How soon after sex can I have a pregnancy test? You can take a pregnancy test after 6 days from having sex. Two weeks wait until the missed period is hard for many women. Taking a test early brings along risk of getting a false negative pregnancy test. A pregnant woman who gets a negative test is said to have a false negative. Timing your test from different events such as ovulation, conception, implantation and missed period will vary.
How soon can I take the pregnancy test?
A very frequently asked question by want to be mothers is “How soon after sex can I have a pregnancy test?”
Most of them want an exact day and probably the minutes and seconds too for taking their pregnancy test.
However, nothing goes by a uniform law in our bodies. There are endless what if, maybe and approximations.
A small cell is more complicated than the biggest of machines in industries. Pregnancy in itself is of different kinds.
Some women might get a positive pregnancy test earlier while others might get it a week later. It is essential to time the pregnancy test rightly to avoid getting false pregnancy test results.
There is no point in taking the pregnancy test too early and then rushing to the doctor in vain.
Also, this may be very dangerous if you are on contraceptive pills and a wrongly timed pregnancy test convinces you to take the pill.
It is mandatory for us to caution that this is just a broad overview, things can happen out of blues.
So read along to find out exactly what happens after sex before you can take the pregnancy test:
- Your egg lives for only 24 hours approximately after ovulation. If you have sex at that time so that sperms are in the vicinity of egg in these 24 hours, then fertilization may take place.
- The sperms live for around five days in your vagina after intercourse.
- Fertilization can take place even 2-3 days after sex and anywhere between that. Unless you have an intrauterine contraceptive or some other contraception it is most probable to happen within 2–3 days.
- It will all depend on when you had sex. If you had sex between the period of 3-4 days before ovulation to the day of ovulation, you could conceive.
- After the sperm and egg meet they become a fertilized egg that stays for 3-4 days in your Fallopian tube. But the division of cells starts as soon as fertilization takes place.
- It takes ten days after fertilization on an average for implantation of the egg in the uterus. Only after this does the placenta form.
- It is the placenta that forms after implantation that produces the hormone hCG. The hormone comes in your urine. Pregnancy kit uses this hormone to test pregnancy.
- The body can reach a sufficient level of hCG in the detectable range 6 – 7 days after implantation.

There is no pregnancy test currently that can detect pregnancy within 2-3 days after sex.
You can take a pregnancy test earlier than what we recommend, but the chances of a false result will increase.
The following table shows the time you need to wait for taking the pregnancy test after every event starting from ovulation.
This is the most precise timing of pregnancy test for best results. The header is the time after which you can take a pregnancy test.
The column beneath describes the event for your reference.
This will also be informative for knowing the reason why you have to wait for taking the pregnancy test after sex.
[table id=5 responsive=scroll /]So only after
- Around 10 days from the day of fertilization you can take the pregnancy test
- Around 11 days after ovulation you can take the pregnancy test
- Around 12 days after having sex you can take the pregnancy test
- Around 6 – 7 days after implantation you can take the pregnancy test
- Around 3 – 5 days before missed periods you can take a pregnancy test
This is the minimum time lapse. Generally, it will be a little later than this to get a positive pregnancy test after having sex.
Most women have to wait for two weeks after they ovulate to get a positive pregnancy test.
The most general and well calculated time span for taking the pregnancy test is 10 – 14 days after having sex.
Exceptions to the rule
- There are pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy six days earlier.
- There are pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy using hormones other than hCG. For example, First Rapid Response Pregnancy Test uses a combination of pregnancy hormones. They will be even faster.
- Some women have reported getting a positive pregnancy test just after the day of implantation.
How many weeks after sex can you take the pregnancy test?
The same information about how soon can you take the pregnancy test after sex stated in terms of weeks makes it easier for timing.
Another point that we tend to miss out is rarely do people indulge in sex as feast and famine.
Under normal circumstances, a woman will have sex regularly when trying to get pregnant.
How does one decide the reference sex day?
