Home Pregnancy Page 13


A 9 lettered word for a 9-month long process and doesn’t give a hint about the gigantic challenge it is.

Sex and related issues like bleeding, vaginitis, precum pregnancy and contraception are serious issues for many.

The next section talks of ovulation, TTC and early pregnancy topics for new parents. Pregnancy tips will get you to the morning sickness bliss – sarcasm intended!

Female reproductive health is beyond period and PMS. Abnormal vagina discharge, remedies, reversal of tieing tubes etc, all check.

Most women unknowingly have a miscarriage as a heavy period. Conceiving again is possible! Labor anxieties, contractions, and techniques for coping are a must-read for the best childbirth experience.

Post pregnancy struggles such as postpartum depression, husband’s stitch or VBAC have been carefully researched and talked about.

Lastly, the Pregnancy FAQs section covers anything that is left, and that is quite a huge chunk. Can you paint, tan, take hot bath, swim and be a unicorn while pregnant? All answers right there.

Digital Ovulation Test

Digital Ovulation Test

What is a digital ovulation test?We all know that females are most fertile on certain days only. Digital ovulation test helps us to identify the most fertile days by keeping track of our hormonal...
Kick Counts

Kick Counts

You felt your baby's first kick and can't stop crying out of happiness? But there is a lot more to kick counts than sheer happiness.A healthy baby will move, roll, stretch and kick often....
Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks

Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks

While writing your birth plan or counseling your doctor will ask about delayed cord clamping. Most people believe that the cord supplies nutrients until the baby is inside. So once the baby comes out...
11 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

11 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

At 11 weeks pregnant, you are closely approaching the end of the first trimester. This means some of the symptoms typically associated with this trimester are about to subside. Though you will have to...
13 weeks pregnant: What to expect?

13 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

The last week of the first trimester is here!! You have almost made through 1/3rd of your pregnancy. Congratulations!!! There are just two more trimesters to go before the baby’s arrival. You can do...
Dehydration During Pregnancy

Dehydration During Pregnancy

Dehydration may conjure up an image of an athlete sweating it out or a thirsty traveler lost in a desert. But the fact is that there is a risk of dehydration during pregnancy also. Dehydration...
How To Take Basal Body Temperature?

How To Take Basal Body Temperature?

PrecapHow to take basal body temperature? You should use a thermometer for taking basal body temperature. Be uniform with the manner and time of recording the BBT. Charting BBT can either be a manual...
1 Week Pregnant Development

1 Week Pregnant: What To Expect?

You might be reading this after you've crossed the pregnancy week 1 and 2. The reason being that medically, pregnancy due date calculator begins from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP)....
3 Weeks Pregnant

3 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

Pregnancy is not usually confirmed until the end of week 3. So, this week, you may or may not get an idea that you are pregnant. So what really is happening in this week...
Restless Leg Syndrome In Pregnancy

Restless Leg Syndrome In Pregnancy

Not being able to sleep at night when pregnant because of leg pain is miserable. The entire day you feel sleepy and at night you just can't. Constant urge to move, shake or rub...