At 11 weeks pregnant, you are closely approaching the end of the first trimester. This means some of the symptoms typically associated with this trimester are about to subside. Though you will have to deal with other symptoms soon! Well, you have done it for about more than two and a half months and you can do it for the remaining weeks too.
How much are 11 weeks in months?
You have just reached the last of your third month of pregnancy. Being 11 weeks pregnant is nearly 3 months pregnant. Most women ask questions specifying the day too. For instance, asking about 11 weeks 4 days belly. Externally you won’t see any drastic changes day wise. It’s only ultrasound prints that mention the days. You may even see your belly changing size but that’s bloating!

How big is the baby in 11 Weeks pregnant?
At 11 weeks your baby is the size of a lemon. You can see how tiny your baby is each time you squeeze a lime. But don’t underestimate the cosmic development going inside the tiny human. Though there are gonads you may still not know whether you have a boy or girl. The length of the fetus at 11 weeks is nearly 1.3 inch. A fetus during 11 weeks of gestational period weighs 0.37 oz.
Your Baby at 11 Weeks
Now your fetus can take forward roll and do summersaults. Can you? The body is stretching and becoming straight. Though the length is increasing half of the body is still the head. Rarely women are able to feel their baby this week.
Last weeks of the first trimester have growth spurts. Some babies take longer to develop and if that was your case then right now a lot is going on inside.
1) Hair follicles of baby form. Gradually a fine cover of hair called Lanugo hair will cover your entire baby. Lanugo hair falls off after birth. Just like your hair is becoming voluminous your baby is also getting her hair roots. The function of hair cover in babies also includes body heat conservation.
2) The ears have reached their place. Your baby is constantly hearing your body’s sounds. The gurgling of amniotic fluid is your baby’s favorite. Often babies who have difficulty while sleeping after they are born, fall asleep when you put on light music.
3) The nasal passages widen up. Your baby also breathes now. However, breathing is different from adults. You can think it like liquid breathing. The amniotic fluid is taken through the nose into the lungs and back. Developing diaphragm muscle under the lungs gets an exercise. Once the baby is out the same inhalation and exhalation occurs taking the air. The amniotic fluid prevents lung collapse.
4) Just like the nasal cavity, the baby’s oral cavity and digestive system are also mimicking adult system. Your baby drinks amniotic fluid and urinates it. Kidneys are functioning using amniotic fluid cycles.
5) Milk teeth have formed completely under the gums. There are taste buds on the tongue that know only amniotic fluid.
6) As the bones are getting stronger your baby is stretching. All toes and fingers are now separate. The external genitalia is also finalizing with varying levels of testosterone.
Fetal Development
[table id=11-weeks-pregnant /]11 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
Twin mothers will gain significant weight. Feeling the flutters of babies will also occur earlier. If you’re becoming a mother the second time then you will start showing your twin belly. Some may struggle with morning sickness still lingering in their pregnancy life.
With twins, the chances of spotting and breakthrough bleeding are less. And if you still have bleeding while carrying twins immediately inform your doctor. Vanishing twin syndrome or loss of a twin after infertility therapy show as bleeding. Passing a blood clot could mean threatened miscarriage.
The placenta is taking up the function of ovaries. With two gestational sacs and rapid growth, you will have more progesterone. By now you must have had a prenatal appointment. If you didn’t see sac or saw empty sacs last time, get ready to meet your babies this time.
How Does Your Body Change At 11 Weeks Pregnant?
The changes will be physical, emotional and hormonal. As you start feeling and showing pregnant you may get second thoughts. Having a history of depression puts one at a higher risk of anxiety during pregnancy.
Hormonal Changes
After 11 weeks the ovaries will let placenta take all their functions. You will not get a period even if you did get the previous one. The rising progesterone from thickening endometrium will protect it.
Corticotropin-releasing hormone is the pregnancy hormone that determines your due date. The hormone will increase this week to ensure your baby gets every nutrient from the placental path.
Placental growth factor will continue to develop the placenta and form more blood vessels. Appropriate measures of PGF are essential for proper oxygen supply.
Progesterone and estrogen balance will shift putting you at risk of infections. Estrogen also affects other factors such as vaginal dryness.
Human placental lactogen is maturing your mammary glands. The milk leaks are just round the corner. You might not feel comfortable in body-hugging clothing. Make sure you get the right size of bra. As your breasts descend they need more support and uplifting.
Breakthrough bleeding occurs if you’ve low levels of progesterone. The hormone is responsible for sustaining the lining. After 11 weeks breakthrough bleeding implies the risk of placental complications.