This is the reason why we have mentioned the other events like ovulation and missing periods after sex to take the pregnancy test.
If the sperm fertilizes the egg, it takes at least 2 weeks after sex to take a pregnancy test. All the events overlap. It means that nothing happens in a relay. Simultaneously the next event’s preparatory stage starts.
It is critical to be aware of the kind of menstrual cycle you have. If you have a shorter menstrual cycle, then you may have a faster progression of these events.
Shorter menstrual cycles may be of 24 to 26 days instead of 28.
In this case, you could take the pregnancy test within one week after having sex. A woman having a longer menstrual cycle of 29 to 32 days will take longer as the intermediate stages will last longer.
Such women might have to wait longer for taking the pregnancy test after sex.
However, shorter or longer menstrual cycles are not pace indicators of reproductive machinery.
A shorter menstrual cycle doesn’t mean that the woman has a rapid reproductive phase.
When to take the pregnancy test after irregular periods?
Another significant doubt arises when women do not know when to take the pregnancy test during irregular periods.
This indeed is a complicated issue. After all, most of us take missed periods as a sign of being pregnant. It is the only obvious external symptom seen by us.
When does someone take a pregnancy test after irregular periods?
How does someone even get to know that they are pregnant if they have an irregular period?
An irregular period is a sign of hormonal imbalance and thus may be a sign of some illness and not necessarily pregnancy.
If you have irregular periods and the amount is erratic or very less, then you must take the pregnancy test because some women continue to ovulate even after becoming pregnant. It may continue for the first three months of pregnancy.
Also, the most reliable method of taking a pregnancy test after sex at the right time is to look for signs of early pregnancy.
As soon as you experience unexplained nausea, bloating, a frequent urge for micturition, appetite flings, etc. you must take a pregnancy test.
Please i had unprotected sex and after three days i did precgancy test and i was posible can it be
Pregnancy Tests can detect pregnancy when you have enough hCG. Three days is very short time for it. Perhaps some medication or other reason gave the positive pregnancy test 3 days after sex. Take a pregnancy test after missed period.
I had sex 8 days ago could a blood test be positive
Please help me my last period was oct 23 but I spoted nov 23 for two day and neg pee test but my blood test from two days ago was < 2.0 could I be pregnant
Comment:how can I stop the process of pregnancy?
Once pregnancy has begun, meaning you’ve conceived, you can only stop it by medically terminating it. There is no other safe way to do it. You can prevent pregnancy but once it has begun you can’t stop it naturally. It is best to seek medical advice and treatment.
I had sex june 21st for the first time in a year my bf came inside inside of me at 9 days later amd also on the 10th day iam getting what i believe are very faint positive lines on the test however my period was unusually long it lasted 10 days however i knew i was around ovulation time because had pain in my side stomach that i get every month..
Should i assume that iam preganant had sex 10 days after my period ended
It’s possible to ovulate after 10 days after period end. You do have chances of being pregnant.
What time is the to terminate pregnancy
As recommended by a certified doctor depending on particular patient
Could I stop the process of pregnancy after 8 days of unprotected sex?
Consult a doctor, we can’t recommend such measures. You can stop the pregnancy seeking medical advice
is it possible to get positive Result in 2days full after sex , it because I m in a situation where by my Girlfriend said she is pregnant within 2days last week and we did test again after 10days and it says positive (1-2 clearblue) again.
If the test gives a positive after 10 days, whatever was the result two days after doesn’t matter. It is not possible, to get a positive pregnancy test 2 days after sex.
So we had sex 4 days ago. And I was wondering could I go ahead and take a test. I don’t know why but something is telling me to take a test.
If you don’t have any problem with getting a new test or spending some money, you surely can take a test whenever you feel like!
A week ago I had unprotected sex. It’s too early but I’m having nausea and frequent urination. I have irregular periods. I’m a bit nervous and it’s too early to take a test right??
Early pregnancy tests can detect before missed period too. Yeah you’re right waiting will be best.
Is it possible to get a positive 7 days after conceiving?
