Pregnancy Health

There are a thousand things that affect your health during pregnancy. Before doing anything new or even what you have been doing since years you ask is it safe for baby. Coffee, tattoo, hair dye, piercing, dental work and many others come under your scrutiny.

Regularly adding to the list, we bring the most important topics for having a healthy pregnancy.

What Causes Hip Pain During Pregnancy?

Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Growing out your favorite jeans doesn't seem a deal breaker when you are soon going to have your baby. But its the pelvis and hip pain during pregnancy won't let you cherish the moments.Pregnancy...
Placenta Encapsulation: Is It Safe To Eat My Placenta?

Placenta Encapsulation: Is It Safe To Eat My Placenta?

The third stage of labor involves the removal of the placenta from your body. Some women get their placenta and baby's umbilical cord preserved for the presence of stem cells. The latest trend is...
Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, everything about our body, just as we know it, goes through a lot of changes. Changes can be concerning both physical and mental. As our body gets ready to be the host...
Best 15 natural remedies for Leg cramps during pregnancy

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: Causes & Home Remedies

So, you're troubled with these leg cramps during pregnancy. As much people may try to dismiss your problem as something that happens to everyone pregnant woman, you cannot neglect the pain!We will tell you...
Anemia During Pregnancy

Anemia During Pregnancy

Temporary anemia during pregnancy is just like gestational diabetes that goes away soon or after delivery.Blood has special protein hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of your body. Anemia due to iron deficiency...
Spotting During Pregnancy

Spotting During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman lives with a lot of anxiety. Many fears are clouding her mind all the time. Seeing blood on her undergarments can give her a panic attack. Bleeding during pregnancy is a...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy: Symptoms & Treatment

Tingly feelings are common in your feet during pregnancy. You already know about pregnancy leg cramps. Leg cramps have a counterpart called carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy that occurs in your fingers, wrists, and...
What Is Glucose Pregnancy test

Glucose Pregnancy Test

What is a Glucose Pregnancy Test?A Glucose Pregnancy Test is the blood sugar test done at regular intervals in pregnant women after they reach the 24th - 28th week of pregnancy to check for...
Gas during pregnancy

Gas During Pregnancy

From being hot to becoming a hot air balloon, pregnancy welcomes you. Gas is not a new thing, and every human passes it a dozen times a day. During pregnancy, you may feel like...
Depression during pregnancy

Depression During Pregnancy

As life goes on we face sadness in minor forms at different stages. Persistent long-term grief is depression. Some of us might have seen that phase of life too when we had chronic depression....