Physical Changes
The changes you see externally will be all over you. Showing at 11 weeks pregnant is the most adorable thing. Your bump is still a cute little secret saying peek-a-boo. The red lines you see over your bump is linea-nigra coming up. Your breasts will suddenly skip the size charts.
11 Weeks Pregnant Bump
If you’ve been on any pregnancy forums then you’ve read lines like ’11 weeks pregnant bloated or showing’. And now you know exactly what the woman was asking. At times of the day, you feel your bump puffing up like a balloon. And suddenly it’s gone.
11 weeks pregnant belly pictures are something you mustn’t rely on. Firstly every woman is different. Obese pregnant women will show more prominently. Secondly, belly pictures can be misleading. And your appetite is already on a fling. Go by your weight using BMI charts for pregnant women. Belly pictures are only good for the journal.
Size of Uterus at 11 Weeks Pregnant
Your uterus is growing and coming out of its previous place. Now it will rise up and become fundus. Measuring fundal height is another way of estimating due date. Belly mapping is a fun activity to detect your baby’s position. You do it later in the last trimester of pregnancy.
The size of the uterus at 11 weeks is nearly that of a grapefruit. Your baby will reach just above your bladder. As the uterus goes up the lower spine, you might experience tailbone pain.
Breast Changes At 11 Weeks
Your breasts will be engorged and sensitive this week. As you prepare to exit the first trimester you might find it uncomfortable initially. Wear clothes that allow you to release the straps off your shoulders.
Mammary glands mature and they start functioning. The glands in breasts are of a secretory type. Cells of the glands come off along the secretion. Your breasts will start their mock drill of the cafeteria. Making milk and releasing it to give you, cute embarrassing moments.
Symptoms Of Week 11 Of Pregnancy
As the second trimester approaches the hormones will begin to level out which should bring some relief. Heartburn is another symptom related to stomach and diet. It occurs when the stomach acid travels in the reverse direction. With an increase in blood flow and estrogen levels, there might be an increase in clear and odorless vaginal discharge.
Dealing with everything may often put you in a bad mood or is it the hormones? As your body is probably spending more energy than it is gaining, you might feel fatigued more often than not.
1) Spotting
Bleeding and spotting are common during the week. You may even develop thrush as your vaginal pH alters along with changes in estrogen. Don’t wear a tampon when you’re spotting to be able to judge the amount. Always tell your doctor if you’re experiencing severe pain. Keep a track of days the spotting lasts to be able to answer your OB.
2) Leg Cramps
Pregnancy leg cramps are because of increased fluids in the body. Standing at work for hours at a stretch can adversely affect your leg muscles. You may feel spasms and shaking after waking. Try sitting in your bed for a while before you get up. Yoga and prenatal workouts improve blood circulation and alleviate the pain.
3) Tripping Or Losing Balance
The increase in blood volume leads to higher blood pressure. Increase in weight gets rapid and you will take a few days to adapt. Combination of all of it can give you the fear of tripping and falling. While taking stairs it is common to feel as if you’re just about to fall. Don’t shun climbing the stairs. Instead, let that feeling be a check on your walking speed on stairs.
4) Hunger Pangs
After weeks of morning sickness and nausea, you get a hunger relapse. Every woman feels like giving in and binge junk. If you don’t want to regret later then stick to your pregnancy diet. Eating excess risks obesity of infant. Overweight babies often make a C-section unavoidable.
5) Linea Nigra Starts To Appear
What you saw earlier as a dark band in the middle of your stomach now becomes darker. Once the baby is out of the womb it will fade away as quickly. Dark patches may also appear near it. Stretch marks will appear as red lines. Fading of the marks depends on how hydrated your skin is and how you lose your postpartum weight. Nowadays women resort to liposuction after parturition. Gradual weight loss is always better.
6) Tailbone Pain
Your fundus develops and pushes your bladder. The second phase of frequent urination may also occur. Tailbone now bears the pressure of a growing uterus and bladder too. Tilted uterus aggravates the condition. Get a nice back rub from your partner before you sleep. Stop lifting anything bulky and ask for help. Bend your knees while getting up. If you have a kid then indulge in sitting games and nurturing.
7) Energy Bursts
This is new! You will suddenly feel like you are energetic and ready to do all pending work. It’s a trap and will only last for a short period. Second trimester weeks will actually pimp your energy levels. For now, it’s just the absence of energy draining symptoms.