Yes totally!
I have been having cramps and lower back pain for the past 3 weeks. Been feeling nauseous a couple of times the past week. I also have irregular periods. I had sex using a condom on June 2, 2018. I had what I think was a period on June 8,2018. That lasted 4 days. But I am worried it might have been implantation bleeding. It was heavy the first couple of days. But after that it was light. I have taken a couple pregnancy test. Last one was yesterday and it was negative. By this time is it safe to say I am not pregnant? I haven’t felt like myself feeling all these cramps and lower back pain.
As you’ve mentioned about irregular period, you must get a blood test done or ultrasound. You had sex near what you assume to be period. In that case you shouldn’t be pregnant. But if the irregularities in period caused spotting near ovulation, you can be pregnant. In that case the bleeding you had wasn’t implantation. The spotting from implantation occurs after a week from conception.
If you’ve only one chance to take a pregnancy test, then wait for three weeks after missed period date. Whatever your due date was according to your calculations, take a test at least 3 weeks after it.
We had protected sex 7 weeks ago. My period was supposed to be in the 33rd, but I got it 5 days early. I bled the first day and for the last 3 days it was very light and light brown. When should I take a test? Or am I just paranoid for no reason?
I have no symptoms. I did have sore breasts, but not anymore. I just assumed it was PMS.
7weeks is pretty long and if that intercourse got you pregnant you’d be somewhere around 10 weeks pregnant. The symptoms are very clear and morning sickness begins. Baby’s heartbeat can be heard. If you think that you could be pregnant even without having external symptoms then get an appointment.
i have a doubt.. actually my boyfriend rub his penis with my vagina and he shed on my vagina but didn’t insert the penis into it before two days. I am worried if a drop of semen had gone inside in my vagina, but i am not sure about it. But somehow today my periods came, which i preponed and was expecting after five days. So my question that is it still necessary to do pregnancy test or not?
Thank you
Take a test so that no doubts remain. Ideally the seminal fluid must go up high in the vagina. Sperms can travel short distances so take a test.
My first ministrcycle down on June 11th to 15th. I’ve had intercourse on June 19, 21, and 23. On July 8th I had a brownish dry looking chink or clot ,then on July 9th and 10th there was a very light pinkish thin string of blood. On the July 11th, 12th, and 13th I began bleeding dark red blood.. When should I take the pregnancy test?
After the bleeding stops and you’re past your due date
Hi I have had my period on June 11th – 15. I’ve had intercourse on June 19, 21, 23 and on July 8th I’v passed a brownish dry looking clot. On July 9th, 10th, and 11th I’ve spotted a light pink string of blood and then I began bleeding thick blood on 11th- 13th. Should I now go take a pregnancy test or later? I’m just wandering because when I’ve eaten eggs, mixed vegetables, and grist. It had a metal like taste which nobody else seems to taste. I have frequently peeing and bowel movement. Always very tired and sleepy after awakening every morning. I just was wandering if I should talk the test?
Take a test after a week from missed period date or once the bleeding stops.
Ok well I had sex on June 24 2018 . And June 25 and the June 30 I vomit. When it came for my period July 9 th it didn’t come.. it came on the 11th. It was last light nonething in pad but t go to the bathroom and blood be on the tissue. It did it for three days and went pink and went away. I been having symptoms like vomiting and I can smell everything loud and food been tasting different.. and mood changes.. I took a test on the 16 and it was negative.. can you help me
Some women take 50 days to have enough hCG that gives positive pregnancy test. You can consult your doctor for getting blood test. Just follow early pregnancy precautions if you’re TTC. Otherwise get a doctor’s appointment.
Today is the day I have breast pain really bad and sleeps 3 times a day because I’m sooo tired July 24, 2018.
I have already missed my periods last month and after a week I had sex but it has been 12 days I still not get my periods… What could be the reason??
Can’t say, it’s pretty long now, you must consult a Gynecologist. If you’re taking birth control pills without pause it is a reason you don’t get period for months.
