Just like post-coital bleeding, there is no healthy reason for having painful cramps a day after mating.
Pregnancy cramps don’t occur so early. Menstrual cramps if they happen after mating have nothing to do with it because mating cannot hasten pregnancy or menses.
Copulation during pregnancy cannot cause miscarriage and cramps a day after mating during pregnancy are not normal.
Cramps a day after love making may be because of underlying causes like cysts or due to developing infections.
STDs have specific incubation period which is the time taken for developing infection symptoms.
So let’s explore this issue in detail.

Cramps a day after Copulation
One may have mild cramps after mating because of climax or dissatisfaction. You may also have some burning during urination.
It is possible that your partner wasn’t aware of the right path and hit the wrong place, thus causing you pain.
For a few hours after mating cramps are normal and acceptable. But cramps a day after copulation are unusual and not a part of any normal physiology.
The movements during copulation don’t cause so much change in the body that it needs a day to still not completely recover.
During arousal the blood vessels of the vagina have more blood coming to facilitate the act of mating and climax.
The vaginal muscles undergo contraction, and when the circulation slows down, they return to normal.
Reasons for cramping after copulation
There are many reasons for cramping after copulation . Implantation cramps after copulation are not possible until 1 week passes.
If there was fertilization followed by implantation, then early pregnancy cramps after 2 weeks from copulation are normal.
Similarly cramps after copulation because of onset of the period is normal.
1) Vaginismus
The muscles of vagina contract whenever something is about to enter the vagina, in a Vaginismus patient.
It may be because of psychological causes or problems. Vaginismus causes pain during and after intercourse because the muscles have a lot of pressure.
During mating, it is essential to mentally accept it and be willing to do it. Otherwise, mating won’t be useful and pleasurable.
Some past trauma can create such an impact on the vagina that it contracts whenever something enters.
Cramps a day after are symptoms of Vaginismus.
2) Cervical stenosis
The contraction of the path of the cervix is cervical stenosis. It reduces the way for the movement of the male organ and hitting at this point causes pain.
After-mating cramps can continue till the next day because of cervical stenosis.
3) Cysts torsion
A serious cause of cramps a day after mating is the torsion of cysts.
These are mass of undifferentiated cells or abnormal growth inside the ovaries which can twist and even cut off from the wall.
It causes immense pain and cramps. Intensifying cramps a day after copulation is a sign that you could be having some serious problem.
You need to tell your doctor because there is no way to treat cyst twisting other than medical attention.
4) Endometriosis
The tissue of uterus can grow outside the uterus to invade other organs causing pain due to their compression.
There can be blockages because of this new abnormal tissue developing outside the womb.
Cramping a day after copulation is a sign that you could have Endometriosis.
At an early stage, it will not pain so much but later on, it will.
The movements during copulation can cause cramping a day after.
5) Tilted uterus
Mostly uterus is straight up the vaginal path. In some women, the uterus inclines towards the rectum. In this situation, during intercourse, the wall of the uterus will be hit. It is another cause of cramps a day after.
A tilted uterus is not common and is a rare disorder.
Penetrative inter course roughly done can cause the same problem even when the woman is healthy. The organ can move in and hit hard.
Trauma during mating such as rape cases causes cramping for days after.
6) Atrophy
As a woman approaches menopause, her hormone production reduces. The wall of uterus needs estrogen for the proliferation of the cells.
During Perimenopause the levels of estrogen are so low that the walls become thin.
Inter course causes bleeding and cramps a day after. Taking estrogen supplements or creams can help alleviate the symptoms.
7) Allergy
Any allergic response to sperm jellies or a partner’s love fluid can cause cramps a day after mating.
You must not use any random stuff to lubricate your vagina. The alteration of pH can after fertility and cause allergy.
Male sperm is slightly alkaline 7.2-7.8, and that is the opposite of your vaginal pH.
You can have an allergic reaction due to prostaglandin in the fluid. An acidic pH of seminal fluid indicates that he has a blocked duct and highly basic pH is a sign of infection.
8) Infections or STDs
Some infections may cause cramps during the incubation period.
Cramping a day after mating with cheesy yellow discharge is a sign or STDs.
Greenish discharge with bad smell also signifies disease.
9) Oncological growth
If there are any cancerous growths inside your vagina like polyps, then you will have after cramps.
The tumor cannot bear the movements during mating. Even the slightest physical exertion makes them pain excruciatingly.
Ovarian cancer and other cancers have cramps after mating as a symptom.
10) Insufficient lubrication
If you did not have sufficient lubrication during inter course, then you can have cramping depending on the damage.
The walls of the vagina or tissues can cut and bleed. Inserting any toy can also cause cramps.
Pain during and after coitus
Pain during or after, beyond the normal threshold, is not healthy.
When a woman gives birth to a baby during labor, the entire head comes out of the vagina. Even if we take into account dilation during delivery, the size of the male organ is nothing compared to the head of the baby.
So pain during coitus is not healthy. Pain also tells you about underlying medical complications.
You must consult a doctor if there are changes in the color of cervical mucus and bleeding.
Other symptoms such as rashes and burning while urination confirms that something serious needs medical attention.