I have been having light cramps for 2 weeks now. They started two days after my period, which the we had unprotected sex on the last day of my period. My significant other and i have been trying to conceive for over 6 months now. I have been constipated (which never happens), head aches, and extreme fatigue. I do not have tender breasts though. I have never had cramps right after a period, it is usually when i am ovulating but that only lasts a few days. I went to take a pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative. Is it too early to detect a pregnancy?
1 Answers
You can take a pregnancy test at any time you want. Whether or not the tests are reliable depends on how far you’ve come in your pregnancy. As you’re experiencing early pregnancy symptoms you can take a test now. It’s not necessary that you will get the final results within the first two tests.
Read about timing of pregnancy test https://www.pregnanteve.com/how-soon-can-take-pregnancy-test/