Labor, Delivery & Miscarriages Implantation, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Tests Reviews Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:39:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inducing labor Sun, 13 Jun 2021 11:31:22 +0000 You may wonder how does suddenly the woman goes into labor and pain as they show in movies. In real life, the climax is not that spontaneous, and instead, a woman goes into labor gradually. If a pregnant mother does not undergo natural labor then doctors adopt techniques for inducing labor artificially.By the end of […]

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Inducing labor (labor induction) is a procedure in which a doctor or midwife uses methods to stimulate uterine contractions to help go into labor.

You may wonder how does suddenly the woman goes into labor and pain as they show in movies. In real life, the climax is not that spontaneous, and instead, a woman goes into labor gradually. If a pregnant mother does not undergo natural labor then doctors adopt techniques for inducing labor artificially.

By the end of the second trimester, you start experiencing what are known as Braxton Hicks. They are false contractions that prepare your muscles for the day. As your due date approaches the contractions to become stronger and frequent. And finally when the contractions are rhythmic and pulsating then you reach active labor.

The screaming and pain of active labor are because of rapid contraction of the uterine muscles. Oxytocin hormone is responsible for these strong contractions that push the baby out.

What is inducing labor?

Labor induction is artificial or medically intervened start of labor. The reasons can be paused labor, fetal distress, or unconsciousness of the mother.

Some women willingly opt for such procedures that may even require artificial rupture of membranes. In that case, the procedure is elective. Nowadays it is common to induce labor to prevent long labor time.

Inducing labor: When and How Labor Is Induced
Inducing labor: When and How Labor Is Induced

Reasons for inducing labor

As mentioned above there are many reasons that answer why to induce labor. When do you need inducing labor? If the labor ceases or when the contractions don’t pick up you need induction.

1) Fetal distress

If there is any sign of the fetus being under stress then the doctor immediately does labor induction. It is possible that the baby is not receiving enough oxygen or the cord is choking.

2) Labor complications

When the mother’s blood pressure rises up or she has preeclampsia then inducing labor is common. It is a precautionary measure to prevent the death of either of them.

3) Prolonged gestational period

If the baby remains inside the womb for more than 40 weeks induced labor will prevent mishaps. After 40 weeks the babyfaces nutritional deprivation. The placenta is not enough to meet the need.

4) Elective induction of labor

If the mother wants to have quick childbirth she can get induced labor.


In cases where a woman tries to give birth vaginally after the C section, she does a TOLAC. The trial of labor after cesarean may need naturally inducing labor.

6) No labor contractions long after mucus plug fall off

If the pregnancy water breaks and mucus plug comes off but labor does not start then doctors induce labor. The period of waiting after pregnant water leaking is about 24-48 hours.

7) Uterine problems

The infectious uterus or compromised uterus need inducing labor

8) Emergency

In certain cases of unexpected events during labor doctor administers medications for inducing labor. The birth process becomes faster and is helpful in saving lives.

How to induce labor?

Ways to induce labor can either be natural or those that need medical intervention. Either way, inducing labor is not better than natural labor when there is a low-risk healthy pregnancy.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that induction of labor should only be when there is some risk in waiting. When the risks of continuing naturally outweigh the risk of inducing labor only then doctors resort to it.

How to Induce labor?

Naturally, the hormone oxytocin releases in great amounts during childbirth. It is responsible for rhythmic contractions of the uterus muscles.

You may have read about Pitocin administration during labor. What is Pitocin? It is artificial oxytocin.

1) Using medications such as Pitocin and prostaglandins

Vaginal suppositories of prostaglandin induce labor in around 12 hours. When the prostaglandins placed in the vagina reach the circulation they lead to contractions. Syntocinon and Pitocin are medicinal names of oxytocin. Pregnant women get the artificial oxytocin through IV. They may also take oxytocin through inhalation.

Earlier it was a notion that artificial oxytocin does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus the emotional or mental benefits of soothing and inducing drowsiness would be absent. But after research, it was clear that oxytocin through IV or snorted reaches the brain too.

2) Rupture of membranes

The amniotic sac ruptures to allow the baby’s head to lodge in the cervix. When the head reaches the lower bottom it sends feedback for the release of oxytocin.

A popular method of inducing labor is to rupture the membrane and release the water. A sterile pincer or needle pricks the membrane which bursts and the baby’s head positions for labor.

Some doctors discourage artificial rupture of membranes. It can lead to infections and is not a good choice. Unless a doctor does it you must never try rupturing the membrane yourself.

3) Nipple stimulation

Inducing labor at home requires natural ways. The artificial oxytocin or rupturing membranes for labor is not safe at home. Nipple stimulation to induce labor is the easiest way to naturally induce labor. You can use a breast pump or your hands to stimulate the nipples.

How does nipple stimulation induce labor? The same hormone that is responsible for the induction of labor contractions also initiates breastfeeding. When the baby suckles the nipples the milk ejection reflex starts with oxytocin. So the nipple stimulation is a way to induce oxytocin release.

4) Warm water

Since earlier days doulas and midwives use warm water for a home birth. In that case, it is for avoiding infections and feeling cold. But warm water can lead to labor and hot water bath is not safe for pregnant women. When you deliberately want to induce labor soaking in a warm water bath is an option.

5) Balloon catheter to induce labor

Pumping to induce labor using a balloon catheter is another method doctors use for labor induction. A balloon placed inside expands when air pumps in it. The pressure makes the contractions become stronger to expel it out. This is not safe for inducing labor yourself. At hospitals, doctors know the extent to which pumping is safe.

How to induce labor at home?

You will have to use natural remedies to induce labor at home. It is not safe to rupture membranes. But stripping membrane near the vagina can naturally induce labor. Once your midwife is sure of the necessary dilation you can try induction of labor. Massage and warm water are equally effective in enhancing the strength of contractions.

How to naturally induce labor?

Stimulating your nipples is one of the ways of inducing labor naturally. Other methods of natural labor induction are safe for a home birth. The best way to get labor started is nipple stimulation.

1) Walkaround

When you go to a birth center it is not a single shift process. You might stop feeling any contractions after a period. So you will watch TV or walk around inside the birthing center. Do not feel the slightest disappointment because it is completely normal to have intermittent pauses. Exercise and walking around can help reduce the stress that causes stiffening of muscles.

2) Try herbal remedies for inducing labor

Some midwives bring herbal supplements to help you through labor. You can drink such preparations to induce labor. Don’t hurry down a whole lot of volume. Just sipping some of it might do the trick.

You can also have some spicy food during pregnancy. Now that you want labor onset there is no stopping from popping in your favorite food.

What should you eat before being induced? Avoid eating too much because you can vomit due to an unstable gut. Women must avoid eating from the night before labor.

Raspberry tea, black Cohosh, and castor oil consumption is a popular natural way to induce labor. Be careful with the herb you use because there can be side effects.

3) Make love

You had to avoid intercourse for preventing early labor. Now you must have it to induce labor. However, this is not for those women whose pregnant water is leaking. It can lead to infections. Also, women with low lying placenta may not find it pleasant to make love at this stage.

4) Stripping off the membrane

Not like rupturing the membrane but you can open the seal a bit. Your midwife has enough skill to do this at home. All that you need is to remove the membrane covering the cervix. Make sure the water does not break or gush out. If that happens you need to shift to the birth center or hospital. When the water breaks naturally there is only a span of about 24 hours until delivery.

After stripping membranes examination of the vagina becomes risky. Do not touch it and only use a hand mirror or ask someone else to look for dilation.

There can be spotting and cramps after the step. Make sure that the bleeding is not severe. If you bleed heavily then you will need to call the doctor immediately.

How long does it take to have a baby after being induced?

Nipple stimulation labor or natural ways might make you take longer than medications. It is safe to go for natural labor induction when it is necessary. Most women deliver within few hours after medical induction of labor. Some may still take 1-2 days after getting medications.

How long does it take for Pitocin to induce labor?

Pitocin induction is mostly for women who stop contracting after reaching the first stage of labor. After getting induced Pitocin takes few hours to induce active labor.

In most cases, labor starts after 6-12 hours from taking Pitocin. The drug dilates the cervix at a rate of 1cm an hour. Prostaglandins can take a period of 12 hours.

Is it safe to induce labor?

Naturally inducing labor that does not involve interfering with the organs is safe.

Can you induce labor yourself? Yes, you can try the natural methods at home for inducing contractions. But there are many benefits of waiting for natural labor.

Why wait for natural labor?

  1. Natural toning of muscles allows more effective contractions
  2. Better development of the baby
  3. Lesser chance of c section and delivery complications
  4. Reduced risk of infections for both and disease such as jaundice in newborn

What are the risks of inducing labor?

After inducing labor you are at a higher risk of getting an emergency C-section. When you decide to get labor induction then you must know that it can lead to a sudden panic situation.

  1. A longer hospital stay is probable if you need a C-section.
  2. Other than that there is a risk of getting infections.
  3. Premature rupture of membrane or placental abruption can lead to severe bleeding.
  4. Is it more painful to be induced? Women who undergo inducing labor need pain killers more often than those who wait for natural onset. After induction of labor, one is more likely to request an epidural.
  5. Premature induction of labor at 37 weeks is potentially dangerous for the fetus. There can be development lags and cause breathing problems for the baby.

A woman who previously got a C-section must not elect for inducing labor. Reasons not to induce labor include being more than 40 weeks pregnant. It is possible that some babies take longer or some miscalculation exits.

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Home birth: Can I give birth at home? Fri, 11 Jun 2021 10:58:10 +0000 A woman might find it more comfortable to be inside her known environment, like mamma birdy in her nest, giving birth to her baby. With the help of a midwife and labor coach, it is possible for anyone to have a home birth.The first birth on the planet and subsequent birth for ages were home […]

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A woman might find it more comfortable to be inside her known environment, like mamma birdy in her nest, giving birth to her baby. With the help of a midwife and labor coach, it is possible for anyone to have a home birth.

The first birth on the planet and subsequent birth for ages were home births. But that does not imply that this process is a stone-age practice and outdated. People born in the time period before the development of vaccines or labor wards were not all infected with diseases.

At present, around 1-3% of births in different regions are at-home deliveries. Pregnancy complications make a hospital delivery preferable but do not nullify the safety of delivering a baby at home. Infections and neonatal stress can happen anywhere and midwifery includes bringing all necessary equipment.

Is it legal to have a home birth?

In some places, law codes consider having a home birth along with a midwife is not legal. However, having a home birth without any planned assistant is legal.

The stories of women giving birth in cabs or bathroom floors are not uncommon. And declaring this illegal is not possible for obvious reasons. But there are many countries that totally sanction having a delivery at home as legal.

Home birth: Can I give birth at home?
Home birth: Can I give birth at home?

Who can give birth at home?

A home birth suits a woman who has a low-risk pregnancy and is carrying a single child. In the case of twins, the chance of complications from giving birth at home is higher. It is because the second baby may need the use of suction or artificial assistance for delivery.

