Labor, Delivery & Miscarriages

There are many things that you need to prepare for the brief period of labor. You have various options mentioned in your birth plan. Whether you must opt for a c section or a natural delivery, is not what your doctor has to say. Kegels and breathing techniques are natural and extremely effective ways to cope with labor pain.

Miscarriage is an emotional and physical mishap a woman deals with. Abortion procedures and natural remedies for abortion are extremely sensitive topics. One must only rely on a medical practitioner for deciding anything regarding it.

Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section?

Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section?

Nobody wants to go under the knife especially in a labor room! Your concerns need to look beyond the fear of incision. There are many cesarean risks that make the pain of labor feel...
What Is A Mucus Plug?

What Is A Mucus Plug?

With pregnancy a lot of things that make you turn away your face become routine. The mucus plug is one of those things that make you say eew but not when pregnant.Losing mucus plug...