks from ovulation, the menses phase starts where the woman bleeds for 3-5 days.
What to do before pregnancy test?
Before taking a pregnancy test or even trying to get pregnant you need to get a pedigree analysis. This is a family chart that can detect any probable family diseases. There are few diseases that can skip generations and occur in your baby. A doctor using a pedigree chart can predict any disease or a possible defect in pregnancy.
You also need to get a thyroid test and blood group test before taking a pregnancy test. This is essential for ensuring a healthy pregnancy.
Other things that you need to do before taking a pregnancy test:
- Maintain a healthy body weight. This is because your fertility greatly depends on your body weight.
- Quit smoking and Drinking – Smoking greatly reduces your fertility. Drinking can also affect fertility and pregnancy. Thus you need to quit such habits before taking a pregnancy test.
- Avoid drinking caffeine before going to bed – Caffeine can interfere with a pregnancy test. So drinking caffeinated products at night may affect urine quality.
- Do not drink too much water at night – This might make you get up at night to pee. Early morning urine will dilute and you’ll be at risk of getting a false negative pregnancy test.
- Eat healthy food – For a healthy pregnancy, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Taking emergency contraceptive can affect your pregnancy test.
- Wait until fertility drugs course completes – Fertility drugs can elevate the production of hCG in blood. You need to wait for taking a pregnancy test after IVF until the hCG from these drugs leaves your body.
- Research about the suitable brand of a pregnancy test for you. – You need to get a pregnancy test that suits your needs. Every pregnancy test has its pros and cons. You can read reviews of pregnancy tests to get the right one for you.
Taking a pregnancy test before missed period is more possible if you have early implantation. If egg embedment takes more time then you can’t take an early pregnancy test that will surely be accurate.
It is not possible to take a pregnancy test before implantation. The hCG levels rise after implantation paves way for placenta formation from chorion of the embryo.