Here is a list of factors to help you decide:

  1. A low-risk healthy pregnancy with all development milestones achieved.
  2. A mother wanting to have a natural delivery calls for a home birth as the first choice.
  3. No risk of infections such as HIV or STDs that can transfer to the baby.
  4. Normally proceeding stages of labor.
  5. A birthing center or hospital not far off than 30 miles assures an alternative at hand.
  6. Desire to have family members along during delivery.
  7. You don’t want to have epidural, pain killers, or artificial assistance in labor.

What are the reasons to not give birth at home?

The reasons for avoiding a home birth can be because you are having infections, preeclampsia, or diabetes. There are situations where the birth partner is not ready. It may be because they are apprehensive of the safety or find it messy. You can convince them of it after you learn about it. Midwives can highlight the real aspects and benefits of delivering a baby at home.

Other actual reasons for not having a birth at home are high blood pressure or a history of preterm labor. If the mother is obese or aged then the doctors don’t wait for natural labor and plan a c section. Similarly, for mothers who have had a previous C section, a VBAC at home is not completely safe.

Giving birth at home

Who can have a home birth?

Any woman who wants to give birth inside her house can opt for it. Previous pregnancy complications do not imply that you cannot have a second birth at home.

It is also possible that you shift to a hospital even after trying to give birth at home. But if you are living in a remote area with limited access to facilities and far away from the hospital then switching in between won’t be likely. In that case, it is not safe to have your delivery at home.

To give birth at home you will have to hire a midwife and keep in touch. She will be there with you when you feel labor onset. A doula can help you if the midwife is not available before and after childbirth.

How can you have birth at Home?

You can either hire an independent midwife or contact a home birth service provider. She will discuss with you, all possible situations that may arise during delivery and your choices. You can chalk out a birth plan and the necessary steps you both will be taking.

How much does a home birth cost?

The midwife’s charges may vary but giving birth at home can cost $3000 or £5000.

Who all are there during a home birth?

The midwife might have a doula along who will set the bathtub and later clean it. They may even help you breastfeed colostrum to your baby. There are generally two women to help you during birth.

The midwife checks your dilation and ability to adjust to labor changes. She may either stay with you during your last stages of pregnancy or coordinate over the phone. Once active labor starts, the midwife will not leave you until delivery.

What things do you need for homebirth?

The midwife will bring along all the things you need for homebirth. The cost of it may either be included or added later on. You can buy the things needed for home birth yourself also. There are not very elaborate tools and instead of basic comforting items and cover-ups.

Your midwife will bring all the stuff beforehand and you can keep them anywhere cool and dry. It is possible that you already have the things needed for a natural home birth.

  1. Cover-ups to prevent your birthing equipment to get dirty
  2. Old towels that are soft to wipe and probably throw away
  3. Dustbin polybags enough to collect all rubbish
  4. Comforting snacks and drinks, scented candles
  5. Birthing stool or squatting mattress
  6. A bowl or polybag to collect in case you throw up
  7. Light blanket and room heater if it is cold
  8. Baby’s necessities like soft towel, clothing, baby wash, etc.
  9. Torch or hand mirror to look for dilation of the vagina and check any rupture of tissues
  10. Lots of newspapers, or old mattresses to line the area from the birthplace to the toilet

Things such as maternity pads and clothing are common for hospital birth. There are no other additional things needed for delivering a baby at home. You can rent a birth pool if you would like a water birth.

The birth unit you consult might be supplying such birth pools that are sterile and safe. Your midwife will bring along sterile gloves and pads. Oxygen masks for you and your baby are also part of the birthing kit. She may also bring IV and herbal or other pain-relieving drugs.

How safe is home birth?

The modern method of delivering a baby at home is safe for any woman. The midwives have IV fluids, oxygen masks, suturing material and everything needed even in case of emergency.

Sanitary conditions are no longer like what they were years ago. You don’t have to worry about who is inside the ward and how many people are looking at your private parts. The comfort of home and presence of family members makes home-birth ideal.

Homebirth vs hospital birth statistics show that there is a higher risk of neonatal death in the first one.

When will you need to transfer to the hospital during a home birth?

In case the mother gives up and needs an epidural or the fetus is under stress shifting to the hospital becomes necessary. Your midwife will continue to support and help you even when you shift. Pregnant mothers who live far away from hospitals should not try giving birth at home.

During delivery, upon monitoring your conditions, your midwife can tell you exactly when and if you need to shift to the hospital.

It is natural to feel low if you have to eventually land up in a hospital after delivering at home. But it is possible that it is for treating laceration or neonatal care. There is no guarantee that mothers who have hospital birth don’t have complications.

What are the benefits of home birth?

The main advantage is the comfort and convenience of being at home. You don’t have to go and come from a hospital. The neonatal care is extensive and it is not that messy. You are able to bond with your baby.

Birth partner or baby daddies too find home birth easier to join the birthing process. It is easy on your pocket!

You must join childbirth classes to educate yourself and your partner about delivery. The tips for successful delivery include hiring the right midwife. You must consider her experience and past record.

Don’t go overboard with the package of home birth. Be open to the idea of transferring to the hospital in case there is an emergency.

The post Home birth: Can I give birth at home? appeared first on Pregnancy.

How To Create A Birth Plan: FREE Birth Plan Template Mon, 07 Jun 2021 07:13:47 +0000 A birth plan is a list of preferences about the course of events during labor. First-time moms have to predict what all can possibly happen and plan accordingly. For this reason, expecting mothers should have a birth plan.Why do you need a birth plan? Well, because during labor you’d be a mad seal, and all […]

The post How To Create A Birth Plan: FREE Birth Plan Template appeared first on Pregnancy.

A birth plan is a list of preferences about the course of events during labor. First-time moms have to predict what all can possibly happen and plan accordingly. For this reason, expecting mothers should have a birth plan.

Why do you need a birth plan? Well, because during labor you’d be a mad seal, and all you say would be Hebrew for others. ?

On a serious note, a lot can happen during labor unexpectedly. When you will be in pain and people around under pressure it can be very difficult to make decisions. The hospital staff cannot act according to your preferences unless notified beforehand. You have to decide about the use of epidural, baby’s feed, the position of delivery, and environment. Even if you think at present that you can decide it at that time, you must make a plan!

How To Create A Birth Plan: FREE Birth Plan Template
How To Create A Birth Plan: FREE Birth Plan Template

What is a birth plan?

A birth plan is a checklist answering questions about your preferences and dislikes. The questions are about the environment, kind of labor, and many more things. When you will let the doula and/or the OB about your choices you’ll be able to focus on your work.

The outline will allow your labor to be more comfortable and personalized. While the importance of a birth plan remains unquestioned there can be last-minute changes. In fact, it is just a list of your choices during a certain situation that may occur at that time.

The birth plan also includes things such as the lighting of the labor room, music, snacks, and assistance. Whether you want to sit on your knees or lie down can also be mentioned in the plan. Another important component of the checklist is your consent to use pain medications.

What is the purpose of a birth plan?

A birth plan template not only helps your birthing plan but also informs you about the possibilities. You get to know choices regarding the positions of giving birth or the use of external support to suck out the baby. The various kinds of medicine available to help you during labor pain are there in the birth plan examples. A sample birth plan before writing your own will eliminate unnecessary details. Use a birth plan checklist or birth plan worksheet available.

What all to include in a birth plan?

Birth plan samples can show lengthy lists regarding pregnancy planning. However, just like any other formal document it has to be short and precise. Writing a long plan would increase the chances of missing out on key details.

A natural birth plan has to accept the possibility of having a C-section under complications. So jotting down too much is not needed because doctors know their job. It is not a how-to do manual you have to teach the OB. You just have to give answers to possible questions that will help them do their work.

How to write a birth plan?

There are many things that you can include in your birthing plan. You can consider several factors while planning how you will give birth.

Items to include in a birth plan:

1. Personal information

The first things you’ll write in the birth plan are the names of you, family members, and the gynecologist dealing with your case. You have to clearly mention the names of people you want to be along with. This will enable the staff to allow only the ones you want.

2. Pain medications

Every woman has a different level of pain tolerance. You may not be able to gauge your threshold and opt-out of having pain medications. But it is possible that the conditions change so you need alternatives. Massage or ice chips for comfort must also go on that list.

3. Seating and lying down tools

You may want to have a birthing chair or lie down while giving birth. The extent of inclination you want while labor is also a point in the list. Squatting is another way of positioning during delivery.

4. Filming permission

Whether or not you want your partner to click photos is your choice. However, in cases of a C-section and other procedures, your doctor may prevent such activity. You can have someone holding a mirror to allow you to see your baby coming out.

5. The way of giving birth

You can have a water birth or natural vaginal birth. If you are not in favor of getting a C section or episiotomy you need to let your doctor know. Other than that you must write about the lights of the labor room.

6. Extra accessories

Soft music or some snacks to help you along the labor need to be present before. You can mention if you want a particular stool or chair. If you want to bring your squat mat or music write it. Hospitals have bean bags, in-room showers, birth balls, and tubs. You can choose from the birth tools.

7. Interaction with the baby

Mention whether after having your baby whether you want it to be with you or in the NICU. You can mention it if you want to bathe your baby or have your partner do it. Your presence during the bathing of a baby requires informing as a part of the plan. If you don’t want to interact with your baby immediately or only when awake, jot it down.

8. Lactation and feeding newborn

Whether or not you will breastfeed your child is something you can decide way before. This decision won’t change unless you decide to do so. Expecting mothers might want to breastfeed along with formula. You can submit the plan so that the nurses are aware.

9. Pacifying the newborn

If you want your baby to have a pacifier, do write it. Similarly, inform the ones attending your baby about your allergies and other possible reactions. You can prevent them from giving any antibiotics or optional vaccinations.

10. Assisted birth

If you want a suction or forceps to help you push during labor mention it. There are vaginal examinations during delivery. If you don’t want continuous or multiple times viewing your female parts then you can deny the permission.

11. Post delivery period

After giving birth your partner can cut the umbilical cord. You can also give your body heat to the baby by skin-to-skin contact. Whether you want to stay inside the labor room or discharge asap is up to you. Other than that if you are having a doula or midwife to assist you her presence needs a written consent.

12. Placenta delivery and third stage of labor

Some women want to bank the baby’s stem cells or get placenta encapsulation. Only a few hospitals have the provisions for storing the placenta. You need to find the one that allows you to store the placenta in a hygienic state. If you don’t want to store your baby’s stem cells then you can prevent them from preserving them.

13. Religious customs

Some sects have particular religious proceedings after birth. However, the hospital regulations are strict about allowing such activities. If you want your baby to get circumcision then put every detail about it clearly. Discuss this with your doctor about who will do the procedure.

What should I do before writing a birth plan?