I had sex the 8th of July. My last period was on 18th June and to this day (27th July) it still hasn’t come. I took a test the 24th of July and it came out negative. I am planning to do another on the 30th as it would mark 22 days since the last day I had intercourse. Do you think the result it will give me can be considered accurate? I have a history of irregular periods , but these last 3 months they seemed to become a little more regular. Please tell me what you think. Also I must mention that we used a condom and he didn’t come inside me , but on my stomach and I fear if something could have dripped and make its way inside of me.
There is very less chance that male fluid travels from stomach all the way down and then inside vagina. You’ve mentioned use of protection which also would have prevented it. Taking a test again will reassure you, most likely the test is accurate. Perhaps your period is getting irregular again. Consult a doc about getting hormonal correction therapy.
I got an IUD Kylenna placed on July 3rd. I had intercourse 4 days later on July 7th I took pregnancy tests on July 24,26,27 they all were negative. Is that sex to say I’m not pregnant? I’m freaking out because with my first I didn’t have any signs and I found out I was pregnant when I already was 6 weeks along
If you were having the same IUD then you must go for blood test.
i got married by march…before marriage my periods was regular.after my marriage april amd may i got regular period..june month i got after 10 days of my due..this month trying to conceive…this month i got a very light period which two weeks early..i dnt know whether it is implatation or a period…should i wait for the actual due date of my period or light period date…
Actual date of due period is the cycle date. A pregnancy test after actual due date of period is required
This by far has been the most helpful site! I have had so many question as to why my test are still negative. The number of day it take to start attachment to create what the pregnancy test require to get a reading made me feel so much better! I took 4 test after 2 weeks of trying. They were negative. Turn out I was rushing the results! So relevied that this site gave me patience. Now I can gladly say I got a positive reading after waiting a little while longer to test!
I had sex on July 6th. When can I test? I have sporadic periods and never know when I ovulate.
Start testing after 7 days from the day of having sex. As you aren’t not aware of the due date, test every week (maybe total it will be thrice) until a week after bleeding.
Hi I had sex on 5th July and it was the fourth day of my cycle but I got scared and took p2 then I had sex again on 24th July but we used a condom and I think his sperms got out to my vagina but we immediately stopped after this my periods were due on 28th July but I haven’t seen even a sign of my periods since from 29th I have had a bloated stomach and now my nipples are sore to the touch and also from 29th I have had cramping and I thot it was normal since this happens a week before my periods but still not even a spot is there any chance I could be pregnant
Women with short menstrual cycle ovulate on the fifth day after period at some point. Ideally you shouldn’t be pregnant because a condom was used. Take a pregnancy test if symptoms don’t fade away.
I had sex on July 31 2018 my calendar said High possibilities of getting pergent I also had sex on August 4 2018 how soon can I take a test???
You can take a test after 8 August and better to wait a week more
So take a test on August 8 and then take another test in a week ????
Yes that is best to space test by a week
Hello i had sex on july 8th i took my pregnancy test on August 3 it was negative im on the patch birth control i took it off on the 2nd and im bleeding now but i feel nausea and bloating is it from The birth control?
Birth control methods have side effects when you start and when you stop. It could be as you are thinking.
I am on the pill and I take it in the evening but not exactly at the same time it can differ by a few hours. I had sex on July 29th and my partner came in me. My period is always regular and was due on August 8th but it did not come, this has never happened before. Is there a chance I could be pregnant, and if so, when should I take a pregnancy test?
All contraceptives have a slight chance of failing. You must take a test after two weeks wait.
Hi, I had sex on July 26 unprotected
We used pull put method. In less than 24 hr I took Ellaone pill. I started bleeding in 28th and stopped 2nd August.Negative blood beta Hcg on 20th of AuGust.My doctor saw Corpus luteum on my ovary on 21 of August. Could I be pregnant? My peripds are usually 30 to 35 days.Lately irregular as i stopped taking Yaz due to cardiovascular problems.
Can’t say for sure. Rate of success of pull out method is less.