8) Nipples Hurt
Breasts are your foe at the moment. You don’t feel their need because they aren’t perky. Instead of weighing down they make you hunch a little. Keep reminding yourself to sit straight. Round ligament pain and pelvic discomfort add to the misery.
9) Feeling Heavier
Not talking about the gained weight. You just seem to feel heavy all over. Headaches, back pain, and unexplained drowsy feeling are also what you must expect. Eating refreshing meals with herbs and salsa salads. Divide the portions of your daily requirement and go for non-strenuous physical activities.
10) Pelvic Pain
Relaxin hormone is diluting the cartilage that holds your pelvic girdle. It will take weeks for it to allow the complete expansion. By then your baby will start dropping back to the lower back. Pelvic discomfort and pain are common in the coming weeks. Unless you’re able to find the right exercises you will suffer badly. Taking ample rest isn’t enough alone.
11) Zits And Oily Skin
The oil glands will increase in your skin. Body’s way of generating a heightened immune response is to protect sensitive skin. Washing face, drinking 8 glasses of water and staying away from cosmetics are a few precautions. Taking pimple medication is a complete no. They are unsafe and cause birth defects.
12) Excess Hair Growth
There is excess hair growth all over your body. Your armpits and pubis are included in the catastrophe. Nothing to worry about it. Temporarily your body is halting the hair fall rate. Once you are through pregnancy the hair density will return to normal. But till then enjoy salon style voluminous hair on your head!
Relieving The Symptoms
- Avoid consumption of spicy, oily and junk food. Go for healthy options like fruits (fibers), leafy vegetables, dried fruits, whole grains, etc.
- Always keep hydrated. Don’t avoid drinking water because you don’t want to go for another bathroom break. Rather you can cut down caffeine content.
- You may avoid food that causes gas like fried food, cabbage, beans, etc.
- With regards to cravings, try to not indulge in them much if they are cravings for unhealthy food. Keep your kitchen stocked with all the healthy alternatives. Never skip breakfast as it may lead to an increased feeling of craving certain foods. If nothing works, indulge in your craving but in limits.
- If you are experiencing leg cramps, stretch your legs and try to move them in a circular motion. To avoid this experience, try to drink plenty of water during the day. Include potassium and magnesium in the diet. Some potassium sources are potatoes, bananas, etc. Some magnesium sources are spinach, almonds, whole wheat, etc.
- If and when you feel dizzy, immediately find a place to sit down or lie down. You can get up after you feel a little better and are steady on your feet. To avoid feeling dizzy/faint, always keep hydrated and carry snacks with you wherever you go. This will help you maintain the sugar levels in the blood.
- Mood swings can be very bad sometimes. Indulge in meditation, yoga or any other exercise that might make you feel at ease.
- Do not overwork your body. If you feel sleepy, then relax and take a break.
Is abdominal pain common at 11 Weeks?
Cramps and spotting are prevalent in the first few weeks. Some women even experience heavy bleeding and have healthy babies. Your vaginal wetness also changes as the mucus plug increases with the rising uterus.
Yet always inform your OB or birth assistance team about pain. Rectal pain in pregnancy is a sign of danger. Distinguishing it from constipation pain is preliminary before panicking.
Bleeding at 11 Weeks Pregnant No Cramps
Signs of miscarriage at 11 weeks pregnant will always include 3 things. They are cramps, heavy bleeding, and piercing pain.
When you have 11 weeks pregnant bleeding but no pain it mostly means you’re safe. Just like your period used to come before pregnancy, the fluctuating levels of progesterone cause such bleeding.
Mild cramps will occur and you might feel an unusual heaviness like PMS. All of it happens to a lot of women. You don’t have to get anxious if your doctor recommends some tests to you for detecting abnormalities. A lot of studies have shown that nearly 25-30% of women have some form of bleeding in pregnancy.
Ultrasound In Week 11 Of Pregnancy
- If you have already gone through the first-trimester testing that includes NT Scan for evaluating the risk of chromosomal abnormalities and other blood tests, then this week there won’t be an ultrasound appointment.
- If you haven’t had your first prenatal appointment yet, then this week and next week would be the time to have it.
11 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Gender Detection
- NIPT is a genetic test that can tell you about your baby’s risk of hereditary diseases. Along with it, gender detection is also a result of the test. You can opt for getting an ultrasound sex determination at 11 weeks pregnant.
- An 11 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound 3 D recording will let you virtually interact with your baby. Hearing the heartbeat must have already happened. The heart rate at 11 weeks stage fetus still is high like the previous week around 160-170 beats per minute.