Before you finalize your birth plan try to get to know things. You can join some classes for moms-to-be. Labor coaches or doula can help you learn and practice some baby birth skills. One must meet other women who went to the same hospital or birth center. Try to get to know things. Without fail check your hospital’s birth and delivery policies. If there is a conflict between what the regulations say and your desire, sort it out.

Your birth partner plays a crucial role. Adequate discussions and getting to know each other well will help you a lot. The midwife you appoint can have the role of a wet nurse to your baby. You need to make sure she is ready near your due date. Attend all prenatal checkups and get counseling about your pregnancy.

What after writing a birth plan?

You must submit a copy of your birth plan to your doula or birth partner. Discuss with them the possible diversions from your plan. Have a second choice and make necessary changes in conditions which they recommend. Allow them to review it. And always keep in mind that things can and will happen out of the blue.

Avoid having negative or strict instructions in your birth plan. Keep the language and mindset more flexible and positive.

Do not include phrases that have a lot of negation. Instead, opt for sentences that only highlight your preferences.

There is no doubt that you are going to give birth but doctors and nurses have vast experience.

Be confident and take charge of your mind and body. The pain of twenty bones breaking together is scary but is a myth. You must be optimistic and calm. The more you will panic the more you will feel out of control. A birth plan considers everything from vaginal delivery to episiotomy or C section. But even during labor you can ask if there is an emergency and think about it.

You must mention conditions such as rapid labor or preterm delivery (Read: How Long Does Labor Last?). Do not feel pressured to do something if you don’t want to. At the same time don’t be adamant to regret later.

The post How To Create A Birth Plan: FREE Birth Plan Template appeared first on Pregnancy.

Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks Tue, 24 Mar 2020 03:13:33 +0000 While writing your birth plan or counseling your doctor will ask about delayed cord clamping. Most people believe that the cord supplies nutrients until the baby is inside. So once the baby comes out some may consider that the cord is useless. Immediate cord clamping which is cutting the cord is a routine practice for […]

The post Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks appeared first on Pregnancy.

While writing your birth plan or counseling your doctor will ask about delayed cord clamping. Most people believe that the cord supplies nutrients until the baby is inside. So once the baby comes out some may consider that the cord is useless. Immediate cord clamping which is cutting the cord is a routine practice for ages. In this article, we will discuss delayed cord clamping and risks associated with it.

Throughout fetal life irrespective of the development the placenta performs the function of major organs. It is the lung, kidney, gut, liver, and gland. All of the baby’s necessities move in and wastes come out through the cord. For this reason, at any point, about 33% of fetal blood is in the cord!

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommended a delay in the clamping of the cord by 1 minute for preterm babies in December 2012. Delayed cord clamping (DCC) gained popularity because of a successful reduction in the rate of intra-ventricular hemorrhage.

After birth during placental transfusion, the blood gradually moves into the baby. Cord clamping is the step where the supply from the cord is cut. Some women wait until the cord stops pulsating and others get it soon after birth.

Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks
Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks

What is delayed cord clamping?

Delayed cord clamping is a step in neonatal care in which the umbilical cord is cut after birth but cord clamping is delayed for a few minutes. The cord carries an ample amount of blood with nutrients and cells. Whether the woman has a natural delivery or C-section, the benefits of delayed cord clamping hold true.

Even if the baby is preterm delayed clamping serves the purpose of providing basic care. In fact, delayed cord clamping is more beneficial for a premature baby. Not only for the baby, but cord clamping also reduces the chance of postpartum hemorrhage in the mother.

How long to wait before clamping cord? 

There is not a particular defined time for clamping and the safe time period is between 1-3 minutes after birth.

When is immediate cord clamping necessary?

When will DCC not be done? Immediate cord clamping is also a necessary step in some situations. When the risks of delayed cord clamping outweigh the benefits, it is not possible to wait. This happens when the baby suffers oxygen deprivation leading to unconsciousness. If the baby needs revival to life by means of external oxygen supply, doctors do immediate cord clamping.

Why is it better not to cut the umbilical cord right away?

Delayed cord clamping assures the return of a major volume of blood to the baby. Along with blood, immune cells, red blood cells, stem cells, oxygen, and nutrients reach the baby. The cord pulsates to pump back the blood from the placenta. Oxygen and nutrients are essential until the baby is able to breathe properly.

The WHO recommendations say that cord clamping not earlier than 1 minute improves the health of mother and baby. The step helps meet the nutritional needs of the baby. Nonetheless in certain conditions such as when your baby needs positive pressure ventilation the cord will have to be cut. Some doctors prefer waiting as long as three minutes after delivery before clamping the birth cord.

What are the benefits of delayed cord clamping?

The benefits of not clamping the umbilical cord include many for both mother and infant. Why is delayed cord clamping recommended? The benefits of delayed cord clamping include:

  1. A one-third increase in blood volume of the infant
  2. Reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage in the mother
  3. Better nutritional status of the baby due to extra iron received from cord blood
  4. More red blood cells in the baby’s circulation within 2 days
  5. Higher hemoglobin levels up to six months
  6. Reduced risk of infections and blood transfusion
  7. Lesser chance of getting anemia after birth due to iron deficiency
  8. Risk of jaundice due to DCC is lesser than being able to reach a status where the baby can survive the infection
  9. Stem cells which form different cells, also move through the cord
  10. Lungs get more blood that allows better adaption to the life outside the womb

Should I add DCC in my birth plan?

The practice of immediate cord clamping allows infant care to start early. Hence, since long doctors have preferred immediate cord clamping. How common is delayed cord clamping? What is the latest advice about DCC? Even today delaying clamping of the cord is more prevalent for preterm babies. In the case of a full-term infant, doctors may still cut the cord after 30 seconds.

World Health Organisation recommendations assert considering 1-minute delay as lower limit for cutting the cord. Presently WHO, NICE and RCOG guidelines are in favor of delay in cutting the umbilical cord after 1 minute. It is a cautionary step for premature & healthy full-term babies.

Do delayed cord clamping benefits favor it?

The delayed cord clamping risks in the case of HIV positive mothers or asphyxiated neonates are considerable. But delaying cord clamping doesn’t lead to the transfer of HIV from an infected mother if there is pre-diagnosis. The WHO guidelines for preventing postpartum hemorrhage say that the benefits of delayed cord clamping outweigh the risk of HIV transmission.

Professionals dealing with pregnant women having HIV risk say that the placenta can lead to the transfer of HIV through maternal blood. However, this is theoretical and HIV testing is mandatory during gestation.

If the mother is positive doctors give her antiretroviral (anti-HIV) drug. Infants of HIV positive mothers also receive a dose of antiretroviral injections. Delaying cord clamping is recommended for infants of HIV positive mothers.

What are the risks of delayed cord clamping?

The risks of delaying in clamping cord are mainly for babies that have asphyxiation. Low oxygen levels require immediate positive ventilation. Similarly, if the cord is bleeding or the delivery had complications the baby needs immediate neonatal care. Other than that if the baby’s heartbeat is less than 60 beats per minute DCC is risky. Some studies show a few long term risks of waiting before cutting the cord. There is an equal number of studies that deny such long-run risks.

1) DCC babies had slightly more cases of jaundice

Delayed cord clamping jaundice risk has a theoretical explanation. The storehouse of iron reaching the baby leads to burdening of the liver. Red blood cells have hemoglobin that breaks down after 120 days lifespan. The end product is bilirubin that gives a yellowish color to eyes and skin during jaundice.

Throughout the fetal life, the placenta takes care of the bilirubin production. After the baby comes out the liver has to mainly do the needful for recycling red blood cell components. If the liver gets an additional burden of excess iron then chances of getting jaundice are higher.

All this is theory and testing serum levels showed no such increase in bilirubin levels.

Jaundice in infants requires the use of phototherapy. And DCC infants have a higher probability to withstand such treatments if they get it by chance.

2) Rapid breathing or breathing failure

The increase in blood volume prevents the lubrication of the walls of lungs. The surfactants prevent the collapse of the airbags in the lungs. When babies receive extra blood they have difficulty in meeting the oxygen demand. It leads to breathing distress and eventually calls for ventilation.

The first thing to note here is, that if the baby has such troubles doctors don’t do DCC. Even if the baby has the cord there are ways to help in breathing in that state.

3) High blood pressure and viscosity

In some cases, the increase in red blood cells in circulation can pose a risk of polycythemia. The increase in elements in the blood can make it viscous and raise blood pressure. On similar lines, it is proposed that DCC babies who have more red blood cells can have hyperbilirubinemia. There is no scientific ground to prove these statements.

Are there risks of delayed cord clamping for the mother?

There are risks of DCC for mother if she already has placental problems. When the placenta lies very low in the womb or attaches deep-seated there can be high-grade bleeding. In such cases, DCC is not the right choice. Placenta accreta or placenta preveria patients generally get immediate cord clamping. In other situations there is no such risk for the mother if her infant gets DCC.

If the mother is bleeding heavily due to the tearing of tissues or some reason a DCC is not safe. The baby will need to go to the neonatalogist because the mother had to undergo a surgery or some other procedure. You can mention about the cases when you would want to be away from the baby.

Can you have delayed cord clamping after the C section?

Yes. Even when the c section is due to emergency or planned you can opt for delayed cord clamping. There is no harm of a DCC after cesarean section. The placenta itself takes time to come out during natural or induced third stage. When your doctor gives an injection for the placenta removal it takes about 5 -10 minutes. Sufficient time is available for the blood to move from the cord to the baby.

Umbilical cord milking: What are the benefits of umbilical cord milking vs delayed cord clamping?

The difference between DCC and milking the cord is primarily the pace of blood transfer from the cord to the infant. When the doctors voluntarily force out the blood from the cord to the infant it is milking. Naturally, the pulsating cord sends the blood to the infant taking some time. Milking the cord is different from delayed cord clamping. UCM is a choice when the cord needs immediate clamping but the baby is premature.

The post Delayed Cord Clamping And Risks appeared first on Pregnancy.

Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section? Fri, 05 Jul 2019 18:42:42 +0000 Nobody wants to go under the knife especially in a labor room! Your concerns need to look beyond the fear of incision. There are many cesarean risks that make the pain of labor feel like a cakewalk.A C-section is childbirth through an incision made in the abdomen and uterus. Sometimes when labor stalls or the […]

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Nobody wants to go under the knife especially in a labor room! Your concerns need to look beyond the fear of incision. There are many cesarean risks that make the pain of labor feel like a cakewalk.

A C-section is childbirth through an incision made in the abdomen and uterus. Sometimes when labor stalls or the fetus is under stress a C-section is necessary. In other cases, it is either willingly asked for or because of impatience.

Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section?
Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section?

Can you choose to have a C-section or natural birth?

Some recent studies reveal that most c-sections are done not out of compulsion. That is the opposite of what is ideal.