I had my first sex ever at August 22, but it was unprotected. The guy did not shed inside, but i am worying about getting pregnant from pre-cum. So i took morning after pill after 15 hours. Since day after having sex i am feeling slight pain in left side of my stomack. Could it be an ectopic pregnancy??? I know it’s impossible to feel ectopic pregnancy 1st day after sex, but that pain is still there… Maybe it is because of my first time? Please help me?♀️
Pain after first coitus is common. Psychological or real there can be pain without any major complications such as an ectopic pregnancy. Relax and take a test after missed period day.
I took a pregnancy test 7 days after sex. I got a positive result now I’m 8 days after I started feeling breast tenderness and stomach cramping and major headaches last few days. I have been in jail for several months prior and last weekend was the first time me and my husband been together in months. Is this possible? I’m also nauseated
5 mins one time are enough for getting pregnant. If you did get a positive home pregnancy test result then get a blood test after 14 days from missed period day. 7 days after sex positive pregnancy test is bit too early and can be false.
Hi so I had sex June 30 cd 11 my period had just ended on cd 6 we had a condom rip but he didn’t come in me ( I finished him off so I know he didn’t )and claimed he wasn’t close I took a plan b pill 48 hours later & bled one week after the pill in July I also took a test July 23 & it was (-) in August I had a yeast infection so I used Monistat 3 on aug 2 & on aug 3-5 I bled it started light& red and got heavy on the 2nd day & light on the last day my periods are usually 4 or 5 days long so it was odd I took a test on aug 8 & it was(-) I took another one on sept 8 when I was 5 days late it was (-) is it safe to say I’m not pregnant ? Haven’t felt different my boobs were hurting but they don’t hurt as much anymore been having some cramps I’m officially 7 days late today on cd 40 pls reply soon oh also a few days ago when I was in the RR I noticed a light pink smudge on the toilet paper but that was it nothing else appeared all day
You’ve been on some meds and had spotting and bleeding, so your period could be late because of it. Go to a doctor if you can.
Hey! I had my period on 10th Sept and we did intercourse on 19th n 21 which is 10th n 12th day of my periods r regular n on same date every month which means it’s 30 days cycle.the question is some people told me that my ovulation timing would be 14 days before my next I have chances of getting pregnant or not? N when at d earliest I can check it?
9 days after period is early for getting pregnant. You can take a test after three weeks from missed period day if you miss it. Testing early won’t be helpful as chances are less.
I had sex on Saturday 22nd sept and the next day. I took the morning after pill on the Sunday around 1:00 lunch time. I checked my calendar and I was ovulating.
I’m feeling different my chest are huge and hurt, my back aches I’m peeing all the time and had sharp pain in stomach. I’ve done a test but it’s negative, am I too early to test when would I get a correct result.
Two weeks after missed period date. Three weeks after ovulation or the day you had sex as both coincide.
I had sex on 26th September unprotected I am on the pill but started my pill 4 days late. Was meant to start the pill on the 23rd Sept but started on the 27th September.
What are the chances of me being pregnant and when should I test?
Take a test when you’re two weeks ahead of having sex. You can take a test earlier but safer it to take it after a week from missed period date if you had sex near ovulation. As you’re on pill, just take the test after two weeks from the 27th September.
My previous period date is 6 nov and i have 26 day cycle i had sex on 26 nov my expected perid is 30 nov but its not come and i go for beta hcg serum blood test on 8 dec 12 days after intercourse it results 0.1 non pregnant , can it is possible that i am still prego
You had sex near your period date. A menstrual cycle has fairly constant post ovulation period. Chances are low but they do exist.
I had my period on the 10th of December and it came off on the 14… I had unprotected sex in the 22nd of December he came inside me and I took a test today December 5th and it came out negative. Did I take the test to soon?
You took a test at the right time maybe your body wasn’t ready. As your period happened from 10-14th, it’s evident that you have a normal cycle length. You had sex earlier than your ovulation date. Chances are less favorable for being pregnant. Nevertheless do take a test after a week from missed period, after 10th January.
