The Princess Diaries famed actress, Anne Hathaway recently took to her Instagram handle to announce baby number 2. She along her husband Adam Shulvan have a son Jonathan. She quit drinking to be emotionally and mentally present for her toddler. Being a truly dedicated mother despite dealing with infertility she admits feeling dejected seeing pregnant women.
She opened about her struggle because she feels people don’t talk enough about infertility issues. Earnestness to reach out to the woman who might also be going through the same led her talk about it.
Anna had two difficult pregnancies because of infertility issues. She said that every woman who is going through the same feels lonely. Especially when another woman conceives while you get the bad news again is mentally shattering. In another post on her Instagram account she said that she knew that someone would feel worse reading her announcement.
She is pregnant for the second time and confirmed on 24 July 2019. Her movie ‘The Hustle’ released this year May 2019, did fair at the worldwide box office.
Her pregnancy style quotient has been high. Latest pregnancy outfits of Anna Hathaway include a Brandon Maxwell custom made Bump-tie-knot dress. The cherry on the cake was a label added to it with her name and +1 written on it.
While talking to a popular editorial the actress shared her experience of dealing with conception hurdles. Nonetheless she expressed that with a positive attitude and necessary steps it’s possible to get pregnant.