Advantages of normal delivery vs cesarean are endless. Unless you or your baby has some health issues a cesarean must be the last resort. And in that case, weighing the risk of c-section vs the emergency will make the prior negligible. When you are choosing whether to have c-section or natural delivery you consider the risks.

Even if you previously had a cesarean section it does not make you liable to have another. You can do a trial of labor after cesarean and have a VBAC.

What are the disadvantages of C-section?

A c-section carries risks for your current and future pregnancies. Whereas, vaginal birth is better with every regard. Recovery after vaginal delivery is faster and there is less chance of getting infections.

When the pregnancy is normal it is always advisable to have a natural delivery. This is because a C-section involves a surgical procedure. It takes weeks for the incision wound to heal. Sometimes the scar may remain there forever.

When your pregnancy has some complications then there is no way to avoid cesarean birth. So, until you can do try to have a vaginal birth.

Are cesarean sections safe?

When an experienced qualified doctor performs a cesarean then C-section is safe. The question is about the long term cesarean risks. It may affect your fertility and postpartum recovery from C-section. Taking care of the incision and stitches along with other precautions of cesarean aftercare is not easy. You can get infections and suffer from a lot of pain.

Is a C-section safer than a natural birth?

When you have some infections such as genital herpes then C-section is safer. Increasing age, dystocia, and other complications make C-section safer. Other than that natural delivery is always safer than C-section.

The planned cesarean is quite different than a normal delivery. You may not feel any pain and just go to the hospital on the date of operation. The doctors will administer epidural (anesthetics) and do the cesarean procedure.

When C-sections are emergency mitigation, the scenario is way different. In that situation, the risk of C-section is less than the risk of normal delivery. The risk of fetal death or rupture of tissues from labor is more than cesarean risks during dystocia. A hypotonic uterus dysfunction can also pose such a risk. It could be that the fetal heartbeat is dropping below the lower limit. Any hemorrhage during birth calls for C-section without considering its risks.

Which is worse C-section or natural birth?

The rise in the number of C-section from 5% to 20% in the US recently is attributed to advances in technology. Doctors are quicker in doing a C-section than before. Some women also opt for C-section because they don’t want to take the pangs of labor pain. But the decision makes the agony worse and suffering longer.

Difference between normal delivery and cesarean

During normal delivery, you undergo labor and have to push the baby through the birth canal. You might have to take epidural and let any surgical instrument touch you. In contrast, cesarean doesn’t involve you in birthing and you have to get an incision. There is no way that you go under the knife without anesthesia.

Your baby also benefits from the labor, lungs open up while passing through the birth canal. In cesarean, the fetus has the risk of respiratory problems.

Vaginal birth

A vaginal birth doesn’t involve any scars or incisions. The mortality rate of mothers having a normal delivery is lesser than those who plan C-section.

Benefits of Vaginal birth

  1. A surge of hormones ripens the cervix and helps during the lactation phase
  2. Your body bathes in a pool of oxytocin which is the comforting love hormone, helps baby bond with you
  3. Amniotic fluid moves out of the baby’s lungs
  4. No scarring or episiotomy if your muscles are strong
  5. Baby gradually comes out and gets some bacteria from your body. Vitamin K is essential for preventing bleeding and intestinal bacteria synthesize it.
  6. Better for having multiple pregnancies as fertility does not suffer
  7. Less risk of hysterectomy, blood loss, blood clots
  8. Mother mortality and fetal mortality is lower

Vaginal birth Cons

  1. Vagina has to tear a bit and can affect sexual intercourse
  2. Your baby might not be able to withstand stress, but you do get a fetal nonstress test to assess that at 28 weeks
  3. Cannot schedule birth

Cesarean birth

There are benefits of cesarean that enable women who have complications to become mothers. Probably you heard that C-sections enable mermaids to give birth. But when there is no such need for cesarean the benefits of C-section are nullified.

What are the chances of dying during a C-section? The fetal mortality rate during C-section is twice that of natural birth. Mother morbidity is also higher during a cesarean.

A planned cesarean might save you from labor pain but it can also lead to a premature baby. Miscalculation of the due date might bring your baby out before the right time.

What will I feel during a cesarean section?

You will not feel anything during a planned cesarean. A high dose of epidurals and anesthetics will make the area below waist numb. Your doctor will make an incision and take your baby out. Then he will fix the incision with glue, staples or stitches.

You will have to stay in the hospital until the dressing changes last time. The healing process is longer and continues for weeks.

In case of an unplanned cesarean, things will be different. You will first wreath in pain during labor and then whatever be the case it will halt. Not the pain, but the contractions. So your doctor will give you epidural and you’ll be immobile. Then anesthesia will induce deep sleep and the same cesarean procedure performed.

What is more painful C-section or natural birth?

Post-cesarean complications make it painful during the long run. When you have a planned cesarean then a normal delivery will be more painful. Any injury to surrounding organs can lead to more pain after cesarean. As the anesthesia will lose its effect you’ll start feeling the pain from C-section.

Is C-section dangerous?

No, it is not dangerous, it is a medical provision for its benefits. But the post-cesarean complications may occur.

What are the Cesarean Risks?

Side effects after cesarean delivery affect your fertility, baby’s health, and emotional well being. After cesarean, you are at higher risk or suffering from postpartum depression. Multiple C-section complications are so severe that you may undergo removal of complete organs.

What are the long term effects of a C-section?

Long term effects of C-section mainly affect the uterus and in turn your fertility. If you get a scar or cesarean fibroid then you may become infertile. Your uterus can lose its ability to sustain a pregnancy.

What are the second Cesarean Risks?

After a second c section if it leads to a high incision you lose your ability to deliver normally.

Major 15 cesarean risks for mother

1) Painful post cesarean phase

The pain during labor may be the reason you are an option a cesarean. But the post-delivery period after a C-section is more painful. You will have difficulty walking and urinating. Infections can make things even worse. As the numbness will go from your body acute pain will start. This will prevent you from taking care of your baby.

2) Injury to the bladder and adjacent organs

The surrounding organs can damage due to surgery. A bladder injury is most common after a cesarean. It will lead to urinary incontinence. But doctors can correct the problem while the cesarean takes place. With subsequent surgeries, organ adhesions will make it more common to damage them. This will make the cesarean duration longer.

3) Long recovery and additional care

Cesarean aftercare has many precautions to follow. The stitches can have inflammation and will need treatment. Cesarean recovery period makes a longer hospital stay compulsory.

4) Infections

You can get different types of infections after C-section. The incision can get an infection and spread to other regions. If the uterine wall gets infected then it can spread to the urinary tract.

5) Endometriosis from C-section

After surgery, the adhesions and scars can cause the growth of tissue into other organs. Endometriosis affects fertility extensively and can even lead to amenorrhea. As the tissue moves into other organs it hampers their functioning too.

6) Blood loss

The bleeding during C-section can give rise to the need for blood transfusion. A study showed loss of blood greater than 1 L in about 9.2% cesarean. Out of every 6 cesarean cases, 1 needs a blood transfusion. Whether the C-section is elective or emergency the blood loss remains high.

7) Placenta Previa and Placenta accreta

The condition Placenta Previa refers to extremely low lying placenta that can cover the cervix. It can be marginal, partial or complete covering of the cervix. The risk of Placenta Previa rises to 2 or 3 out of every 100 women who have their 4th, 5th or 6th C-section.

When a woman has Placenta Previa she has a high risk of developing Placenta accreta. Placenta accreta is the condition when the placental tissues attach to the wall deeply. The occurrence of adhesion from previous C-section also increases the chance of having placenta accreta.

8) Hysterectomy & additional operations

During certain complications, the entire uterus will be removed. Many women need additional surgeries for skin lesions or removal of tissue masses. This can happen weeks after C-section. Long term cesarean risks include such additional surgeries.

9) Adhesions

If a woman has undergone cesarean multiple times then the scar tissues can attach nearby organs. This leads to blockage and painful symptoms. Placenta accreta is also due to adhesion near the previous C-section scar. The adhesions can be in the pelvic region that later increase risk of bladder injury during repeat cesarean.

10) Impact on fertility

With subsequent C-section, the risks increase. The uterus can get fibroid tissue and normal delivery becomes more difficult. Scars and adhesions from the previous cesarean make it difficult to cut through. The time taken during cesarean increases with the number of times you get it.

11) Maternal morbidity and mortality

Maternal death during a cesarean is more likely. Morbidity due to C-section is so severe that mothers die a few days after it. Proper care and support is a must. Nutritional demand for supplements also increases after a complicated cesarean.

12) Thromboembolism

It is common to have blood clots post-C-section. They can move around through the bloodstream and reach legs and back. The pain due to thromboembolism is severe and they can be fatal. When these clots move to the pulmonary region they lead to pulmonary embolism. It is one of the most common causes of death after c section.

13) Anesthesia after effects

Side effects of a high dose of anesthetics give headaches. After it leaves your body you can have severe headaches and nausea. The sudden feeling of pain after the withdrawal of epidural effects is tormenting.

14) Postpartum depression

One of the risk factors of postpartum depression is undergoing trauma during delivery. If you have an emergency cesarean the risk of postpartum depression is higher.

15) Breastfeeding troubles and missing bonding

Cesarean delivery does not allow enough secretion of oxytocin. The hormone is essential for milk ejection reflex. It is also responsible for developing the bond between you and your baby.

Cesarean section risks to the baby

Cesarean baby vs normal baby is at certain risks. The newborn needs to stay in NICU for longer than a normal delivery baby. They may need extra care and assisted breathing support.

1) Respiratory problems

When the baby passes through the birth canal the amniotic fluid comes out of the lungs. During a cesarean, the baby does not pass through the birth canal. Later in life, cesarean babies may have asthma and other respiratory problems.

2) Premature birth

Miscalculation of the due date may lead to premature birth. Survival rates of premature babies are lower. This poses a risk to the life of the newborn.

3) Can get a small accidental cut by the doctor

Very rarely the baby may be nicked during the surgery. However, the healing of such cuts is very quick.

4) Risk of obesity

Long term effects of C-section on baby state show a higher risk of being obese.

5) Poor nutrition due to low milk supply

Breastfeeding problems can lead to malnutrition. The baby does not get the good bacteria from the birth canal. This leads to a compromised immune system.

Even if your birth plan has a normal delivery, you can have an emergency situation. Always remember that C-section pros and cons don’t count when it is an emergency.

The post Cesarean Risks: Is It Safe To Have C-Section? appeared first on Pregnancy.

Why Do You Fast Before Cesarean? [Fasting Before C-Section Facts] Fri, 01 Mar 2019 10:05:47 +0000 A C-section is an abdominal surgery that required an empty gut. The night before elective C-section instructions includes fasting. When there are 8 hours before c-section you can’t eat anything. Before that a meal preferably light is permissible.Performing an emergency C-section requires considering when you ate last. In a certain high-risk pregnancy, cesarean fasting before […]

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Pregnant women need to fast before an elective C-section for 7-8 hours to enable the abdomen incision. Not having a full stomach prevents vomiting reflex and also makes it easier to operate. You can imagine the gut popping up from the side. Water doesn’t stay in the stomach but fasting prior to Cesarean section relaxes the excretory system.

