Home Pregnancy Pregnancy Health

Pregnancy Health

There are a thousand things that affect your health during pregnancy. Before doing anything new or even what you have been doing since years you ask is it safe for baby. Coffee, tattoo, hair dye, piercing, dental work and many others come under your scrutiny.

Regularly adding to the list, we bring the most important topics for having a healthy pregnancy.

Gas during pregnancy

Gas During Pregnancy

From being hot to becoming a hot air balloon, pregnancy welcomes you. Gas is not a new thing, and every human passes it a dozen times a day. During pregnancy, you may feel like...
20 Causes of Ovary Pain During Pregnancy

20 Causes Of Ovary Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy has many pains that are not so normal as they appear to be. Ovary pain during pregnancy may seem a likely thing, but it is not normal.Mild cramping during pregnancy may be due...
Dental Work While Pregnant

Dental Work While Pregnant

There are many things that a pregnant woman to keep her baby healthy. However, equally important are the things that a woman must not do during the pregnancy. Once such issue is dental work...
Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy

Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy

What is bacterial vaginosis?Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is the condition of having an outbreak of harmful bacteria in the vagina area. 10-30% of pregnant women have Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). Woman having a previous bacterial vaginosis...
Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti

Most of us confuse when we see a woman who has a lot of fat near the belly, and it looks as if she is still pregnant. In fact, in some cases, the makeup...
Placenta Encapsulation: Is It Safe To Eat My Placenta?

Placenta Encapsulation: Is It Safe To Eat My Placenta?

The third stage of labor involves the removal of the placenta from your body. Some women get their placenta and baby's umbilical cord preserved for the presence of stem cells. The latest trend is...
Anemia During Pregnancy

Anemia During Pregnancy

Temporary anemia during pregnancy is just like gestational diabetes that goes away soon or after delivery.Blood has special protein hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of your body. Anemia due to iron deficiency...
Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, everything about our body, just as we know it, goes through a lot of changes. Changes can be concerning both physical and mental. As our body gets ready to be the host...
Proteinuria During Pregnancy

Proteinuria During Pregnancy

PrecapProteinuria during pregnancy is a condition when the level of proteins in urine increases beyond 300 mg/24 hrs and is a indicates severe abnormality in pregnancyUrine is a mix of waste urea, ions, water,...
Quad Screen

Quad Screen

PrecapA Quadruple screen or Quad screen is a blood screen test during the second-trimester that tests for hCG, estriol, AFP and inhibin A.All the four chemicals (hCG, estriol, AFP and inhibin A) are present in...