Warning Signs In Week 11 Of Pregnancy
By this week, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage goes down to 3% and it will go down further in the next few weeks. Even then if you experience or observe any of the below signs then contact your doctor as soon as possible.
- Pain and burning sensation while urinating can be a sign of an infection.
- Foul smelling and/or colored vaginal discharge is also a sign of underlying infection.
- Diarrhea and vomiting lasting more than a day can lead to dehydration.
- Symptoms of gestational diabetes like the extreme feeling of fatigue, excessive thirst, blurry vision, etc.
- Cramping in the uterine region and/or vaginal bleeding.
- Symptoms of severe flu-like fever, chills, runny nose, and sore throat.
- Headache that does not go away for a long duration, vision changes and sudden edema of hands and feet might indicate high blood pressure or even pre-eclampsia.
11 Weeks Pregnant Chance of Miscarriage
The chances of miscarriage this week are nearly 10% or less compared to before 6 weeks. And they are only going to decrease. Smoking and alcohol affect the pattern of change in chances of miscarriage. Eating right and timely prenatal visits will ensure that you and baby safely reach the finishing line.
Infections To Know About During Pregnancy
Let us go through some of the infections that are commonly observed in pregnant women and their signs. It is essential to know about these so that if you observe any signs relating to any of the infections then you can report them to your doctor and get treated as soon as possible without further giving time for the infection to spread out.
- One of the most common infections during pregnancy is urinary tract infection (UTI). The hormone progesterone relaxes the urinary tract. Due to this, the urine flows slowly through it which gives an opportunity to bacteria for growth leading to a UTI.
- Symptoms of a UTI are burning sensation and pain during urination, and urine with an unusual smell.
- Sometimes bacteria multiply grow in the urinary tract without any symptoms. This condition is called asymptomatic bacteriuria. If present it will be detected in the urine sample taken at your first prenatal appointment.
- Another infection to know about is Bacterial vaginosis (BV). It is an infection of the genital tract. It happens when bacteria present in low numbers in the vagina start growing in large numbers. The signs are thick milky white or gray, foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Some women with BV may also experience itching and irritation around the vulva and vagina.
- BV may also be asymptomatic so screening for BV depends upon your history of pregnancy and medical history. The last decision is taken by the doctor. If you have any concerns regarding this then you should discuss them with your doctor to be safe and at ease.
- The third commonly found infection in pregnant women is a yeast infection. Some yeast cells are normally present in the vagina. During pregnancy, increased estrogen levels in body and imbalance in the acidic content of the vagina may allow the yeast to grow in large numbers.
- Symptoms of a yeast infection are white, odd smelling vaginal discharge and itching/irritation in the vagina. Since these symptoms to symptoms for BV, correct diagnosis is important so that proper medication can be provided.
- If the medication given to you is not having any effect even after 2-3 days then contact your health care provider.
- Always consume a freshly prepared meal and freshly bought fruits. Do not consume food that has been kept out for more than 2 hours.
- It would be better for you and fetus to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, unpasteurized milk, and juices.
- Avoid consuming undercooked or raw meat, fish and eggs. These can be a source of harmful bacteria and parasites.
- Fish high in mercury should not be consumed. Examples are shark, tilefish, king mackerel, swordfish, etc.
- You may consume fish usually low in mercury (recommended intake: 12 ounces a week) like salmon, shrimp, trout, pollock, etc. These are good sources of proteins and Omega-3-fatty acids.
- To keep your blood sugar levels at normal, eat small meals frequently and always carry snacks (crackers, nuts, dried fruits) with you while you go out.
Tips For The Pregnant Woman
- Now that you are about to enter your second trimester, this would be the best time to plan for a babymoon.
- The symptoms of the first trimester (vomiting, diarrhea) must be subsiding and you might be getting your energy levels back. Also, your baby bump is not big enough to cause you much discomfort.
- Going on a babymoon would be a great way to relax, unwind and spend alone time with your partner.
- It is usually safe to travel during this time of pregnancy unless there are some complications and you have been advised not to travel.
Tips For Partner
- You may discuss places where you would like to go for a babymoon or you may discuss any other thing related to pregnancy and any decisions that are to be made.
- You may suggest to your partner about reading a pregnancy together. This might give you some insights into the life of a pregnant woman and you can also discuss any topic that you wonder about.
Another week has gone by and you are closer to the end of the first trimester. This may make you feel relieved or overwhelmed or both.
Try and talk about your feelings with your friends who are mothers or your own mother or any other relative who is a mother. You can discuss your fears and doubts with them. They can be a great support system for you.
In the end, try to relax and enjoy this phase of pregnancy!