A C-section is an abdominal surgery that required an empty gut. The night before elective C-section instructions includes fasting. When there are 8 hours before c-section you can’t eat anything. Before that a meal preferably light is permissible.

Performing an emergency C-section requires considering when you ate last. In a certain high-risk pregnancy, cesarean fasting before c-section includes water. Fasting before a c-section is real and compulsory.

No matter you didn’t ever diet or try intermittent fasting, now you’ve to. If your doctor has suggested that you may need a cesarean considering your health parameters, eat bare minimum.

Why do you fast before Caeseran?
Why do you fast before Cesarean?

Why do you have to fast before the C-section?

The main reason for fasting before a c-section is to make it easier for operating. Reducing the pressure on the uterus keeping the gut back.

After you eat the blood flow moves to the digestive tract and other processes slow down. There is a constant involuntary movement in the gut called peristalsis. For pushing the food ahead in the abdomen into the intestines, peristalsis keeps going on.

Only fasting for an extended period can stop the movement and render the tract passive. That’s essential for a successful operation of the uterus, lying next to it.

  • A cesarean incision is a roughly 10 cm long cut on the abdomen and uterus. After the operation, the uterus needs to go back to its original size. Doctors give an injection for reducing the size. When there would be a nearly empty gut, the uterus would be able to recover quickly. Otherwise, the gut would exert additional pressure.
  • Fasting before c-section also prevents the build-up of rectal gas. You will get spinal block anesthesia that will impair sensations below your chest. Passing gas won’t be possible when you’re being operated. Eating a lot can increase the discomfort that would continue after a c-section too.
  • Anesthetics have side effects such as nausea. Having food can worsen the situation making you puke. What can be worse than puking, bleeding down and peeing through a catheter? Not taking any fluids is mainly for this reason to prevent reflux.
  • First postpartum poop is extremely difficult. Retention of fecal matter or getting constipated will affect your already jolted health. Not eating and drinking ensures that you’re not having much needed to be expelled out.
  • Eating food takes blood sugar on a graphical pattern. There are other changes such as body heating that occur after you eat. Blood pressure can fluctuate after a spicy meal. While operating all blood metrics have to be in normal ranges. Serious bleeding can occur if blood pressure rises.

What is the best last meal to eat before the c-section?

We presume you’re talking about the last “allowed” meal and not a meal during fasting for c-section. We’ve been bad with tolerating hunger, feeling crazy when we need carbs. But it’s all about perspective. Every night you fast for 6-7 hours. So imagine sleeping 3 hours longer!

Carbs are the solution but not the starchy ones. The best meal before a c-section is fruit salad or boiled veggies. Heavy meals like meat, eggs or starchy carbs are not good before the operation. Lighter you’re now easier will be your first postpartum poop – second labor! Constipation and fright while going to the loo after C-Section are equally scary as labor. If you have opted for cesarean trying to avoid the pandemonium of labor, eating light will serve the purpose.

Here is the list of foods you can have before the c-section

Safe Last Meal Before C-Section

You must eat something that perks your energy without forming a bulk. Carbs that are not starchy will help you but not for long. Add a source of protein such as cheese or yogurt.

  1. Salads
  2. Sprouts with lemon juice
  3. Clear Soup
  4. Avocados toast

Drinks 4 hours before C-section

You are not allowed to have dairy products such as milk or butter. No pulpy juices once you’re just 4 hours to operation. Avoid gums or candies totally. Carbonated or fizzy drinks can be the worst thing you had before the surgery. Dare not touch them. Don’t have your tea with the whitener, sugar or milk.

  1. Clear fluids such as juice without pulp
  2. Tea without sugar preferably decaffeinated
  3. Ginger mint extracts

Is there something that I can eat just before c-section?

You might be wanting to eat something either because of hunger or pacifying anxiety. Just a few minutes in the OT and you’d be given an anesthetic that you will not feel anything at all. Dozing off with a slight consciousness of random sounds is all that you will feel. Gradually as the anesthesia will leave your system, the pain will accentuate. Meaning? Eating won’t really make a difference.

And if you’re reading this beforehand then chances are, food won’t even cross your mind. You will be so busy and caught up with the things going around that hunger and thirst will be unnoticeable.

Instead, you might not even want to eat after you have your baby. Sleep is what you will want and get. Thirst indeed will be a difficult thing to control after a c-section. But that’s OK, you can bear it, after bearing a baby, you momma bear!

If all your attention is only on eating then chew a mint leaf. Just a mint leaf and not a gummy. Your doctor might allow you to drink or eat if you continuously ask. The main aim of not eating is to help you than helping them. For them, an extra stitch won’t pain or take longer to heal.

When to stop eating before the c-section?

You have to stop eating about 8 hours before scheduled c-section. Clear fluids are still allowed until there are only 4-3 hours. Later you have to stop eating or drinking anything. Even for taking any med just a sip of water is the maximum you’re allowed.

Same will follow after C-section stitches are done. You will first get a clear fluid probably water with added glucose for energy.

Can I eat a Little before my c-section? [Feeling hungry before elective C-section]

No. If you’re four hours to c-section then you can drink an energy drink. Once the clock passes the mark there is no way you could take anything. If you’re particularly feeling dizzy then ask for a drip. Doctors will be able to address hypoglycemia and help you. Do not let anything deter you from fasting.

Can you drink a sip of water before my c-section?

As a pregnant woman, you know how breathing and water are your anxiety wading off tools. A sip of water is ok if you have a dry mouth. Just like water moisten it.

Ask your doctor before doing so. Try controlling as much as possible.

Forgot Fasting Before Scheduled C-Section Now What?

You accidentally ate something early morning forgetting that you had to fast and now are queasy calling your gynae. Or maybe you wanna know what if you eat something before a c-section. That’s a possibility when you’re having tremendous stress or a c-section frequently. Because with the nervousness women feel, it’s hard to forget any precautions their doctor told them. They might stop eating before the c-section is a week far.

Tell your doctor that you accidentally ate. Don’t try to cover up. If possible, they would postpone the c-section for a few hours.

Labor Started Before C-Section, Can I Eat?

Don’t do anything without asking your doctor. That’s the first precaution doctors give pregnant women about such a case. Even if your labor begins before you reach for c-section, the doctor can still perform the surgery. Especially if you have a c-section due to complications like Placenta Previa, labor isn’t safe.

Don’t eat or drink if you go in labor before elective c-section delivery.

What to do the night before c-section?

Follow the things you’ve read until now. Other than fasting precautions you have few other things to do. Along with them make sure your hospital bag is ready.

Take off body jewelry, all those piercing stuff. Remove nail paint. Any other accessories that are on your body. Lenses also need to be removed.

Your doctors will shave your lady parts if you don’t get it done. Removal of vaginal hair can be embarrassing for you. If you’re used to parlor waxing, then get it done.

Sleeeep. Energy and mental control are the most important things. If you’re easily dehydrated and have an early appointment set the alarm for drinking water.

Keep your bath essentials ready for the last shower before you leave for the hospital. Don’t lift anything but do get things uncluttered from your room. If you don’t have someone to prepare items before you come back, do it now. Doing anything after the operation would be way tough.

Coach your male partner about the location of everything. Nappies, mattresses, baby’s clothes, and your needful stuff should be known to him. He’s going to help you with the things while you’re recovering.

Take a picture of your baby bump as tomorrow you are not going to have it. Make sure to spend quality time with your family. Feeling happy and loved is essential before the big day.

Is it compulsory to fast before c-section?

I wished you didn’t ask that. Yes, it is. For all the reasons mentioned above, it is necessary to fast. For the safety of you and your baby do not hold doubts about the necessity.

Not fasting won’t make things difficult simply for you but also for your baby. Let your baby have a better bigger space. Don’t have to bother about fainting or anything that will happen if you don’t eat. Your body has stored enough fats over there nine months to support you without any food intake. Look at that belly and boobs, they have uninterrupted calories in store for you ?.

What will happen if I eat before c-section?

Nothing can be predicted as to what will go wrong. Will it be you vomiting or bleeding or nothing at all. It’s a precaution against many things. But in the end, just caution with no guarantee of either side.

The post Why Do You Fast Before Cesarean? [Fasting Before C-Section Facts] appeared first on Pregnancy.

How To Push During Labor? Sat, 02 Feb 2019 05:19:25 +0000 How to push your baby out is the biggest pregnancy dilemma for first-time mums. Taking the assistance of doula or labor coach eases the mental exercise. The coach will take up counting and judging the right time for pushing.Pushing during labor is a fine-tuning of the pause and fast forward. The hold and pause are […]

The post How To Push During Labor? appeared first on Pregnancy.

For pushing during labor follow count of 10 when you get a muscle signal. Set yourself in the birthing position comfortable for you like bent on knees. Keep pushing and breathing deeply. As soon as you count “… 8, 9, 10..” just stop pushing. Don’t let the urge make you continuously push as it could tear your vagina.

How to push your baby out is the biggest pregnancy dilemma for first-time mums. Taking the assistance of doula or labor coach eases the mental exercise. The coach will take up counting and judging the right time for pushing.

Pushing during labor is a fine-tuning of the pause and fast forward. The hold and pause are equally crucial for preventing tearing of cervix.

Here is the post that will lay all the things in front of you clear and nice and enable you to make the right choice. Lay back mammas we got your back! ?

How To Push During Labor?
How To Push During Labor?

What are the ways of pushing during labor?

Two theories about pushing the baby out are prevalent. One being the pushing as instructed by your birth assistant and second, being your boss and following instincts.

Coached pushing or Old school and spontaneous pushing are the two methods. Latest practice is the coached pushing acknowledging mother’s instincts – blending the two ways.

Researches on neonatal outcome of ways of pushing have been conducted over and over. Most show that no conclusions can be made about which way of pushing during labor is best. 1

Which method for pushing during labor is better: Coached or Spontaneous?

None of the two are wrong, and you can choose between them judging the best for you. If you’re nervous and not able to tap your gut feeling as you’re turning into a seal shrieking ask for help!

Spontaneous pushing has risks of tiring yourself, vaginal laceration, and unsatisfactory experience. Need for surgical or assisted birth methods after coached pushing was more commonly reported. Even after endless studies and experiments, there is no definite answer to which is the best way to push.

When will you know it’s time to push?

Before heading on to how you need to know when your role begins. A quick brief of what happens at the moment of delivery. No, it’s not going to be scary as in the movies.

Your mucus plug came out, and your cervix began dilating. The early labor is over, and now the cervix is fully open. It’s time for rendezvous with the contractions that you falsely felt at 2 am the other day.

