{"id":1124,"date":"2017-07-25T18:54:21","date_gmt":"2017-07-25T18:54:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.pregnanteve.com\/?p=1124"},"modified":"2018-05-04T07:13:16","modified_gmt":"2018-05-04T07:13:16","slug":"pregnancy-cramps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.pregnanteve.com\/pregnancy-cramps\/","title":{"rendered":"What Do Pregnancy Cramps Mean? Cramping During Pregnancy"},"content":{"rendered":"

Stomach cramping in early pregnancy is normal and typical. Cramping during pregnancy never gets severe in normal conditions. What do pregnancy cramps mean?<\/p>

Cramps during pregnancy are because the uterus undergoes growth and ligaments stretch.<\/p>

Some women have implantation cramps when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. The sinking of the egg and embedment causes bleeding<\/a> and early pregnancy cramps.<\/p>

After 12 weeks, round ligament pain causes pregnancy cramping. Mild tummy cramps during pregnancy are normal and nothing to worry about.<\/p>

After having\u00a0 sex during pregnancy<\/a>, feeling cramps is also normal and not a reason for stopping intercourse. Running while pregnant<\/a> can also cause mild cramps. During pregnancy the uterus undergoes growth.<\/p>

The pregnancy second trimester sees a major leap in growth and cramping. During the third trimester, the Braxton Hicks or mock labor contractions also cause cramping.\u00a0<\/p>

After a stage of pregnancy, it is normal to feel cramps while coughing and upon getting up from sleep or sitting position.<\/p>

What Do Pregnancy Cramps Mean?<\/figcaption><\/figure>

Cramps during pregnancy<\/h2>

Cramps during pregnancy are mostly like stomach spasms. Some women who have mild menstrual cramps may feel them alike.<\/p>

Some women might misinterpret stomach cramping as ovary pain during pregnancy<\/a>.<\/p>

What do early pregnancy cramps feel like?<\/h2>

They may feel like period pain or compress the chest. Heartburn pain and cramping in early pregnancy feel similar. But in most cases, it will only feel like you have a stomach ache during pregnancy.\u00a0<\/p>

It is very easy to notice pregnancy cramps vs. period cramp.<\/p>

Is cramping normal in early pregnancy?<\/h2>

Causes of cramping include uterus growth and muscle and ligaments stretching.\u00a0<\/p>

Cramping during early pregnancy is normal. The reasons for cramping change along the course of pregnancy.<\/p>

First-trimester pregnancy cramping is because of hormonal changes and implantation.<\/p>

Pregnancy cramps in the second trimester are because of growth of uterus.\u00a0<\/p>

The round ligament pain is common during the second trimester of pregnancy. It feels like a muscle stretching like a rubber band around the baby bump.<\/p>

In the third trimester, the labor contractions or Braxton Hicks can cause cramping.<\/p>

Other causes of cramping during pregnancy include bloating<\/a>, sexual intercourse and gas. Constipation also causes cramping in early pregnancy.<\/p>

Cramping early pregnancy<\/h2>

Cramping during pregnancy is common, and most women are used to it. Women embrace all kinds of pain during pregnancy taking them as usual.<\/p>

Cramping in early pregnancy may be because of the process like egg embedment.<\/p>

The increased blood flow to the uterus prepares it for growth. All such changes cause\u00a0normal pain due to cramps.<\/p>

However, sometimes these pregnancy cramps hint miscarriage, urinary tract infection (UTI) or placental abnormalities.<\/p>

Pregnancy cramps that happen throughout could be because of :<\/p>

  1. Gas and bloating: During pregnancy, the digestive system becomes less sensitive. There are irregular bowel movements. Bloating and flatulence are\u00a0major causes of pregnancy cramps. You can eat fiber-rich food to prevent such painful cramps during pregnancy.<\/li>
  2. Sexual intercourse or orgasm: After having sex during pregnancy<\/a> you may feel back pain and cramps. It can be because you are under stress about hurting your baby. Getting cramps after sex during pregnancy is not a reason to stop having sex. You can talk to your doctor about it. Trying different sex positions for pregnancy may help reduce the cramps.<\/li>
  3. Growth and blood flow to uterus: Blood flow increases to the pelvic region during pregnancy. There is a growth of uterus causing the ligaments to stretch. Muscles keep flexing and cause pregnancy cramps.<\/li><\/ol>

    Pregnancy Cramps During the first trimester<\/h2>

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