{"id":5737,"date":"2019-07-02T16:42:22","date_gmt":"2019-07-02T16:42:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.pregnanteve.com\/?p=5737"},"modified":"2019-07-01T11:24:33","modified_gmt":"2019-07-01T11:24:33","slug":"positive-ovulation-test","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.pregnanteve.com\/positive-ovulation-test\/","title":{"rendered":"Positive Ovulation Test: Everything A TTC Woman Must Know!"},"content":{"rendered":"\r\n

A positive ovulation test<\/strong> is a result your test strip gives when you’re about to ovulate or just ovulated.<\/p>

There are many questions about ovulation that can’t have a general answer. And that’s why more than knowing about OPK and kits, you have to get involved with your own body.<\/p>

Ovulation is not an anniversary that repeats on a date or day, there are fluctuations. One month you may ovulate on a 14th day as they all say and another month you might not. What is constant, are the cues your body gives before ovulation<\/a>.<\/p>

Ovulation strips to detect fertility period are just like pregnancy tests<\/a>. The only difference is that they look for another hormone, LH (Luteinizing Hormone)<\/strong>. Another thing is for how long after a positive ovulation test is you fertile.<\/p>

You ask any fertility counselor and they’ll tell you that this is the biggest confusion every couple has. How long after a positive ovulation test can I have sex?<\/p>

But before answering the big doubt, let’s first learn the 101 of ovulation, fertility window, OTKs, and positive ovulation test.<\/p>

Positive Ovulation Test<\/figcaption><\/figure>

Ovulation and Fertility Window<\/h2>

For conception, you require a sperm and an egg. Every month ideally either of the ovaries releases an ovum through a process termed ovulation.<\/p>

Sperms can survive in a female’s body up to 5 days in different locations of the vaginal tract. Once the egg is released from the ovary it is only viable for 24 hours.<\/p>

Thus, fertility period for every woman with a regular period cycle is around 4-5 days every month near ovulation. However, fertility experts mention that the study of chances of getting pregnant in these 5 days was done disregarding the possibility outside this period. Which of course isn’t true. Every woman has a certain chance of getting pregnant every month due to fluctuations in a cycle.<\/p>

Menstrual Cycle And The Hormones Of Ovulation<\/h2>

Your menstrual cycle is under tight regulation of brain and ovarian hormones. The hormones that release from the anterior pituitary (brain) trigger the ovaries to produce secondary hormones. These chemical messengers guide your body to ovulate and get ready to conceive.<\/p>

The 3 main hormones regulating ovulation are LH- Leutenizing Hormone, estrogen, and progesterone<\/a>. While directly estrogen and progesterone don’t cause ovulation, their levels send feedback for LH.<\/p>

During the menstrual cycle, several eggs begin maturing together. One of them is a dominant follicle and rest degrade or stall growth. Adding layers to the dominant follicle makes it bigger and bigger.<\/p>

By the 11th-day estrogen levels from the dominant follicle peak up and then dramatically fall steeply within a few hours. The degraded estrogen sends a message for LH to peak up suddenly the next day. Another hormone FSH – Follicle stimulating hormone also gets a small peak simultaneously.<\/p>

Fertility monitors, OTKs or OPKs determine this peak to detect ovulation and give a positive test<\/strong>. After 36 hours from LH peak, the ovary releases the egg into the adjacent fallopian tube.<\/p>

What happens after a positive ovulation test?<\/h2>

Once ovulation occurs<\/a> the cover of the egg now regressed starts releasing the different hormone. Thus, there is a drastic switch in levels of hormones near ovulation.<\/p>

The egg waits inside the fallopian tubes for sperm. Misao Fukuda conducted a study stating that right side ovulation favors pregnancy <\/span>1<\/sup><\/a><\/span>.  Thickening of endometrial lining stops and it starts producing prostaglandins. 1 DPO the egg loses its viability and decomposes.<\/p>

Determining the fertility window helps in getting pregnant faster. How? One can use various methods whether manual or with OPKs.<\/p>

Within 2-4 months of monitoring ovulation, you’ll be able to pinpoint all events and feel what’s happening inside. No fertility monitor or app can substitute for a woman aware of her body<\/strong>. Being patient and paying attention can save you from burnout.<\/p>

LH Levels In Menstrual Cycle<\/figcaption><\/figure>

Leutenizing Hormone And Fertility: Reason For Positive Ovulation Test<\/h2>

The Luteinizing Hormone controls puberty and release of secondary hormones in both men and women. Normal levels of LH in women vary during the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, the levels of LH can rise up to 70 IU\/L from 12.5 IU\/L in the pre-ovulation phase of the cycle. Range of LH levels during ovulation lie between 8-75 IU\/L.<\/p>

In a blood test for LH, the abnormal results lie beyond the normal range. High levels of LH in women are because of ovary problems or low production of sex steroids. Premature ovarian failure and PCOS produce high LH leading to infertility. Low levels could mean that the pituitary gland in the brain isn’t functioning properly. Such women will have irregular periods.<\/p>

Dark test band of ovulation test is a positive result. Getting a positive test and yet not being able to get pregnant is a sign of excess LH production.<\/div><\/div>

Ovulation test kits showing negative results for long can be because of low LH levels. Detecting ovulation with an irregular period poses this problem.<\/p>

Unlike hCG which is the target of pregnancy tests, LH is present in the female body throughout beyond puberty. So you’ll always see a faint band in the test zone of OTK or test strip.<\/p>

Dark test band of ovulation test is a positive result<\/strong>. Getting a positive test and yet not being able to get pregnant is a sign of excess LH production.<\/p>

Ways to Find Out Ovulation Date and Fertility<\/h2>

1) Using Your Period Date<\/h3>

Some women have cycles that are as punctual as a clock! Whether you consider that luck or effort to stay healthy, they can use the calendar and pinpoint ovulation. The guess methods don’t work. It’s only useful if your cycle has been following a pattern since long.<\/p>

Pros: <\/strong><\/p>