Feelings at the time of pushing are just like the bowel movements. So you will feel the baby’s head pushing down there.

Here are a few other things you will during the pushing stage:

  1. A burning, stretching, or almost snapping off feeling in the vagina as the baby’s head bulges out.
  2. Uterus contractions become mild but localized extremely low. Muscle mind connection will even make you feel rising and detaching of the uterus.
  3. A pressure in your rectum that causes oops moments
  4. A slippery parcel flowing down your vagina making it feel warm inside and cool outside
  5. Blood and more blood all over

For women on epidural, the pressure without pain feeling is misguiding. Don’t let that make you push incessantly. That’s hazardous for everything from your vagina, to state of consciousness.

What happens during the pushing stage?

Until here it’s all the same whether you go for coached birthing or DIY. Now if you’ve decided to let your body be your coach, then you can start pushing to the count of 6-10. Hold.

Breathe deeply, as taught in the Lamaze classes. Again when your body tells you to push after a pause. Remember the pause is equally essential.

What happens after the pushing stage?

Baby’s head is the widest part. Once it’s out, the doctor sucks off the mucus-filled the in the nose. Rest of the body comes out almost immediately.

Cord clamping and cut takes place. Skin to skin is the next recommended step. You will have to push one more time and the third stage of labor – placenta delivery takes place.

Now baby’s bath and APGAR score will be done while you will rest and recover.

How to decide when to push during labor?

At least be at ease that the pushing stage doesn’t involve any unbearable pain. You will not be able to lay back either. There is a feeling of discomfort in the lower body which you’d want to get rid of. Baby’s head presses the nerves in the area sending brain signal to push her out.

Many women compare it with the feeling of bowel movements. Those who go under the impression of bowel movements are shocked (as expected). When you respond to bowel movement, you are engaging an altogether different set of muscles.

You can try imagining holding something with the vagina squeezing it. The muscles or abs which participate along are the ones. Try practicing these moves whenever you can.

A study conducted showed that women who wait until the urge to push after dilation are at risk of a tear. Instead of waiting for the urge, start pushing rhythmically to set a tone. Don’t go hard instead maintain the pace.

An experienced doula or midwife will be able to grasp your tempo.

How to push during delivery of the baby?

We’d recommend the widely accepted assisted spontaneous pushing. Let not the people around leave you by yourself, nor get them to override your instincts.

Committee opinion of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests limited intervention in labor. 2

That’s a pretty broad statement compared to well laid ACOG guidelines. Even the guidelines recommend allowing the mother to handle her labor as per her will. Unless the situation is of emergency of course!

Once you are dilated, start practicing your pushing moves while focusing on your breathing. Women who opt for unmedicated natural delivery will do pelvic floor muscles pushing themselves. Probably you will only need to voluntarily stop pushing while rest will be impetuous movement.

After your doula or OB check cervical dilation, you can begin pushing on the epidural. Meds will numb the sensations so you won’t feel the push. In that situation begin yourself without waiting long for the impulse.

Pushing in Labor Pain

Often until you experience it, the anxiety of pushing with all the pain eats you. How in the world with the labor pain will I push?

That’s the thing you just learned that pushing stage has lesser pain. Spasmodic contractions that dilate you are the ones that pain in initial stages of labor. Later you will have a better time in delivery and feel more involved.

When women can push during delivery, they feel more involved. Unnumbered studies show that natural birth or labor lasting for normal duration has a satisfactory outcome.

Via rapid labor or cesarean delivery, women don’t get to experience one of the most challenging time in their life. Postpartum depression statistics also report that women who have rapid labor are at higher risk.

Episiotomy While Pushing

No one wants a cut in the vagina to widen it. Vagina naturally tears during labor for widening the gap. When the tear gets carried far into other organs along the clit doctors, make a cut in the base. For avoiding tearing while pushing you to need to focus on resisting the urge to push.

Your birthing team has to stop doing any massage once you’re actively pushing. That reduces the excess resistance to stop.

Using a hot compress and doing Kegels from the beginning of pregnancy are precautions against laceration.

How to push during labor without feeling the urge?

Most women don’t get a chance to relax during this phase. When you don’t get the pushing feeling reserve your energy. Sit on a birthing ball and distract yourself. A positive attitude goes a long way and panic can blow things out. Trust your body!

Now you may ask how long to wait when you don’t feel like pushing during labor. That depends on your situation. 

Ideally, first-time mothers take 1-2 hours during this stage. If the clock is ticking by, then try pushing a bit without the prompt. During the second and third time, the stage can be as short as in minutes. So you can give that little push earlier if you’re a second-time mom.

Pushing During Labor After Epidural

First-time mothers feel tempted to know more about epidural. You must first understand what they do. Epidural is a group of drugs that are responsible for stopping the sensation of pain from reaching your brain. It’s not anesthetic that numbs the region. Movements can go on while the brain is unaware of them partially.

In some women epidural delays the feeling of urge to push. One can imagine as if the entire pressure will shift down in her pelvis. In that scenario, you will need someone to help you. Your instincts are deceptive now and vaginal tear and insufficient oxygen for baby, are your biggest risks.

A study published in the 175 years old, renowned BMJ Journal, showed that lying down position with epidural leads to spontaneous vaginal birth. Unlike the non-epidural delivery wherein upright position is likely to lead to natural birth, epidural delivery can be better while lying. 3

Massage and changing to gravity favoring birthing positions will divide your work. Avoid squatting unless that’s something you routinely did before labor. That can accelerate the pushes and cause stress and trauma.

How long does pushing in labor take?

The pushing stage of labor can last up to 2 hours for the first baby. Rapid labor can be as quick as just 30 minutes. After taking a pitocin shot pushing lasts shorter. Prolonged labor after epidural can be up to 3-5 hours. Second and subsequent times will have shorter pushing period during delivery. In that case, a normal labor pushing will be only for 90 minutes or less.

Don’t try to rush through. That will only increase the recovery days. Remember a bigger challenge for a shorter time is better than a relatively smaller problem for long.

How long does pushing in labor last with an epidural?

With epidural nothing can be predicted as every individual’s body responds differently to the drug. The first baby with an epidural can take up to 6 hours to come out. Typically with epidural labor pushing gets longer than 3 hours. Some might get lucky and have a baby drop out in 30 minutes.

Right posture and pushing techniques with an epidural can reduce the length of labor. Biggest hurdle to labor after epidural is lying on the back. Gravity starts acting against you in that labor pushing pose.

Pushing Tips During Labor with Epidural

At times epidural labor gets so long that you’ll lose your patience. Techniques that help push with an epidural can be the game changer you were waiting for.

Here you go with some quick, effective strategies to push when you took epidural:

  1. Don’t wait for long to feel the push sensations. Slowly begin pushing yourself setting the right rhythm.
  2. Use a birthing ball to push against the pressure. Reflex action of this pose will do the trick.
  3. Keep breathing deeply and focus your attention on the slightest sensation you have. Preventing vaginal tear during pushing requires this extra focus.
  4. Avoid flat lying down pose. If you can’t then like you do ab crunches keep your chin to chest. At the same time don’t sit upright once the pushes begin.
  5. When you feel the baby’s head take that push risk but controlled. Pause yourself as there is nothing to guide you through.
  6. For the stage when you feel like quitting, see your baby’s head in a mirror. Tell yourself, come on momma. Have some affirmations ready beforehand.
  7. Mentally focus on the region down below and push from there. Mind muscle connection will do it!

How to avoid pooping while pushing in labor?

Embarrassing, gross or whatever you may think is out-of-the-window for now. Trust us when we say you’d not be fazed at all. There will be enough pain, cheering up, and exhaustion to prevent any shame.

For the doctors or midwives, they’ve seen worse! Pooping implies you’re nearer to having your baby in your arms.

The only thing to remember about pooping in labor is, these muscles are not exactly which push your baby.

If you’re still not convinced to be comfortable with it, this is just the beginning of your relationship with pooping and all gross things. Won’t it be better that you poop and push your baby without having a deep cut in abdomen? And who is going to see you, a handful of people who see that 5 times every day in a year.

You didn’t come here to read this? Alright, there is a procedure called enema which in gas or liquid is injected into your rectum to stimulate stool evacuation. You can ask for an enema kit and do that. Still embarrassing, unless you’re able to walk and hide to clean yourself.

Relax momma to be, all this is part of the journey of motherhood.

The post How To Push During Labor? appeared first on Pregnancy.

What Is A Doula And What Do They Do? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:53:17 +0000 Every woman wants her best friend to be there at her every special event in her life. But can the best friend handle labor? During labor and after that you may require a doula who would not only act as a childbirth assistant but also provide emotional support. Unlike the doctor, a doula is more personal […]

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Every woman wants her best friend to be there at her every special event in her life. But can the best friend handle labor? During labor and after that you may require a doula who would not only act as a childbirth assistant but also provide emotional support. 

Unlike the doctor, a doula is more personal in her approach. It is very common for women who opt a home birth get assistance by doulas. Having a doula is not a compulsion but indeed a choice for a better birth experience. There are other types of doulas other than labor doulas such as antepartum doula and postpartum doula. Labor coach, midwife, and doula are people who help you prepare for birth.

The presence of a woman along during labor helps the pregnant woman be more comfortable. A woman is aware of things such as how it feels when the vagina expels blood and stretches wide. She has experience of things like what feelings and worries go in your mind during a panic situation.

What Is A Doula And What Do They Do?
What Is A Doula And What Do They Do?

What is a doula?

A doula is a professional childbirth assistant who also provides personalized care, educates, and emotional support. Unlike doctors or nurses, you can have the doula stay later and come earlier apart from the active labor.

A doula has another term such as labor assistant, labor coach, birth assistant or labor support professional. The reasons for hiring a doula can be because of pregnancy complications or to have a companion. You could have a doula help you after birth even if she wasn’t present during that period. It happens in situations like after rapid labor or emergency c section with a high-grade tear.

The word doula has a Greek origin which roughly translates into a female slave. Though, in the modern context, a doula is a friend rather than a slave. 

What does a doula do?

A birthing doula behaves like a spokesperson, friend, assistant, educator, and advisor. She is like your non-labor panicky version. ?

When you hire a doula, she will talk to you about your birth plan and choices. You’ll be negotiating things that can happen during labor and what you would want to do in that situation. Gradually she will understand and educate you about the different possibilities during labor.

Most labor assistants start their work way before labor starts. By the time your due date comes the doula knows entirely about your preferences. During active labor when you lose your sanity, she will be your voice conveying the experts your choices.

Consider if you wanted a natural birth but find the pain of labor way more than you thought and are willing to give up. The doula has an active role to play here. She will remember what her client wanted. Not only will she prevent the doctors to be quick in doing a C section but also encourage you to push harder. Along with that she will give massage, pep talks, help you squat, or change labor positions.

A good doula is not a medical professional, but her experience is nearly equal. Throughout your pregnancy, she will narrate you things that can happen during labor. She will also help you create the right birth plan.

