
Lisa asked 6 years ago
I am so confused! We done the deed on the day I ovulated which was the 30 of January. My last period was January 18 through 23! Which was a normal period for me! Well on the 13th of February which by the way was a few days early for my period. I started spotting. It was a weird brown color. Not thinking anything about it. I used a tampon and went on about my business. When I went to change, it wasn’t much on it but couple brownish spots. Then on Thursday nothing at all! No spotting or nothing. Then the following day was a little heavier but still brown and red in color. And that was it! I had no cramps and no heavy bleeding which isn’t normal for me at all! I have been having a few symptoms of pregnancy such as urinating a lot more, heartburn, tender breast, acne, bloating. So at two weeks pass my period due date. I took a pregnancy test night before last. It came up two blue ones they were a little light in color but there was two blue lines. The following morning I took another test and it came out negative but this time it was about 11 that morning! It came back negative so I took another one the following morning and it came back negative. So I am confused on whether I could be pregnant or not? Please help!
1 Answers
Admin answered 6 years ago
It’s not uncommon for women to get negative result when they are feeling all symptoms of pregnancy. There can be endless causes of negative pregnancy test and late period. When your tests don’t coincide with each other, you need to get a hospital pregnancy test. They will use a kit at earlier stage. However, they’d take the right steps and give an accurate result.