Hi- I have a 28 day cycle and had sex on cycle day 9. My periods last 4 days. I’m on birth control and sometimes take a pill (combined pill) late here and there, but never miss one. He didn’t come inside of me, but we didn’t use a condom, so I’m still worried about pre-cum. My period tracker says that I would be ovulating on cycle day 15. I say would be ovulating because if my birth control is working then I obviously wouldn’t be. I had really heavy cramping and dark brown/red bleeding that started on cycle day 18 and turned red on cycle days 19-21. It has now turned to just light spotting. I’m currently on cycle day 22. So what are my chances of being pregnant? And when can I take a test and get a reliable result? I know I could just be paranoid, but the unusual bleeding and cramps have me concerned. Thanks in advance!
Just take a test after the bleeding stops. As you’ve had heavy bleeding and cramping probably that was your period. Only a test can give your answer. You can take the test after the period due date crosses. For calculating the due date use your previous cycles dates.
Hello. I ovulated around 31st December, had sex on 2nd January but took a post pill afterwards. My period was to come yesterday but didn’t. I took pregnancy test today but it came back negative. Is there a cause to worry?
You can take a pregnancy test again if you’re still doubtful. Having taken an emergency contraceptive doesn’t guarantee that you won’t conceive. Look for pregnancy signs. Period can skip a day or two. Don’t panic.
Hi! I had sex about 5 1/2 weeks ago. We used a condom and it didn’t break and I took a plan b 40 hours after. I’m on bc but I’ve been on and off with antibiotics so not sure it was working. I tested in the morning 4 and a half weeks after sex and it was negative. Should I trust this? I also bled a week after plan b and have been spotting. Two weeks after sex I started having headaches and they’ve been consistent for a month now. Am I just stressing myself out too much? Thank you!
Other than headaches if you are not seeing any symptoms then you may not be pregnant. Being on bc your period should be timely. Spotting at length is not a good sign. As your tests are negative and yet you have spotting, you must consult your doctor.
I had sex 7 days after my period and he didn’t come at all please can I be pregnant because feeling feverish for the past 5 days ago
If he didn’t come and precum also didn’t enter then you won’t get pregnant. Sperms need to go inside for getting pregnant. Seven days after period in case of short cycle doesn’t have natural contraception. You may have ovulated by then. Being feverish isn’t enough to conclude that you maybe pregnant. Look for other pregnancy signs and take a test.
I have been on birth control since Nov last year the combination oral contraceptives the 21days and during my free pill week I get my periodson the 5th day which has been regular. For the past three months the blood has been decreasing in every cycle last month my period lasted for almost 2.5days that wasn’t filling a pad I take my pills regularly and exactly on the same time never missed a pill i had sex on 4th Feb and was expecting my period yesterday since I had my premenstrual syndrome for the past two weeks which I usually have so I assumed they were coming but I have not yet received my withdrawal bleeding could it be that am pregnant or is it something else since I heard on combination pills people usually have regular periods is it a must?and I also have mild cramping
As the bleeding has been becoming lighter from past months, it implies that the pills add lowering the hormone production. Overtime some women stop getting period when they use contraceptives for long periods.
Am on combined pills does one have to wait for 7days to be protected or are you protected on starting a new pack
When you stop taking your pill for 7 days, you can get pregnant if your period doesn’t start. That shows you didn’t time your pills right. Combined pills are for better protection and lesser side effects but have similar functionality.
My last period ended on January 27, 2019. I am currently on the mini-pill birth control for almost a year and have not missed a single dose. I did not get my period for the whole month of February but I did have protected (mini-pill) sex from February 26 – March 1 where my SO came in me each time. As of now, March 13, I have not yet gotten my period, does anyone know if there is any chance I am pregnant? Should I take a pregnancy test?
You can always take a test after two weeks from having sex. Being of mini pill or any other method doesn’t guarantee 100% contraception.