It will be a two-member team with a common goal of making baby delivery easy, memorable and less painful. She will be the coach who plays along during the final match.

What all will the doula do?

  • She will help you to adjust to each stage of labor
  • Her massages will reduce pain and risks of c section or medications
  • She will encourage your partner to get involved in the process
  • Set up a labor tub and even clean it later
  • Will not leave the labor room and be present throughout
  • Check whether you are in active labor
  • Click some photos while you cuddle your baby
  • Breastfeeding assistance

A doula may also provide you support over phone calls during the last stages of pregnancy.

She can also check whether your mucus plug has fallen and dilation has occurred. When you cervix dilates enough, she will be able to distinguish whether you are in active labor.

There can be other things she does like making your favorite drink or doing other things in the birth plan. Tying hair or other personal care may or may not be part of services your doula provides.

After birth, if you are not willing to have the baby immediately your doula can help. She will also help you breastfeed and bond with your baby.

Can a doula deliver a baby?

Yes, a doula can help you deliver a baby. Especially if you have a natural delivery or home birth, the doula will play the pivotal role. But she is not trained to handle any surgery such as a C Section or any other. So you cannot rely on her for any medical assistance.

Whether or not to hire a doula is up to you because she is just going to help in birthing. Perform

Around 60 out of 100 pregnant women having a labor support professional did not ask for an epidural

Benefits of having a doula during labor

There are real statistics to prove the positive outcomes of having a doula.

  • Studies show that having a doula reduced the rate of c sections, use of epidurals and oxytocin injections.
  • It also helped mothers have a shorter labor exertion and a less painful birth. Some women have had 3/4th the actual duration of labor because of their supportive doula.
  • Other than that presence of doula also helps mothers have a completely natural delivery. The use of artificial oxytocin is slightly less effective compared to naturally released labor hormone. Out of every ten women, four did not need oxytocin when they had a doula. Labor doula use massage and relaxation techniques that involve natural oxytocin release. It induces a positive response and helps mother continue the process without external support.
  • Doula assisted pregnant women tend to have a lower tendency to ask for pain relief medications. Around 60 out of 100 pregnant women having a labor support professional did not ask for an epidural.
  • The power of touch and emotional support by a doula is unmatched and enhances the quality of the entire process.
  • Doctors don’t give massage nor do they get personal. A doula’s massage helps more and more oxytocin reach the brain and induce drowsiness. The anxiety and possibility of postpartum depression greatly reduce by this care.

What are the types of doulas?

There are mainly three kinds – the labor doula, antepartum doula and postpartum doula. Just like the names suggest they have their roles during their prefixes.

An antepartum doula helps a mother who has complications that make bed rest compulsory for her. She can also be there for any woman who has other pregnancy issues like hypertension or low blood pressure. If the mother suffers an injury or is ill she can hire an antepartum doula. Such pregnancy doula may help you with your first child if you are expecting the second one.

A Postpartum doula helps you cope with the healing period after delivery. She will coach you about breastfeeding and help latch on the baby. Post partum massages and emotional support from such assistants reduces the risk of postpartum depression.

Find a doula

How to find the right doula or best doula? There is no hard and fast rule but experience counts. So the best doula is the one who has helped many women before you. She will be able to handle situations better. Even if you plan to get a c section still her experience will make the procedure smooth.

You can ask questions before hiring doula:

  • What is her qualification or certification?
  • How many deliveries has she been a part of?
  • Does she specialize in some massage or relaxation techniques?
  • Will she be available at any hour over the phone?
  • Is she aware of kegels and other exercises you can do to prepare for labor?
  • What serious complications has she dealt with?
  • Does she also provide neonatal care and stay as a postpartum doula?
  • What is a doula salary? How much do you pay a doula?

Discuss your birth plan with her and about language and communication skills too.

Doula vs. Midwife

A midwife is a qualified health expert and can replace medical professionals. You can have her along all by herself during home birth or at birth centers. Doula on the other hand is a supporter and only provides care and comfort. She cannot be there instead of medical experts. The terms are used interchangeably, but both have a vast difference.

You must consider whether the labor coach is just a support or entirely the birthing performer. Similarly, a midwife won’t continue after the delivery but a doula can be there helping you later on.

Is a doula only for women who want a natural birth?

A doula is a person who will help you during labor. Even if you have a planned C-section on the mind, a doula can help you cope with it. Reasons not to hire a doula other than financial repercussions or dislike for too many people present are rare. A doula will help you adjust when the epidural paralyzes you. Even as you come out of anesthesia she will be there to assist you to get back on feet. During your bed rest phase, she will take care of your needs.

What Is A Doula And What Do They Do?
What Is A Doula And What Do They Do?
A doula can be a great asset to have during a challenging experience like pregnancy and labor.

The post What Is A Doula And What Do They Do? appeared first on Pregnancy.

How Long Does Labor Last? What’s The Average Labor Time? Tue, 30 Oct 2018 18:43:57 +0000 If you’re pregnant for the first time, you must have wondered about how long does labor lasts? Average labor time is the duration for which most women experience labor. First-time moms have a longer average time in labor compared to the ones giving birth a second time.How Long Does Labor Last?A lot of you might […]

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How long does labor last? Active labor (when you feel rapid contractions) lasts for 7 hours. Early labor can last for 18 hours in the first pregnancy. The average length of labor is 6-12 hours. Second-time mothers have a shorter labor. Precipitous labor or rapid labor can last for only 2 hours.

If you’re pregnant for the first time, you must have wondered about how long does labor lasts? Average labor time is the duration for which most women experience labor. First-time moms have a longer average time in labor compared to the ones giving birth a second time.

How Long Does Labor Last? What's The Average Labor Time?
How Long Does Labor Last? What’s The Average Labor Time?

How Long Does Labor Last?

A lot of you might be finding contradictory values of average labor mentioned by different people. Depending on many factors such as age, the average time of labor can vary.

Generally, your friends who have been pregnant will only tell you about active labor. That’s because they never count the early labor in average length. Early labor isn’t the shrieking and wreathing you expect. The average length of early labor is near 6-12 hours.

The average time of labor for the first baby is almost half of the average labor time for the second baby. Changes in the cervix and pelvic muscles affect the duration of active labor the second time.

Your cervix goes on dilating after you’re in early labor. For the effaced value beyond 10 cm, it takes an hour to push out the baby. The second time mothers can have the baby out within 15 minutes.

Precipitous labor is even faster and often leads to trauma.

What factors determine the average time of labor?

The average time for labor depends on many factors that the history of pregnancies. The dilation of the cervix and how fast the birth canal widens is a major factor controlling average labor time.

Women having premature labor before completing the full term of pregnancy have faster labor. Precipitous labor is rapid.

The strength of the contractions of vagina walls also affects average birth labor time. Epidurals are childbirth anesthetics that increase labor time.

The average labor time for the first baby when induced is lesser. When the mother is conscious and actively pushes and tries, labor can be quick.

Similarly sitting in upright positions favored by gravity quicken labor. The position of the bay and having hold of the situation favors easy and quick labor.

Factors affecting the duration of labor

  • Age of mother
  • Position of baby
  • Size and makeup of pelvis
  • Contractions strength
  • Labor type – natural or induced

The movement of the baby also affects the duration of labor. If there is enough movement inside the womb, then the contractions become stronger. The movement of the baby sends the signal to the brain to trigger the release of labor hormone.

What are the three stages of labor?

One of the reasons why your friends or relatives tell you the different lengths of labor is that labor has three stages.

The first stage doesn’t involve rapid contractions and water may not break. Once the contractions are strong enough, it leads to active labor. Finally, the placenta comes out and completes the labor.

The prolapse of the umbilical cord is a complication in which other parts come out before the baby.

1) Early labor

The cervical canal gets the baby aligned for coming out. Thinning of the cervix from the birth canal region, called effaced cervix occurs. Some women have pregnant water leaking at this stage. Once the water breaks, blood and mucus come out. The mucus and blood comprise the bloody show. However, as the contractions are not strong enough, the baby would not come out. This stage of labor is only for the positioning of the baby and opening the birth canal.

The first stage of labor can be mild enough not to come to the notice of the mother. During the third trimester, women have Braxton Hicks that mimic labor. So a woman who has less frequent contractions may confuse the two. Midwives won’t consider you in labor until there is enough dilation.

2) Active labor

Average labor time for first-time moms includes 4-8 hours of active labor. During this stage, the contractions are more regular and rapid. Some records consider active labor as the average time of labor.

According to medical terms, the average time of labor after the bloody show and early labor both comprise the total length of labor. Women who have had previous vaginal deliveries tend to have short-length active labor. There can be passive labor when the cervix effaces but the urge to push is not enough.

Even after a woman reaches the second stage of labor, she may not be allowed to push. It is because if the cervix is not dilated enough, there can be tearing beyond normal. Third-degree tearing during labor takes a long to heal. Similarly, if you are lying entirely flat, then the contractions will not be able to lead to the transition stage.

The stage of labor where the latent phase changes into active labor is known as transition labor. When the cervix effaces beyond 10 cm, your doctor will ask you to push. The right time to push with all strength is after this stage.

Labor is an intensively energy-requiring process, and after every push, there is a sense of fatigue. Experts can judge when is the right time to start pushing during labor.

3) Placenta delivery

The third stage includes the removal of the placenta from the womb. Any part of the placenta remaining inside the womb can cause complications. During rapid labor, the placenta does not come out completely. This stage can take up to one hour or as little as 10 minutes.

How long is labor for first-time moms?

Your grandmothers may recall that they were in labor for three days or so. This is not the screaming labor that you see in movies. When a woman says that she had labored for two days, she includes the latent phase of labor.

Some women may never come to know the difference between latent labor and loosening of bowels. There is discomfort during this stage, but no contractions or pain occurs. Nobody can give you an exact prediction for when your labor will start.

Midwives look for dilation of the cervix. When the contractions are rapid and occur for 5-60 seconds every 4-5 minutes, then you are in active labor. At the start of labor, your cervix will dilate to 1.6 inches or 4 cm.

The active labor stage has 10 cm dilation and indicates that the mother is ready to give birth. The region below the waist loses sensation when a woman in labor takes an epidural.

Naturally, the muscles lack the synchrony and vigor for labor and the mother may not be able to push. Even after sufficient dilation, contractions are essential to push the baby out.

Average Duration Of Early Labor For First Time Moms

Active labor can be similar for mothers delivering consequent times. Early labor is where most women differ. Some are quick-settling babies who drop down and come out. Others are slow who gradually come midway and then rest before moving ahead.

Early labor has many processes going on like lightning, effacement, dilation, the release of mucus plug, and contractions getting strong. First-time mothers take up to 18 hours to come to active labor.

First-time mothers can expect to be in early labor for 6-10 hours. Certain Kegels, birth balls, hot tubes, and positions can reduce the length of early labor.

Impatience during labor can be a major setback to a natural delivery. Birthing classes focus on teaching breathing patterns that help you calm down during labor transitions.

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Precipitous Labor: Definition, Risks and Complications Tue, 23 Oct 2018 18:11:28 +0000 Labor pain is ranked high on the pain ranking list when compared to other painful life experiences.The very thought of feeling this unimaginable and indescribable pain along with a vaginal tear seems the scariest part of pregnancy. Some women might still be unaware that labor and delivery can last up to 24 hours.Superficially, precipitous labor […]

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What is precipitous labor? It is the extremely rapid labor leading to the birth of a baby in 3 hours or less than 5 hours.

Labor pain is ranked high on the pain ranking list when compared to other painful life experiences1.

The very thought of feeling this unimaginable and indescribable pain along with a vaginal tear seems the scariest part of pregnancy. Some women might still be unaware that labor and delivery can last up to 24 hours.

Precipitous Labor: Definition, Risks and Complications
Precipitous Labor: Definition, Risks, and Complications

Superficially, precipitous labor may seem like a blessing than a complication. But the fact is is that despite being 24 or 12 hours long, normal labor allows you the necessary time, needed to cope with each step.

About 2% of women who have rapid labor and delivery don’t get the time to adjust to the changes happening. The rapid wild contractions cannot be controlled, and often the delivery occurs in stray places like elevators or bathroom floors.

What is precipitous labor?

It is the process of going into active labor, birth, and placenta in less than 5 hours. One may not be able to make it to the hospital, and thus, birth can occur outside the hospital. 

The three stages include active labor, birth and placenta delivery

How fast is precipitate delivery? It can be as quick as 3 hours about 1/4th the time of the still short labor duration of 12 hours.

Some women have phases of contractions that occur at different times during a period of three days or even five days. Compared to normal labor, it is as fast as almost immediate delivery of the baby after entering active labor (It is during the active labor that most women feel an urge to push).

Rapid labor can be as quick as 3 hours about 1/4th the time of the still short duration labor of 12 hours.

Reasons and Risk Factors for Precipitous Labor

Statistical data shows that women going to give birth to their second or third child are at higher risk of precipitate labor.

What are the risks of having rapid labor?

This can happen because of a wider vagina or smaller baby size. Other risk factors include incidents of precipitate labor in the family.

There is a genetic correlation to the chance of having precipitate labor.

What are the chances of having precipitous labor?

Women who have had previous deliveries naturally have a shorter labor. They are at higher risk. There can be other reasons like consumption of drugs such as cocaine during pregnancy.

What are the causes of precipitous labor?

Delivery from a precipitous labor is called precipitate delivery. 10 Factors that affect chances are:

1) Smaller baby well placed in the vagina

During labor, the push is not solely by the mother’s hormonal changes. The movements of the fetus have a role to play while giving birth. A smaller size of baby and correct position make labor pain easier. As the baby is little, the vagina doesn’t require too much of oxytocin as a smaller expansion will serve the purpose.

2) Wide vagina or birth canal

Some women have a large pelvis because of body shape. Others may have a wider birth canal naturally. As the passage for the delivery of the baby is wide, it automatically reduces the effort for birth. Even the not so violent contractions can push the baby out.

3) Perfect alignment or position of the canal

The vagina is not a straight pipe up. It is instead slightly tilted. In cases where women have an extremely titled vagina, they have vaginismus. Moreover, a straight vagina is not favorable in accordance with gravitational dynamics.

4) Autism in baby

Out of the many genetic defects, autism is the one that parents can quickly come to know during gestation. Nonetheless, if they desire to have the child or did not opt for the test, the risk of precipitous labour is one of the consequences. However, it doesn’t mean that your baby has or even may have Autism.

5) Genetic predisposition for a precipitous labor

In some families, women tend to undergo precipitous labor due to genes running in the lineage. Thus, if someone’s sister or any related woman had such an experience, she must mentally prepare herself. In maximum cases, during precipitate labor, the pregnant woman is unable to make to the hospital. Blood, placenta, and pain cannot be managed at the time without any preparation. If aware of any factors or risks, one must take precautions.

6) Efficient uterine contractions

Some women who have labor for 24 hours do not shout and whale, as shown in the movies. Active labor and uterine contractions are related but not the same. When you reach the last week of the third trimester, pregnancy water breaks. After this, the contractions of the vagina set it. The vaginal contractions come and then subside, and every next contraction is more powerful. Some women might take longer to have rhythmic contractions with enough vigor to be able to deliver the baby. In case a woman has efficient contractions close to the starting of labor she can have precipitate labor.

7) An overdose of Pitocin or Syntocinon drug

During pregnancy, the level of oxytocin increases from first to last trimester. This hormone is responsible for labor, breastfeeding, and bonding between mother and newborn. Unlike the release of oxytocin from the hypothalamus, part of the brain, an external administration can never be regulated precisely. Oxytocin injected intravenously leads to stronger contractions. This puts the woman at a higher risk of precipitate labor.

8) Second or third delivery

After the first pregnancy, the vagina has experienced expanding and contractions. Those women who have multiple pregnancies, after going through the process deliver faster.

Can I have precipitate labor again if I had previous precipitous labor? Precipitate delivery in the last pregnancy is another sign that you are most likely to have it again. The duration of labor reduces with consequent pregnancy.

9) Consumption of drugs such as cocaine during pregnancy

Cocaine is a stimulant drug that affects physiological processes, enhancing them. It changes the central nervous system and causes an increase in the pace of processes. Oxytocin also releases from the brain and so rises rapidly.

10) Induced labor

Women who don’t get a positive Fetal Non Stress Test cannot wait until natural labor onset. There are many ways, such as using prostaglandins or oxytocin drugs or artificial rupture of membrane. In most cases after labor is induced there is no way to stop it, and as it gets rapid, the risk of precipitous labour increases. Induced labor using prostaglandins most probably end as precipitate labor or even cesarean.

11) Artificial Rupture of membrane

During artificial rupture of the membrane, a small scraping tool breaks the pregnant water after placing the head towards the vagina. Once the baby’s head comes near the opening, the contractions are rapid. Can you induce labor to prevent another sudden rapid labour? Ideally, you must not induce labor unless there is no alternative. This procedure increases the chance of having precipitate labor.

12) Hypertension during pregnancy

High blood pressure can cause more rapid contractions. Women with raised blood pressure during pregnancy are asked to be cautious.

13) Fertility treatments

During fertility treatments, external administration of hormones can also lead to precipitous labour.

Signs of Rapid Labor

Some women might want to estimate the time of their labor. Are there any signs of precipitate labor? 

In most cases, the incidence is so immediate that there is no time to notice the signs.

As the delivery due date is near, pregnant water leaking starts in some pregnant women. The breaking of water early is a sign that things could go faster than expected.

You may feel that the baby will just come out even when the labor is not at its peak. Sweating and other usual labor symptoms will be exaggerated.

  1. Early pregnant water leaking
  2. Rapid continuous contractions
  3. Feeling heavy load on the lower end
  4. Rising heartbeat and other distress indicators
  5. An absence of recovery phase between contractions

Consequences of Precipitous Labor

Even if it sounds better to have done with a thing that takes 12 hours within the shortest span, there is worse to it.

Can precipitous labor lead to complications during and after birth? Yes, this is why induced labor is discouraged because it mostly ends up in cesarean or precipitous labor.

Even the administration of oxytocin is not done unless essential as very long labor is equally damaging.

  • Mother is in acute distress: The pain of vaginal tearing, contractions of the uterus similar to period pain hundred times the usual is not less than a trauma. All this happening at a breakneck pace naturally will cause distress to the mother. The process, even in normal condition leads to pain. Will fast labor affect the mother emotionally? During precipitous labor, there is a lack of support as everything happens too quickly. While handling it all alone or with minimal assistance, the mother suffers from unbearable pain. Analgesics are restricted during labor and not given during precipitate labor.
  • Postpartum depression: Reasons for a mother to suffer from postpartum depression are emotional distress or hormonal imbalance or both. After undergoing the quick, violent labor the mother finds it harder to adapt to the new life. She has lacerations and deep tears such as a third-degree vaginal tear. As she is not exposed to the long-term effects of oxytocin, she will have a harder time adjusting to the fall of hormones.
  • Placenta retention: Some parts of the placenta may still be inside the womb after parturition. It happens because the labor contractions last for a shorter span.
  • Bleeding and hemorrhage: Due to the violent contractions, the bleeding can get heavier. The perineal tear is wider and allows more blood to flow out.
  • Wider perineal tearing, cervical and vaginal laceration: A laceration is like tearing of skin and underlying tissues. The birth process is so vigorous that it leads to deep and rugged tearing of inner organs too.
  • Atony of the uterus: After labor is over the uterus opening returns to its normal form. However, it is possible that after the labor, the opening of the uterus may not return to average size. This condition in which the uterus doesn’t contract after the delivery of the baby is called uterine atony. It can lead to postpartum hemorrhage.

Can rapid labor harm baby? How does precipitous labor affect your baby?

1) Delivery without sterilization

There is no time to prepare for delivery when sudden labor starts. Such delivery outside the sterilized environment can cause infections. Temperate fluctuations can cause the baby to catch a cold as they cannot bear the changes. You must give baby body heat to prevent such infections. However, the mother is in trauma and pain.

2)  Aspiration

During rapid and uncontrolled labor the amniotic fluid can get inside the baby. The baby can poop inside which calls for an immediate C section. Aspiration is taking in the surrounding fluids that can cause suffocation.

3) Slower bonding between mother and fetus

Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for labor, bonding, and maternal recognition, and breastfeeding. Women who undergo artificial labor, take longer to bond with their baby. During such an episode, a mother may have seen the worst situations of delivering on the bathroom floor and facing death. After such trauma and the lack of natural exposure to oxytocin and having high levels of adrenaline, the bonding will take longer.

4) Newborn undergoes trauma

The violent contractions are the baby’s first encounter with life outside the womb. The bones still undeveloped bend in any direction. Injury from fall or mismanagement can also lead to severe issues.

5) Hypoxia

During labor the fetus is under pressure and oxygen is a must. Hypoxia, limited oxygen supply, is common during rapid labour. When the oxygen supply is reduced, there are chances that the baby gets unconscious. Fast labor can push umbilical cord out first, prolapse, in which oxygen supply cuts off.

6) Cerebral hemorrhage of newborn

The scalp of the baby is not bony, and so the skin can tear. Bleeding from the head of the baby is fatal. Head suffers too many jerks making the baby go in a state of trauma.

How can you prepare for rapid labor?

There is nothing really that you can do because precipitous labor is unexpected and can happen anywhere. You may contact your doula about the risks of having such labor. One can keep a kit ready with some soft mattresses, cotton, sweet candy, plastic bags, towel, maternity pads, etc. and take it along whenever you go out.

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