I took a home pregnancy test on Thursday which was two weeks after the last time I had sex and it came up negative, and still no period. Should I go and take another one this week?
If possible wait a week more. Look for pregnancy signs. Allow your mind to ease a bit. In case if your period is going to come, easing your body will help it. Take care.
My bf’s part rubbed the outside of my vagina no penetration. I think it had a precum. Im irregular and the last period i had was last january and i had spotting for 3 weeks during feb to march and its the 14th but still no period. This incident happened on the 10th of march and it was my first time. When should i take a preg test and could i get pregnant through this?
You can take a test on 17th March. One week after having sex to a week after missed period is the range in which you will get a positive test.
This might sound stupid .. but can precum get you pregnant. I have systems but I’m not sure it’s been 10 days can I take a pregnancy test ?
No it isn’t stupid. Precum can certainly get your pregnant. You’re right. The sperms left in the urethra can wash off along with precum and enter you. Taking a test right now will be the best option. You have symptoms that is a good reason.
Hello 24.had unprotected with my bf last week (20th) and started seeing brown period 3days which I thought should be my period but it came just for a day and stopped…pls I need help cuz I’ve been kindof constipated.and my breast hurts a bit but is swollen too…could I be pregnant
Seeing any changes within three days of having sex is least likely to be a pregnancy sign. Take a test to confirm. Chances are negligible.
I’m a healthy young 53 year old in perimenopause. I haven’t had a period for 4 months. 11 days ago I had unprotected sex with my partner. 3 days later my breasts became very heavy and sore, and I’ve been having white vaginal discharge and a few stomach cramps. This has been going on for about 8 days with the same symptoms minus the cramps. I suspected I was too old to get pregnant, but now I am worried. I took a test this morning and it was negative, but I feel very hormonal, and the timing worries me. I have never been pregnant before, nor tried to be. Should I just wait and take another test? Or am I being paranoid?
If you’re 53, then feeling hormonal and hot flushes are normal signs of approaching menopause. You can get a blood test or consult a doctor.
I had sex 30 days back.we used condom and i took emergency pill after 50 hrs.after 26 days of sex i tested using pregnancy card and i got negative.i have i dont know my ovulation or period date there any chance to getting pregnant after this
I missed my progesterone only birth control pill last night and it was the last day of my period. I had unprotected sex. How likely am I to get pregnant by missing one pill and being on the last day of my period?
You have a chance next to 0.1% to get pregnant while being on a continuous contraception that you take even on period. Also being the last day of period if your cycle isn’t very short there is no probability of having an ovum.
I haven’t had a period for 2 months. 3 months ago and two weeks ago I had unprotected sex with my partner. My last period ended on 18th May. Also had a pregnency test on 1st July and it came out negative.. but from yesterday I’m feeling pain in my lower abdomen. Even doctors gave me medicines for periods. Yet the period is not happening. the stomach looks very heavy also. Should I just wait and take another test? And does anyone know if there is any chance I am pregnant?
I had unprotected sex and i took emergency contraceptive but then had unprotected sex again, can i get pregnant when my cycle says am in my safe period
Had protected sex (condom) about 21 days ago, which was about three days before my period was due. Still no period…now 2.5 weeks late. I’ve tested 3x, all negative. Has enough time passed to expect an accurate test?
i had sex the 18th of January and twice the 26th we didn’t use a condom ive been blooded and I have really bad cramps and back pain is there a chance im pregnant
Hi, You can get answers to your questions from experts here:
I have Mirena IUD it expired about 3 years ago. I’ve just started to get my period few months ago got light period 2 weeks ago. I had unprotected sex and my husband came in me this past weekend, Could I be pregnant?
Hi Andrea, You can get answers to your questions from experts here:
If my early ultrasound says I’m about 6 weeks pregnant, when did I conceive? Sexual intercourse from 4 weeks or 6 weeks ago? I have long menstrual cycle of 40days. Doesn’t that affect? Thanks
Hi Patty, You can get answers to your questions from experts here: